Search Results - "Gorrostieta, E."
Effect of darkness on the early postlarval development of Haliotis corrugata abalone fed different diatom densities
Published in Ciencias marinas (01-03-2009)“…Four-day-old postlarvae of the abalone Haliotis corrugata were exposed to different diatom densities (Navicula incerta, 0 to 8000 cells mm–2) under two…”
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An improved particle swarm optimization (PSO): method to enhance modeling of airborne particulate matter (PM10)
Published in Evolving systems (01-12-2020)“…Nowadays, it is of paramount importance for human health the monitoring and modelling of air quality. Among the different pollutants, there are some that are…”
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Methodology Proposal of EMG Hand Movement Classification Based on Cross Recurrence Plots
Published in Computational and mathematical methods in medicine (2019)“…Dealing with electromyography (EMG) signals is often not simple. The nature of these signals is nonstationary, noisy, and high dimensional. These EMG…”
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Didactic Platform for Image Processing Experiments based on Digital Design
Published in Revista IEEE América Latina (01-10-2015)“…This paper presents the development of an educational platform, which can be used for Image Processing Experiments using Field Programmable Gate Arrays…”
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HTG-Based Kinematic Modeling for Positioning of a Multi-Articulated Wheeled Mobile Manipulator
Published in Journal of intelligent & robotic systems (01-11-2014)“…This paper presents a novel methodology for positioning an explosive ordnance device (EOD) which consists of a mobile manipulator with 12° of freedom. The…”
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New Approach to Modeling and Simulation Methodology for the Mechatronic Design of IEDD-Unmanned Wheeled Mobile Manipulator
Published in 2010 IEEE Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference (01-09-2010)“…A new approach of methodology in the field of modeling and simulation of mechatronics designs of high complexity, formed by a mobile platform and a manipulator…”
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Modeling and simulation methodology applied in the study case of the analysis of an anthropomorphic manipulator robot
Published in 2010 15th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (01-08-2010)“…This paper presents a novel modeling and simulation methodology applied in the study case of dynamic behavior analysis of a manipulator robot of three degree…”
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Analysis of Dynamic Behavior of an EOD Mechatronic Unit
Published in 2009 Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference (CERMA) (01-09-2009)“…This paper presents the dynamic behavior of a mechatronic unit EOD/IEDD (explosive ordinance disposal/ improvised explosive device disposal), by carrying out a…”
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A fully sensorized cooperative robotic system for surgical interventions
Published in Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) (01-07-2012)“…In this research a fully sensorized cooperative robot system for manipulation of needles is presented. The setup consists of a DLR/KUKA Light Weight Robot III…”
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Mechatronics methodology: 15 years of experience
Published in Ingeniería e investigación (01-12-2015)“…This article presents a methodology to teach students to develop mechatronic projects. It was taught in higher education schools, in different universities in…”
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Effect of darkness on the early postlarval development of Haliotis corrugata abalone fed different diatom densities
Published in Ciencias marinas (01-03-2009)“…Four-day-old postlarvae of the abalone Haliotis corrugata were exposed to different diatom densities (Navicula incerta, 0 to 8000 cells mm–2) under two…”
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Tool calibration with an optical tracker for skull milling
Published in 2015 International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Computers (CONIELECOMP) (01-02-2015)“…The development of different computer technologies has contributed to a large number of applications in the field of computer-assisted surgery (CAS). One…”
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Enhancement of a Neuro-Fuzzy Models Using Ant Colony Optimization for the Prediction Level of CO Pollution
Published in 2014 13th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (01-01-2014)“…Air pollution has a non-linear behaviour over a day, in which can be detected patterns of behaviour to shape them, a way of doing this is using fuzzy logic, as…”
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Performance assessment of fuzzy clustering models applied to urban airborne pollution
Published in CONIELECOMP 2011, 21st International Conference on Electrical Communications and Computers (01-02-2011)“…An application in modeling a non-lineal system between temperature, humidity and urban airborne air pollution is presented. In this contribution, the…”
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Development of a Navigation System for Mobile Robots Using Different Patterns of Behavior Based on Fuzzy Logic
Published in 2010 IEEE Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference (01-09-2010)“…The important challenge in mobile robots is the ability to autonomously navigate, by avoiding modeled and unmodeled obstacles especially in crowded and…”
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A comparison between local and global phase unwrapping algorithms in a modified Fourier Transform Profilometry Method
Published in 2010 20th International Conference on Electronics Communications and Computers (CONIELECOMP) (01-02-2010)“…This work present a modified Fourier Transform Profilometry method, in particular, the development of local and global phase unwrapping algorithms has been…”
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Kinematics modeling and simulation of an autonomous omni-directional mobile robot
Published in Ingeniería e investigación (01-05-2015)“…Although robotics has progressed to the extent that it has become relatively accessible with low-cost projects, there is still a need to create models that…”
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Effect or darkness on the early postlarval development of Hanotis corrugata abalone fed different diatom densities
Published in Ciencias marinas (01-03-2009)“…Four-day-old postlarvae of the abalone Haliotis corrugata were exposed to different diatom densities (Navicula incerta, 0 to 8000 cells mm super(-2)) under two…”
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Effect of darkness on the early postlarval development of Haliotis corrugata abalone fed with different diatom densities
Published in Ciencias marinas (01-03-2009)“…Four-day-old postlarvae of the abalone Haliotis corrugata were exposed to different diatom densities (Navicula incerta, 0 to 8000 cells mm-2) under two…”
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Neuro Fuzzy Modeling of Control Systems
Published in 16th International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Computers (CONIELECOMP'06) (2006)“…The analysis of the models is carried out starting from experimental data of a multivariable system MISO (Many Input Single Output). The models' implementation…”
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Conference Proceeding