Search Results - "Gonzalez, Oscar I."
Suicide attempts among activated soldiers in the U.S. Army reserve components
Published in BMC psychiatry (18-01-2019)“…Although the majority of active duty U.S. Army soldiers are full-time personnel in the Active Component (AC), a substantial minority of soldiers on active duty…”
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Internal consistency and factor structure of a brief scale assessing sensitivity to blood, injury, and mutilation
Published in BMC research notes (25-03-2019)“…US Army soldiers and military veterans experience high rates of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, PTSD risk factors are not fully understood…”
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Prospective associations of perceived unit cohesion with postdeployment mental health outcomes
Published in Depression and anxiety (01-06-2019)“…Background Prior investigations have found negative associations between military unit cohesion and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD); however, most relied…”
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P23 Tadalafil Improves Hemodynamic Parameters and Arterial Stiffness in Patients with Grade I–II Obesity Without Comorbidities
Published in Artery research (01-02-2020)“…Background Obesity is a global health problem, it is associated with diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases [ 1 ] and negative hemodynamic effects…”
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Anger and Postcombat Mental Health: Validation of a Brief Anger Measure With U.S. Soldiers Postdeployed From Iraq and Afghanistan
Published in Psychological assessment (01-09-2012)“…The involvement of anger in the psychological adjustment of current war veterans, particularly in conjunction with combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder…”
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Association of suicidal ideation with trajectories of deployment-related PTSD symptoms
Published in Psychiatry research (01-09-2018)“…•Trajectories of PTSD symptoms in Reserve Component soldiers is heterogeneous.•Resilience, recovery, late onset and chronic trajectories were identified.•Late…”
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Shame: Conceptual Complexity and Influence on Mental Health in Military Populations
Published in Psychiatry (Washington, D.C.) (02-01-2020)Get full text
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Anger Intensification With Combat-Related PTSD and Depression Comorbidity
Published in Psychological trauma (01-01-2016)“…Anger is becoming more widely recognized for its involvement in the psychological adjustment problems of current war veterans. Recent research with combat…”
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Early First Deployment and Risk of Suicide Attempt Among First‐term Enlisted Soldiers in the U.S. Army
Published in Suicide & life-threatening behavior (01-04-2020)“…Objective We examined early first deployment and subsequent suicide attempt among U.S. Army soldiers. Method Using 2004–2009 administrative data and…”
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Factors Associated With Suicide Ideation in US Army Soldiers During Deployment in Afghanistan
Published in JAMA network open (03-01-2020)“…Understanding suicide ideation (SI) during combat deployment can inform prevention and treatment during and after deployment. To examine associations of…”
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Nonfatal Suicidal Behaviors in the Administrative Records of Activated U.S. Army National Guard and Army Reserve Soldiers, 2004-2009
Published in Psychiatry (Washington, D.C.) (23-10-2018)“…Objective: The U.S. Army suicide rate increased sharply during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. There is limited information about medically documented,…”
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Risk Factors and Timing of Suicide Attempts among US Army Reserve Component Soldiers during Deployment to the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars: Results from Army Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers
Published in Psychiatry (Washington, D.C.) (03-07-2019)“…Objective: During the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, suicidal behaviors increased among U.S. Army soldiers. Although Reserve Component (RC) soldiers (National…”
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Green Tea Extract Increases Soluble RAGE and Improves Renal Function in Patients with Diabetic Nephropathy
Published in Journal of medicinal food (01-12-2021)“…One of the proposed mechanisms for the development of diabetic nephropathy (DN) is the increase of end products of advanced glycosylation (AGEs), which bind to…”
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Tadalafil Improves Haemodynamics and Arterial Stiffness but Not Flow- Mediated Dilation in Grade 1 Obesity. A Single-dose, Placebo-controlled Clinical Trial
Published in Current vascular pharmacology (01-01-2022)“…Obesity, a major health issue worldwide, is associated with increased cardiovascular risk, endothelial dysfunction, and arterial stiffness. Tadalafil has been…”
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Non-Fatal Suicidal Behaviors in the Administrative Records of Activated U.S. Army National Guard and Army Reserve Soldiers, 2004–2009
Published in Psychiatry (Washington, D.C.) (01-01-2018)Get full text
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Prospective associations of perceived unit cohesion with post-deployment mental health outcomes
Published in Depression and anxiety (29-01-2019)Get full text
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Development and Initial Validation of the Deployment-Related Emotions Questionnaire (DREQ) and Exploratory Examination of the Relationships between Military Deployment, Anger, Shame, and Psychopathology
Published 01-01-2011“…Over two million American troops have been deployed to Operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom (OEF/OIF). Many OEF/OIF veterans meet criteria for Post-Traumatic…”
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Características de los pasajes comerciales y las grandes galerías modernas de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: una revisión teórica sobre el espacio colectivo
Published in Architecture, city and environment (30-06-2023)“…L’espai col·lectiu és una categoria urbana que mostra la complexitat de la ciutat en qüestionar els límits que tradicionalment imposa la titularitat duna…”
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