Search Results - "González Caballero, G"
Does the diurnal cycle of cortisol explain the relationship between physical performance and cognitive function in older adults?
Published in European review of aging and physical activity (15-05-2017)“…Regular physical activity is a promising strategy to treat and prevent cognitive decline. The mechanisms that mediate these benefits are not fully clear but…”
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Right temporal lobe variant of frontotemporal dementia
Published in Journal of clinical neuroscience (01-07-2015)“…Abstract We present two women with the right temporal lobe variant (RTLV) of frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and analyse the clinical features that are…”
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Folletos de información educativa en migraña: satisfacción percibida en un grupode pacientes
Published in Neurología (Barcelona, Spain) (01-10-2015)“…Resumen Introducción Los folletos informativos son una herramienta educativa habitual en la práctica neurológica diaria; mediante este mecanismo se pretende…”
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Migraine education brochures and patient-perceived satisfaction
Published in Neurología (Barcelona, English ed. ) (01-10-2015)“…Brochures are commonly used as educational tools in daily neurological practice. They are provided to increase the general population's knowledge of a specific…”
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Migraine education brochures and patient-perceived satisfaction
Published in Neurologia (Barcelona, Spain) (01-10-2015)“…Brochures are commonly used as educational tools in daily neurological practice. They are provided to increase the general population's knowledge of a specific…”
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An analysis of avoidable admissions to a neurology service
Published in Revista de neurologiá (16-12-2006)“…Inappropriate admissions to a hospital service generate unnecessary costs for our health care service. Most admissions to a hospital service come from the…”
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A descriptive study of intrahospital consultation to a neurological department
Published in Neurología (Barcelona, Spain) (01-10-2006)“…Intrahospital consultation (IC) is a little analyzed activity within daily neurologist hospital care. It entails an extra investment of time and resources…”
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Marchiafava-Bignami disease in a non-alcoholic patient
Published in Revista de neurologiá (16-05-2006)Get full text
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Enfermedad de Marchiafava-Bignami en un paciente no alcohólico
Published in Revista de neurologiá (2006)Get full text
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Lumbosacral plexopathy 15 years after radiotherapy for carcinoma of the cervix
Published in Revista de neurologiá (01-01-2000)Get full text
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Análisis de los ingresos evitables en un servicio de neurología
Published in Revista de neurologiá (2006)Get full text
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Plexopatía lumbosacra 15 años después de radioterapia por carcinoma de cérvix
Published in Revista de neurologiá (2000)Get full text
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