Search Results - "Glamazdin, V. V"
Q-factor measurements under conditions of close-frequency modes convergence in open resonators
Published in Radiofizika i èlektronika (21-09-2015)“…A method is proposed for measuring the Q-factor of microwave resonators, which allows the study of microwave properties of materials and environments using…”
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Journal Article -
Published in Radio physics and radio astronomy (Print) (14-09-2020)“…Purpose: High resolution investigation of spectral lines of space sources requires low intrinsic noise of the radio telescope receiving system. It is provided…”
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Coupling radiation loss in the mirror dielectric disk resonator. Part 2. Mismatched waveguide coupling
Published in Radiofizika i èlektronika (21-12-2015)“…The coupling radiation loss of the whispering gallery mode mirror dielectric disk resonator (MDDR) with mismatched waveguides was researched. The findings are…”
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Coupling radiation loss in the mirror dielectric disk resonator. Part 1. Matched waveguide coupling
Published in Radiofizika i èlektronika (21-12-2015)“…The application of open resonators in the measurement technique or in the generator oscillation systems requires taking into account the influence of coupling…”
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Fabry-Perot open resonator application for the investigations of a weak anisotropy in dielectric films
Published in 2016 9th International Kharkiv Symposium on Physics and Engineering of Microwaves, Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves (MSMW) (01-06-2016)“…An experimental setup for studying of the degenerated angularly orthogonal modes in the Fabry-Perot resonator was created. Fabry-Perot open resonator is formed…”
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On possibily of creating HTS microstrip quasi-optical resonator
Published in 2016 9th International Kharkiv Symposium on Physics and Engineering of Microwaves, Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves (MSMW) (01-06-2016)“…The authors present the preliminary results on simulation and experimental study of K-band HTS (high-Tc superconductor)-based microstrip quasi-optic resonator…”
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Band-pass filter with cross waveguide and high-temperature superconductivity E-plane insert
Published in 2015 International Young Scientists Forum on Applied Physics (YSF) (01-09-2015)“…This paper provides consideration of a new technical solution of the band-pass filter (BPF). Microwave BPF consists of a cross waveguide with E-plane insert of…”
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Elecrodynamic features and design of filter based on HTS E-plane insert in a cross waveguide
Published in 2016 9th International Kharkiv Symposium on Physics and Engineering of Microwaves, Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves (MSMW) (01-06-2016)“…This paper presents the results of the designing Ka-band band-pass filter with HTS E-plane insert in the cross waveguide. Mainly electromagnetic features of…”
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Whispering gallery mode resonator unit for low phase-noise oscillators
Published in 2016 9th International Kharkiv Symposium on Physics and Engineering of Microwaves, Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves (MSMW) (01-06-2016)“…Whispering gallery mode resonator unit for low phase-noise oscillators was designed and tested at room and low temperatures. Use of the E-plane filter and…”
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Characteristics of the wavegude to quasioptical or dielectric resonator couplings
Published in 2010 INTERNATIONAL KHARKOV SYMPOSIUM ON PHYSICS AND ENGINEERING OF MICROWAVES, MILLIMETER AND SUBMILLIMETER WAVES (01-06-2010)“…Open resonators find many applications in the measuring techniques and millimeter wave devices. In particular, these are quasioptical (two-reflector)…”
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Millimeter-wave study of London penetration depth temperature dependence in Ba(Fe0.926Co0.074)2As2 single crystal
Published 30-06-2011“…In-plane surface Ka-band microwave impedance of optimally doped single crystals of the Fe-based superconductor Ba(Fe0.926Co0.074)2As2 (Tc= 22.8K) was measured…”
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Efficiency of excitation of a quasioptical open resonator by a waveguide
Published in Radiophysics and quantum electronics (01-03-2009)“…We study theoretically and experimentally the efficiency of excitation of an open resonator by a waveguide. A two-dimensional model of a quasioptical…”
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Dielectrometry of pharmaceutical ingredient solutions at microwaves
Published in 2017 IEEE First Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (UKRCON) (01-05-2017)“…The practical application of dielectrometry method to identify the pharmaceutical ingredients was held. The proposed waveguide-differential dielectrometer is…”
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Differential waveguide cuvette for complex permittivity measurement of high loss liquids at microwaves
Published in 2017 47th European Microwave Conference (EuMC) (01-10-2017)“…A differential microwave waveguide cuvette for complex permittivity of high loss liquids measurement with high accuracy has been designed and studied. This…”
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Determination method of water-glucose solution concentration at microwaves
Published in 2017 IEEE 37th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO) (01-04-2017)“…We have presented the practical application of complex permittvity dielectromerty method to identify the glucose amount in water solution for modelling the…”
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Glucose Minimal Concentration Limit Determination Using Waveguide-Differential Dielectrometer at Microwaves
Published in 2018 IEEE 38th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO) (01-04-2018)“…Minimal glucose concentration limit in water solution using dielectrometry method was determined at microwave frequency. The complex permittivity of…”
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Design and optimization of tri-band coaxial feed horn for the radio telescope antenna
Published in 2013 IX Internatioal Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques (01-09-2013)“…An exact full-wave model for simulation and optimization of the multi band horns with axial corrugation is described. The main steps at the design (S/X/Ka)…”
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Combined reflector - lens monopulse antenna
Published in 4th International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques (Cat. No.03EX699) (2003)“…The combined reflector-lens antenna having the common monopulse feed system is proposed for changing the sum and difference patterns width by turning of…”
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Patterns of the three-band feed for a small VLBI radiotelescope reflector antenna
Published in 2015 International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques (ICATT) (01-04-2015)“…The results of an experimental study of patterns of the three-band feed for a small VLBI2010 compatible radio telescope reflector antenna are presented…”
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The novel approach to coupled mode parameters recovery from microwave resonator amplitude-frequency response
Published in 2011 41st European Microwave Conference (01-10-2011)“…We propose a new procedure of processing of amplitude-frequency response (AFR) for the purpose of recovering complete set of normal and partial parameters of…”
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