Search Results - "Gomes, Verônica Souza da Mota"
Potential role of frugivorous birds (Passeriformes) on seed dispersal of six plant species in a restinga habitat, southeastern Brazil
Published in Revista de biología tropical (01-03-2008)“…Restingas are considered stressful habitats associated with the Brazilian Atlantic forest, and their ecological interactions are poorly known. The goal of the…”
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Effects of Vegetation Traits on Habitat Preferences of Frugivorous Birds in Atlantic Rain Forest
Published in Biotropica (01-07-2007)“…Structural and floristic components of vegetation and fruit production were examined to evaluate the relative importance of each vegetation aspect on patterns…”
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Spatial and seasonal variation in niche partitioning between blue manakin (Chiroxiphia caudata) and greenish schiffornis (Schiffornis virescens) in southeastern Brazil
Published in Studies on neotropical fauna and environment (01-12-2009)“…The diet of Chiroxiphia caudata and Schiffornis virescens were studied over three years in four forest sites in the southeastern Atlantic Forest of Brazil…”
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Availability peak of caloric fruits coincides with energy-demanding seasons for resident and non-breeding birds in restinga, an ecosystem related to the Atlantic forest, Brazil
Published in Flora. Morphologie, Geobotanik, Oekophysiologie (01-01-2010)“…We evaluated temporal variation and quality of food resources available to birds especially in two energy-demanding seasons: one when there is a peak of…”
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Birds foraging for fruits and insects in shrubby restinga vegetation, southeastern Brazil
Published in Biota neotropica (01-12-2008)“…Understanding how birds use vegetation to obtain food resources has implications for habitat conservation and management. Restinga is a poorly known and…”
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Seed inflow to a forest patch promoted by understory frugivorous birds
Published in Biota neotropica (01-12-2011)“…We studied the contribution of understory frugivorous birds to the seed inflow into a late successional Atlantic forest patch in southeastern Brazil. Five…”
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Potential role of frugivorous birds (Passeriformes) on seed dispersal of six plant species a restinga habitat, southeastern Brazil
Published in Revista de biología tropical (03-10-2006)Get full text
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