Search Results - "Gopalsamy, B."

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    Antiallodynic and antihyperalgesic activities of zerumbone via the suppression of IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α in a mouse model of neuropathic pain by Gopalsamy, Banulata, Farouk, Ahmad Akira Omar, Tengku Mohamad, Tengku Azam Shah, Sulaiman, Mohd Roslan, Perimal, Enoch Kumar

    Published in Journal of pain research (01-01-2017)
    “…Neuropathic pain is a debilitating condition that severely affects the quality of life for those with this pain condition, and treatment for pain relief is…”
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    Journal Article
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    An Overview of the BlueGene/L Supercomputer by Adiga, N.R., Almasi, G., Almasi, G.S., Aridor, Y., Barik, R., Beece, D., Bellofatto, R., Bhanot, G., Bright, A.A., Brunheroto, J., Cascaval, C., Castanos, J., Chan, W., Ceze, L., Coteus, P., Chatterjee, S., Chen, D., Chiu, G., Cipolla, T.M., Crumley, P., Desai, K.M., Deutsch, A., Domany, T., Donath, W., Eleftheriou, M., Erway, C., Esch, J., Fitch, B., Gagliano, J., Gara, A., Garg, R., Germain, R., Giampapa, M.E., Gopalsamy, B., Gunnels, J., Gustavson, F., Hall, S., Haring, R.A., Heidel, D., Heidelberger, P., Herger, L.M., Jackson, R.D., Jamal-Eddine, T., Kopcsay, G.V., Krevat, E., Kurhekar, M.P., Lanzetta, A.P., Lieber, D., Liu, L.K., Lu, M., Mendell, M., Misra, A., Mok, L., Moreira, J.E., Nathanson, B.J., Newton, M., Ohmacht, M., Oliner, A., Rand, R., Regan, R., Rubin, B., Ruehli, A., Sahoo, R.K., Sanomiya, A., Schenfeld, E., Sharma, M., Song, P., Srinivasan, V., Strauss, K., Surovic, C., Swetz, R., Takken, T., Tremaine, R.B., Tsao, M., Umamaheshwaran, A.R., Verma, P., Ward, T.J.C., Wazlowski, M., Barrett, W., Engel, C., Drehmel, B., Hilgart, B., Hill, D., Kasemkhani, F., Krolak, D., Li, C.T., Marcella, J., Muff, A., Okomo, A., Schram, A., Tubbs, M., Ulsh, G., Wait, C., Wittrup, J., Bae, M., Dockser, K., Kissel, L., Seager, M.K., Vetter, J.S., Yates, K.

    “…This paper gives an overview of the BlueGene/L Supercomputer. This is a jointly funded research partnership between IBM and the Lawrence Livermore National…”
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    Conference Proceeding
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