Search Results - "González García, Cristian"
A Review of Artificial Intelligence in the Internet of Things
Published in International journal of interactive multimedia and artificial intelligence (2019)“…Humankind has the ability of learning new things automatically due to the capacities with which we were born. We simply need to have experiences, read, study……”
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IoFClime: The fuzzy logic and the Internet of Things to control indoor temperature regarding the outdoor ambient conditions
Published in Future generation computer systems (01-11-2017)“…The Internet of Things is arriving to our homes or cities through fields already known like Smart Homes, Smart Cities, or Smart Towns. The monitoring of…”
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Midgar: Generation of heterogeneous objects interconnecting applications. A Domain Specific Language proposal for Internet of Things scenarios
Published in Computer networks (Amsterdam, Netherlands : 1999) (08-05-2014)“…Smart Objects and Internet of Things are two ideas that describe the future. The interconnection of objects can make them intelligent or expand their…”
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What Is (Not) Big Data Based on Its 7Vs Challenges: A Survey
Published in Big data and cognitive computing (01-12-2022)“…Big Data has changed how enterprises and people manage knowledge and make decisions. However, when talking about Big Data, so many times there are different…”
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BILROST: Handling Actuators of the Internet of Things through Tweets on Twitter using a Domain- Specific Language
Published in International journal of interactive multimedia and artificial intelligence (01-06-2021)“…In recent years, many investigations have appeared that combine the Internet of Things and Social Networks. Some of them addressed the interconnection of…”
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CrowDSL: Platform for Incidents Management in a Smart City Context
Published in Big data and cognitive computing (01-09-2021)“…The final objective of smart cities is to optimize services and improve the quality of life of their citizens, who can play important roles due to the…”
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Agile development of multiplatform educational video games using a Domain-Specific Language
Published in Universal access in the information society (01-08-2019)“…Educational video games are becoming an increasingly popular alternative in the academic field. However, video game development is a very complex task that…”
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Improving Monte Carlo Tree Search with Artificial Neural Networks without Heuristics
Published in Applied sciences (01-03-2021)“…Monte Carlo Tree Search is one of the main search methods studied presently. It has demonstrated its efficiency in the resolution of many games such as Go or…”
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Midgar: Detection of people through computer vision in the Internet of Things scenarios to improve the security in Smart Cities, Smart Towns, and Smart Homes
Published in Future generation computer systems (01-11-2017)“…Could we use Computer Vision in the Internet of Things for using pictures as sensors? This is the principal hypothesis that we want to resolve. Currently, in…”
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Noise signature identification using mobile phones for indoor localization
Published in Multimedia tools and applications (16-01-2024)“…Indoor localization is still nowadays a challenge with room to improve. Even though there are many different approaches that have evidenced as effective, most…”
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Interpretability of rectangle packing solutions with Monte Carlo tree search
Published in Journal of heuristics (01-08-2024)“…Packing problems have been studied for a long time and have great applications in real-world scenarios. In recent times, with problems in the industrial world…”
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Midgar: Study of communications security among Smart Objects using a platform of heterogeneous devices for the Internet of Things
Published in Future generation computer systems (01-09-2017)“…In last years, the Internet of Things has been a revolution in terms of applications and research. Currently, there are a great variety of nodes connected to…”
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Published in Redes de Ingenierâia (26-12-2015)“…Hace unos meses Apple presentó un nuevo lenguaje de programación para sus plataformas: Swift. Con Swift, Apple pretende atraer a los programadores de los…”
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A review about Smart Objects, Sensors, and Actuators
Published in International journal of interactive multimedia and artificial intelligence (01-03-2017)“…Smart Objects and the Internet of Things are two ideas which describe the future, walk together, and complement each other. Thus, the interconnection among…”
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Correction to: Noise signature identification using mobile phones for indoor localization
Published in Multimedia tools and applications (01-07-2024)Get full text
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Midgar: Detection of people through computer vision in the Internet of Things scenarios to improve the security in Smart Cities, Smart Towns, and Smart Homes
Published 05-04-2017“…Could we use Computer Vision in the Internet of Things for using pictures as sensors? This is the principal hypothesis that we want to resolve. Currently, in…”
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IoFClime: The fuzzy logic and the Internet of Things to control indoor temperature regarding the outdoor ambient conditions
Published 10-01-2017“…The Internet of Things is arriving to our homes or cities through fields already known like Smart Homes, Smart Cities, or Smart Towns. The monitoring of…”
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Swift vs. Objective-C: A New Programming Language
Published in International journal of interactive multimedia and artificial intelligence (01-06-2015)“…The appearance of a new programming language gives the necessity to contrast its contribution with the existing programming languages to evaluate the novelties…”
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Descifrando el papel del entrenamiento interválico de alta intensidad en el cáncer de mama: revisión sistemática (Deciphering the role of high-intensity interval training in breast cancer: systematic review)
Published in Retos (Madrid) (01-01-2022)“…El cáncer de mama es uno de los más extendidos y proliferativo a nivel mundial. Esto provoca un gran impacto en el gasto sanitario. Aunque se sabe que el…”
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A review about Smart Objects, Sensors, and Actuators
Published in International journal of interactive multimedia and artificial intelligence (01-03-2017)“…Smart Objects and the Internet of Things are two ideas which describe the future, walk together, and complement each other. Thus, the interconnection among…”
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