Search Results - "García, Yudel"
Structure and above ground biomass along an elevation small-scale gradient: case study in an Evergreen Andean Amazon forest, Ecuador
Published in Agroforestry systems (01-08-2020)“…The purpose of this study was to examine how tree diversity, richness, and structural characteristics as well as above-ground biomass varies along a…”
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Optimisation and characterisation of bio-oil produced by Acacia mangium Willd wood pyrolysis
Published in Wood science and technology (01-09-2017)“…The aim of this research was to characterise the bio-oil produced by pyrolysis of Acacia mangium wood through gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS)…”
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Evaluation of the synergistic effects of antioxidant activity on mixtures of the essential oil from Apium graveolens L., Thymus vulgaris L. and Coriandrum sativum L. using simplex-lattice design
Published in Heliyon (01-06-2019)“…Essential oils (EOs) are known for their antioxidant properties, and are widely employed in the food industry as preservatives. They can be used as condiments…”
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Optimisation of ultrasound-assisted extraction of phenolic antioxidants from Ilex guayusa Loes. leaves using response surface methodology
Published in Heliyon (01-01-2020)“…The present study carried out the optimisation of the total polyphenol content (TPC) extraction assisted by ultrasound in Ilex guayusa leaves applying response…”
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Preliminary Predictive Model of Termiticidal and Repellent Activities of Essential Oil Extracted from Ocotea quixos Leaves against Nasutitermes corniger (Isoptera: Termitidae) Using One-Factor Response Surface Methodology Design
Published in Agronomy (Basel) (01-06-2021)“…Termites are one of the most challenging pests that agriculture and urban environments are faced with. They bring substantial losses in annual and perennial…”
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Ecological quality of a forest in a state of succession based on structural parameters: A case study in an evergreen Amazonian-Andean forest, Ecuador
Published in Heliyon (01-07-2020)“…The evergreen forests of the Ecuadorian Amazon Region are altered by anthropogenic and natural factors. This provokes the need to look for tools that…”
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The Comparative Photosynthetic Responses of Pinus caribaea var. caribaea and Pinus tropicalis, from Western Cuba
Published in Floresta e ambiente (01-01-2020)“…Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the photosynthetic responses of Pinus caribaea Morelet var. caribaea Barret & Golfari and Pinus tropicalis Morelet in the…”
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Biomasa aérea de familias botánicas en un bosque siempreverde piemontano sometido a grados de intervención
Published in Colombia forestal (01-01-2021)“…Se evaluó la biomasa aérea acumulada en lo concerniente a familias botánicas en un bosque siempreverde piemontano sometido a diferentes grados de intervención…”
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Influence of socioeconomic variables in the naranjilla (Solanum quitoense Lam.) production in the rural community of Wamani in the Ecuadorian Amazon
Published in Acta agronomica (Palmira) (2018)“…Naranjilla (Solanum quitoense Lam.), is an economic input of vital importance for the Ecuadorian Amazon due to multiple benefits that offers, although it…”
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Elastic and Osmotic Adjustment of Talipariti elatum (Sw) Frixell Grown in Organic Substrates
Published in Floresta e ambiente (2018)“…ABSTRACT The aim of the present study was to evaluate the water response of Talipariti elatum cultivated in different substrates. Sugarcane straw, peat,…”
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Potencial bioacumulador de metales pesados para la fitorremediación como alternativa para la recuperación del paisaje forestal en un área de extracción minera, Napo, Ecuador
Published in Revista cubana de ciencias forestales (01-04-2024)“…RESUMEN En la Amazonía ecuatoriana, cada día son mayores los desafíos para la identificación de especies fitorremediadoras que disminuyan la contaminación por…”
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Effect of pre-germination treatment with direct magnetic field exposure: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Published in European journal of forest research (01-10-2021)“…The search for ecological technologies that favour germination processes in agricultural and forestry seeds is a topic of interest as an environmentally…”
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Response surface methodology for optimisation of total polyphenol content and antioxidant activity of extracts from Maytenus macrocarpa bark by means of ultrasound-assisted extraction
Published in Wood science and technology (01-09-2018)“…The aim of this study was to optimise the ultrasound-assisted extraction of the total polyphenol content (TPC) and antioxidant activity from Maytenus…”
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Evaluation of aerial biomass accumulation and ecological sustainability in Amazonian forests: a case study of the Cotococha community
Published in Revista cubana de ciencias forestales (01-04-2022)“…Amazonian tropical forests have an enormous variety of species and are recognized for their great biodiversity and carbon sequestration, but they are…”
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Morpho-physiological response of Ochroma pyramidale produced in nurseries by biopot technology to N, P, K fertilisation using an optimal custom design
Published in Revista cubana de ciencias forestales (01-04-2022)“…Ochroma pyramidale is a fast-growing species with high commercial value. The largest volumes of its wood are obtained from commercial plantations; however,…”
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Estructura de un bosque natural perturbado de Pinus tropicalis Morelet en Galalón, Cuba
Published in Botanical sciences (14-08-2014)“…Los bosques naturales de Pinus tropicalis Morelet en Cuba han sido alterados por prácticas inadecuadas de aprovechamiento forestal. Esta investigación tiene el…”
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Respuesta fotosintética de Guadua angustifolia Kunth y Bambusa vulgaris Schrad. ex J.C. Wendl. a diferentes intensidades de luz
Published in Revista cubana de ciencias forestales (01-10-2024)“…Los estudios de respuesta fotosintética a diversas intensidades lumínicas facilitan comprender la fisiología vegetal, optimizar el manejo y aprovechamiento…”
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Effect of the degree of anthropization in the structure, at three sites fragmented evergreen piedmont forest
Published in Revista cubana de ciencias forestales (01-08-2017)“…The Ecuadorian Amazon is recognized worldwide for its extraordinary megadiversity and multiplicity of forest goods and services. However, the inadequate…”
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Diagnostic of the charcoal's productive and commercialize in the Pinar del Río's Integral Forest Company by matrix SWOT
Published in Revista cubana de ciencias forestales (01-06-2014)“…This study aimed to diagnose the situation productive of charcoal in Pinar del Río EFI by SWOT matrix (weaknesses, threats, strengths and opportunities) which…”
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Cost improvement system for the silvicultural activity in the integral forestry enterprise Pinar del Rio
Published in Revista cubana de ciencias forestales (01-06-2014)“…Responding to the necessities of the country of achieving high production levels with the biggest efficiency and possible effectiveness, with an appropriate…”
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