Search Results - "Gonzalez Rico, M"
Direct and Noninvasive Observation of Two-Dimensional Nucleation Behavior of Protein Crystals by Advanced Optical Microscopy
Published in Crystal growth & design (01-10-2007)“…We observed two-dimensional (2D) nucleation behavior on {110} and {101} faces of tetragonal crystals of model protein lysozyme by laser confocal microscopy…”
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Effect of oxidative stress in patients with chronic renal failure
Published in Nefrología (2006)“…Cardiovascular disease remains the single most common cause of excess morbidity and mortality in end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients and the traditional…”
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Disorders in bone-mineral parameters and the risk of death in persons with chronic kidney disease stages 4 and 5: the PECERA study
Published in Journal of nephrology (01-08-2021)“…Background Abnormalities of bone mineral parameters are associated with increased mortality in patients on dialysis, but their effects and the optimal range of…”
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Validation of the Spanish Version of the Changes in Sexual Functioning Questionnaire (CSFQ)
Published in Journal of sex & marital therapy (01-04-2000)“…The aim of this study is to adaptand validate the Changes in Sexual Functioning Questionnaire (CSFQ) in Spanish. The CSFQ was administered to 206 depressed…”
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Study of oxidative stress in advanced kidney disease
Published in Nefrología (2009)“…Introduction Patients with Chronic renal Disease (CRD) often have cardiovascular disease that is the main cause of morbidity and mortality. Oxidative stress…”
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Influencia del peso muerto y un programa de entrenamiento adicional sobre la fuerza de agarre en sujetos entrenados: un estudio experimental
Published in Revista andaluza de medicina del deporte (01-09-2022)“…Objetivo: La fuerza de agarre ha supuesto un limitante en el entrenamiento de resistencia. Dada su relevancia, el objetivo principal de este estudio fue…”
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Published in Revista internacional de medicina y ciencias de la actividad física y del deporte (15-06-2022)“…Este estudio pretende: i) describir las exigencias tácticas objetivas (área ocupada por el equipo, AOE) y subjetivas (percepción subjetiva del espacio ocupado,…”
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Acidosis correction with a new 25 mmol/l bicarbonate/15 mmol/l lactate peritoneal dialysis solution
Published in Peritoneal dialysis international (01-11-2001)“…Hospital Clinico Universitario, Valencia, Spain…”
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Estudio de concordancia entre las ecuaciones antropométricas y la bioimpedancia espectroscópica para la estimación del volumen de agua
Published in Diálisis y traspante (01-04-2013)“…Resumen Introducción y objetivos Pueden existir sesgos en el cálculo del Kt/ V según el método empleado para la estimación del agua corporal total. Nuestro…”
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Toxic internuclear ophthalmoplegia related to antiobesity treatment
Published in The Annals of pharmacotherapy (01-11-1992)Get more information
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Hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis: apropos of a case of Gitelman's syndrome
Published in Nefrología (2004)“…We present a case of Gitelman's Syndrome in a 20 year-old woman who came to our service with weakness, asthenia, leg cramps and tetany. Laboratory studies…”
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The quality of the registry of perinatal deaths. Asturias, 1986-90
Published in Gaceta sanitaria (01-05-1994)“…The quality of official perinatal mortality statistics in a geographical and administratively well defined region (Asturias, Spain) is studied in a five years…”
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Complex implantation of an automatic defibrillator-cardioverter through a left superior vena cava
Published in Revista española de cardiologia (01-11-1998)“…We describe the case of a 19-year-old girl with a left superior vena cava and a surgically corrected complete atrioventricular canal defect. After an…”
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Prevalence of Down's syndrome in Asturias, 1987-1993. Members of the Work Group of the RCDA
Published in Gaceta sanitaria (01-03-1996)“…To determine the frequency of Down Syndrome (DS) in Asturias and the prenatal diagnosis impact on the birth prevalence of this chromosomal anomaly. The…”
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Evaluation of immune response in experimental sporotrichosis using T and B lymphocyte count
Published in Medicina cutánea ibero-latino-americana (1990)“…The effector cells of the immune response are involved in the clinical course of bacterial, viral and mycotic infections. Previous publications have reported…”
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Leukocyte phagocytic activity in gerbils with experimental sporotrichosis treated with potassium iodide
Published in Medicina cutánea ibero-latino-americana (1990)“…One effective treatment against sporotrichosis is the oral administration of potassium iodide (KI). It is not known how it works, and also it is not known if…”
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2 cases of catamenial pneumothorax with a familial relationship
Published in Anales de medicina interna (Madrid, Spain : 1984) (01-05-1996)Get more information
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Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia as relevant manifestation of hypoglycemia
Published in Anales de medicina interna (Madrid, Spain : 1984) (01-05-1993)Get more information
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