Search Results - "González Rodríguez, Emilio"
Tpeak-Tend, Tpeak-Tend dispersion and Tpeak-Tend/QT in children and its relationship with clinical variables
Published in Colombia medica (Cali, Colombia) (30-12-2019)“…To characterize the Tpeak-Tend, the Tpeak-Tend dispersion and Tpeak-Tend/QT in children and its relationship with clinical variables. Cross-sectional study in…”
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Obesity and Cardiometabolic Risk Stratification in Schoolchildren from Santa Clara
Published in Finlay (01-06-2022)“…Background: noncommunicable diseases have been among the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the world and in Cuba for more than 20 years. These…”
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Indicators Of Oxidative Stress In Long-Lived Individuals Belonging To The Municipality Of Santa Clara
Published in Revista cubana de investigaciones biomédicas (01-05-2019)“…Objetive: To determine indicators of oxidative stress in long-lived individuals. Methods: 120 subjects were studied and two groups were formed: 50 individuals…”
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Oxidative Imbalance And Risk Factors Involved In Premalignant And Malignant Lesions Of The Uterine Cervix
Published in Revista cubana de investigaciones biomédicas (01-05-2019)“…Objetive: to determine the indicators of oxidative stress and risk factors in patients with premalignant and malignant lesions of the cervix. Methods: A total…”
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Aplicación innovadora para dispositivos Android para el diagnóstico, evaluación y tratamiento de la hipertensión arterial
Published in Ingeniería electrónica, automática y comunicaciones (01-08-2022)“…RESUMEN Las enfermedades cardiovasculares son una de las principales causas de muerte en el mundo y en Cuba. La hipertensión arterial tiene una prevalencia muy…”
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Potencialidades de la escuela, la familia y la comunidad para la inclusión de los escolares con TDAH
Published in Academo : revista de investigación en ciencias sociales y humanidades (01-12-2016)“…La filosofía de la inclusión defiende una educación eficaz para todos los estudiantes. Como respuesta a las tendencias actuales de la educación inclusiva se…”
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Preparación al docente para prevenir indicadores de riesgo cardiovascular en escolares santaclareños
Published in Edumecentro (2020)“…Background: high blood pressure and obesity in the pediatric age exhibit high levels of prevalence worldwide, including Cuba, which bases its early diagnosis…”
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Electrocardiographic Voltages: Normal Criteria for a Pediatric Population in Cuba
Published in MediSur (01-04-2011)“…Background: the electrocardiogram is a simple cardiac evaluation method. Even more, it is the simplest complementary tool in cardiology and its interpretation…”
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Case based expert system for hypertension diagnosis
Published in Revista Facultad de Ingeniería (29-11-2012)“…This paper describes a case based expert system for hypertension diagnosis in Santa Clara city, Cuba, carried out as part of an investigation to know the…”
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The electrocardiogram in hypertensive patients. P wave dispersion: a new measure to be considered
Published in MediSur (01-11-2010)“…The electrocardiogram is a complementary test with high specificity but low sensitivity. In the case of patients with arterial hypertension it is of great…”
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Sistema antioxidante enzimático en mujeres con diagnóstico de Atipias celulares y Neoplasia Intraepitelial Cervical grado I
Published in Revista cubana de investigaciones biomédicas (01-10-2019)“…Introducción: El virus de papiloma humano per se no es capaz de desarrollar todas las transformaciones neoplásicas en el cérvix uterino, de manera que factores…”
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Oxidative Stress Indicators in Long-Lived Individuals Belonging to The Municipality of Santa Clara
Published in Revista cubana de investigaciones biomédicas (01-01-2020)“…Introduction: There are many oxidative stress indicators in long-lived individuals. Objective: To determine oxidative stress indicators in long-lived…”
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El electrocardiograma del paciente hipertenso. Dispersión de la onda P: nueva medida a tener en cuenta
Published in MediSur (01-10-2010)“…El electrocardiograma es una exploración complementaria con alta especificidad, pero con baja sensibilidad. En el caso del paciente con hipertensión arterial…”
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Oxidative Imbalance and Risk Factors Involved in Premalignant and Malignant Lesions of the Uterine Cervix
Published in Revista cubana de investigaciones biomédicas (01-01-2020)“…Introduction: There is an oxidative imbalance in the cases due to the decrease of the antioxidant enzymatic system where glutathione levels contribute to the…”
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Niveles de zinc en niños normotensos, prehipertensos e hipertensos de edad escolar
Published in Medicentro (Villa Clara) (2024)“…RESUMEN Introducción: La elevada tensión sanguínea en la infancia es un problema de salud pública a nivel mundial. Existen micronutrientes que se relacionan…”
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Sistema experto basado en casos para el diagnóstico de la hipertensión arterial
Published in Revista Facultad de Ingeniería (01-09-2011)“…El artículo describe un sistema experto basado en casos para el diagnóstico de la hipertensión arterial (HTA) en la ciudad de Santa Clara, Cuba, realizado en…”
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P wave dispersion increased in childhood depending on blood pressure, weight, height, and cardiac structure and function
Published in Archivos de cardiología de México (01-07-2014)“…Increased P wave dispersion are identified as a predictor of atrial fibrillation. There are associations between hypertension, P wave dispersion,…”
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La hipertensión arterial como factor de riesgo cardiovascular. ¿Un problema de salud en la infancia?
Published in Acta médica del Centro : revista del Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico "Arnaldo Milián Castro" (01-10-2018)“…Introducción: Debido a que las enfermedades cardiovasculares cada día son más frecuentes y que constituyen la primera causa de muerte en los países…”
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Biochemical Markers and Hypertension in Children
Published in MEDICC review (01-04-2019)“…INTRODUCTION Hypertension is one of the most studied risk factors for cardiovascular disease in adults; in children and adolescents, its global prevalence…”
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Dependence of P-wave dispersion on mean arterial pressure as an independent hemodynamic variable in school children
Published in Colombia médica (Cali, Colombia) (01-07-2013)“…Introduction:The relationship between diastolic dysfunction and P-wave dispersion (PWD) in the electrocardiogram has been studied for some time. In this…”
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