Search Results - "Geeraerts, Sarah"
Dysfunction of right-hemisphere attentional networks in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Published in Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology (01-01-2008)“…Although differential right-hemisphere dysfunction has been implicated in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) for more than 15 years, this relation…”
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A psychophysical study of visual extinction: ipsilesional distractor interference with contralesional orientation thresholds in visual hemineglect patients
Published in Neuropsychologia (2005)“…Visual extinction was investigated in left ( n = 15) and right ( n = 25) brain-damaged patients with or without visual neglect, and in normal control subjects…”
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Asynchronous stimulus presentation in visual extinction: A psychophysical study
Published in Journal of neuropsychology (01-09-2010)“…Patients showing visual extinction as a consequence of a unilateral brain lesion can correctly detect a single stimulus in either hemifield but fail to detect…”
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The relationship of visual extinction to luminance-contrast imbalances between left and right hemifield stimuli
Published in Neuropsychologia (2005)“…Visual extinction was investigated in six right brain-damaged patients with left visual neglect, using a psychophysical paradigm. Orientation discrimination…”
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Reversible Visual Hemineglect
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (09-01-1996)“…We have identified a limited region in the posterior, but not anterior, half of the cat's middle suprasylvian region which, when cooled and inactivated…”
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Simultaneous determination of total and extracellular concentrations of the amino acid neurotransmitters in cat visual cortex by microbore liquid chromatography and electrochemical detection
Published in Journal of Chromatography A (06-03-1998)“…To investigate the influence of a partial sensory deprivation on the total and extracellular concentration of the amino acid neurotransmitters in cat visual…”
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Journal Article Conference Proceeding