Search Results - "Ghiselli, Gianluca"
Prelievo di campioni ematici da catetere venoso periferico: uno studio osservazionale prospettico
Published in Dissertation nursing (31-01-2024)“…INTRODUZIONE: Il catetere venoso periferico è un dispositivo inserito per la somministrazione di liquidi nel torrente ematico. I pazienti spesso si trovano ad…”
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Implementazione di uno strumento multidimensionale per la valutazione del dolore nel processo di triage globale: uno studio pilota
Published in Dissertation nursing (31-07-2023)“…INTRODUZIONE: Nel triage è fondamentale la rilevazione del dolore come previsto dalle linee di indirizzo e dalla Raccomandazione Ministeriale 15 che specifica…”
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Cardiac arrest management in outpatient clinics: integration between hospital emergency care and the 118 emergency system in the model of Turin ASL 3
Published in Italian heart journal. Supplement : official journal of the Italian Federation of Cardiology (01-09-2005)“…The incidence of sudden cardiac death ranges from 0.4 to 1.28 every 1000 inhabitants per year. Sudden cardiac death is responsible for about 10% of all deaths…”
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Retrograde Venous Bullet Embolism: A Rare Occurrence—Case Report and Literature Review
Published in The Journal of trauma, injury, infection, and critical care (01-07-2004)Get full text
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The role of ultrasonography in blunt abdominal trauma: results in 250 consecutive cases
Published in The journal of trauma (01-02-1994)“…The accuracy of ultrasonography (US) in detecting abdominal lesions and free fluid collections in patients with blunt abdominal trauma was evaluated in 250…”
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Intrasplenic Posttraumatic Pseudoaneurysm: Echo Color Doppler Diagnosis
Published in The Journal of Trauma: Injury, Infection, and Critical Care (01-09-1996)“…Nonsurgical conservative treatment of blunt splenic trauma has gained widespread consensus in the last few years. It has been demonstrated that 60% of patients…”
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Journal Article Conference Proceeding