Search Results - "Gjersdal, H."

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  1. 1

    The Oslo Cyclotron Laboratory by Görgen, A., Guttormsen, M., Larsen, A. C., Siem, S., Adli, E., Edin, N. F. J., Gjersdal, H., Henriksen, G., Malinen, E., Modamio, V., Schoultz, B., Sobas, P. A., Theodossiou, T. A., Wikne, J. C.

    Published in European physical journal plus (01-02-2021)
    “…Research at the Oslo Cyclotron Laboratory at the University of Oslo is focused on spectroscopy experiments for nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics using…”
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    Analysis of beam test data by global optimization methods by Frühwirth, R., Bergauer, T., Friedl, M., Gjersdal, H., Irmler, C., Spielauer, T., Strandlie, A., Valentan, M.

    “…Successful track reconstruction in a silicon tracking device depends on the quality of the alignment, on the knowledge of the sensor resolution, and on the…”
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    Test beam results of 3D silicon pixel sensors for the ATLAS upgrade by Grenier, P., Alimonti, G., Barbero, M., Bates, R., Bolle, E., Borri, M., Boscardin, M., Buttar, C., Capua, M., Cavalli-Sforza, M., Cobal, M., Cristofoli, A., Dalla Betta, G.-F., Darbo, G., Da Vià, C., Devetak, E., DeWilde, B., Di Girolamo, B., Dobos, D., Einsweiler, K., Esseni, D., Fazio, S., Fleta, C., Freestone, J., Gallrapp, C., Garcia-Sciveres, M., Gariano, G., Gemme, C., Giordani, M.-P., Gjersdal, H., Grinstein, S., Hansen, T., Hansen, T.-E., Hansson, P., Hasi, J., Helle, K., Hoeferkamp, M., Hügging, F., Jackson, P., Jakobs, K., Kalliopuska, J., Karagounis, M., Kenney, C., Köhler, M., Kocian, M., Kok, A., Kolya, S., Korokolov, I., Kostyukhin, V., Krüger, H., La Rosa, A., Lai, C.H., Lietaer, N., Lozano, M., Mastroberardino, A., Micelli, A., Nellist, C., Oja, A., Oshea, V., Padilla, C., Palestri, P., Parker, S., Parzefall, U., Pater, J., Pellegrini, G., Pernegger, H., Piemonte, C., Pospisil, S., Povoli, M., Roe, S., Rohne, O., Ronchin, S., Rovani, A., Ruscino, E., Sandaker, H., Seidel, S., Selmi, L., Silverstein, D., Sjøbæk, K., Slavicek, T., Stapnes, S., Stugu, B., Stupak, J., Su, D., Susinno, G., Thompson, R., Tsung, J.-W., Tsybychev, D., Watts, S.J., Wermes, N., Young, C., Zorzi, N.

    “…Results on beam tests of 3D silicon pixel sensors aimed at the ATLAS Insertable B-Layer and High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) upgrades are presented. Measurements…”
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    3D-FBK pixel sensors: Recent beam tests results with irradiated devices by Micelli, A., Helle, K., Sandaker, H., Stugu, B., Barbero, M., Hügging, F., Karagounis, M., Kostyukhin, V., Krüger, H., Tsung, J.-W., Wermes, N., Capua, M., Fazio, S., Mastroberardino, A., Susinno, G., Gallrapp, C., Di Girolamo, B., Dobos, D., La Rosa, A., Pernegger, H., Roe, S., Slavicek, T., Pospisil, S., Jakobs, K., Köhler, M., Parzefall, U., Darbo, G., Gariano, G., Gemme, C., Rovani, A., Ruscino, E., Butter, C., Bates, R., Oshea, V., Parker, S., Cavalli-Sforza, M., Grinstein, S., Korokolov, I., Pradilla, C., Einsweiler, K., Garcia-Sciveres, M., Borri, M., Da Vià, C., Freestone, J., Kolya, S., Lai, C.H., Nellist, C., Pater, J., Thompson, R., Watts, S.J., Hoeferkamp, M., Seidel, S., Bolle, E., Gjersdal, H., Sjoebaek, K.-N., Stapnes, S., Rohne, O., Su, D., Young, C., Hansson, P., Grenier, P., Hasi, J., Kenney, C., Kocian, M., Jackson, P., Silverstein, D., Davetak, H., DeWilde, B., Tsybychev, D., Dalla Betta, G.-F., Gabos, P., Povoli, M., Cobal, M., Giordani, M.-P., Selmi, L., Cristofoli, A., Esseni, D., Palestri, P., Fleta, C., Lozano, M., Pellegrini, G., Boscardin, M., Bagolini, A., Piemonte, C., Ronchin, S., Zorzi, N., Hansen, T.-E., Hansen, T., Kok, A., Lietaer, N., Kalliopuska, J., Oja, A.

    “…The Pixel Detector is the innermost part of the ATLAS experiment tracking device at the Large Hadron Collider, and plays a key role in the reconstruction of…”
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    Development of a beam imaging system for the European spallation source tuning dump by Ibison, M.G., Welsch, C.P., Adli, E., Gjersdal, H., Christoforo, G., Shea, T., Thomas, C., Naeem, D.

    “…To provide essential beam diagnostics for the spallation target and for the tuning dump of the European Spallation Source (ESS) with its high-power,…”
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    Preliminary results of 3D-DDTC pixel detectors for the ATLAS upgrade by La Rosa, A, Boscardin, M, Betta, G. -F. Dalla, Darbo, G, Gemme, C, Pernegger, H, Piemonte, C, Povoli, M, Ronchin, S, Zoboli, A, Zorzi, N, Bolle, E, Borri, M, Da Via, C, Dong, S, Fazio, S, Grenier, P, Grinstein, S, Gjersdal, H, Hansson, P, Huegging, F, Jackson, P, Kocian, M, Rivero, F, Rohne, O, Sandaker, H, Sjobak, K, Slavicek, T, Tsung, W, Tsybychev, D, Wermes, N, Young, C

    Published 20-10-2009
    “…Proceeding of Science PoS(RD09)032 (2009) 3D Silicon sensors fabricated at FBK-irst with the Double-side Double Type Column (DDTC) approach and columnar…”
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