Search Results - "Ganguli, SN"

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    Recent developments in high energy physics by Ganguli, S N

    Published in Pramāṇa (2000)
    “…Recent results from experiments with solar, atmospheric and accelerator neutrinos are presented. Some of the important results from the LEP and TEVATRON…”
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    Recanalization of the Umbilical Vein Seen on Multiplanar SPECT Technetium-99m Tagged Erythrocytes by GANGULI, S NIMU, HERSHKOP, MARLON

    Published in Clinical nuclear medicine (01-05-1999)
    “…A 71-year-old man with no history of liver disease underwent a Tc-99m tagged erythrocyte scan to confirm the presence of several hemangiomas suspected on an…”
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    Bone Scintigraphy of Madura Foot by GANGULI, S NIMU, HERSHKOP, MARLON

    Published in Clinical nuclear medicine (01-04-1999)
    “…Three-phase Tc-99m MDP bone imaging of the feet was performed in a 69-year-old woman, a retired missionary who had worked in India and Africa. She was followed…”
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    Z decay confronts nonstandard scenarios by Bhattacharyya, G, Raychaudhuri, A, Datta, A, Ganguli, SN

    Published in Physical review letters (11-06-1990)
    “…We show that recent data from the CERN {ital e}{sup +}{ital e}{sup {minus}} collider LEP on the {ital Z} line shape and decays give stringent new constraints…”
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    The effect of surface roughness and nonuniform metal thickness on the etching of sputter‐deposited copper and chromium by Ganguli, S. N., Berk, D.

    “…Variations in metal thickness and surface roughness of sputter‐deposited Cr/Cu/Cr metals on aluminum ceramics and glass slides were measured. The copper layer,…”
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    Comparative properties of 400 GeV/c proton-proton interactions with and without charm production by Aguilar-Benitez, M., Allison, W. W. M., Bailly, J. L., Banerjee, S., Bartl, W., Begalli, M., Beillière, P., Bizarri, R., Briand, H., Canale, V., Caso, C., Castelli, E., Checchia, P., Chliapnikov, P. V., Colino, N., Contri, R., Crennell, D., Angelis, A., Defoix, C., DiMarco, R., DiCapua, E., Diez-Hedo, F., Dolbeau, J., Dumarchez, J., Falciano, S., Fisher, C., Fisyak, Yu. V., Fontanelli, F., Fry, J., Ganguli, S. N., Gasparini, U., Gensch, U., Gentile, S., Gibaut, D. G., Goshaw, A. T., Grard, F., Gurtu, A., Hamatsu, R., Haupt, L., Hellman, S., Henri, V. P., Hernandez, J. J., Holmgren, S. O., Hrubec, J., Hughes, P., Huss, D., Iori, M., Jegham, E., Johansson, K. E., Josa, M. I., Kalelkar, M., Kita, I., Kholodenko, A. G., Kistenev, E. P., Kitamura, S., Knauss, D., Kniazev, V. V., Kowald, W., Ladron de Guevara, P., Laloum, M., Legros, P., Leutz, H., Lyons, L., MacDermott, M., Malhotra, P. K., Mason, P., Mazzucato, M., Michalon-Mentzer, M. E., Michalon, A., Moa, T., Monge, R., Montanet, L., Naumann, T., Neuhofer, G., Nguyen, H. K., Nilsson, S., Nowak, H., Oshima, N., Otter, G., Ouared, R., Comellas, J. Panella, Patel, G., Patrignani, G., Pernicka, M., Pilette, P., Pinori, C., Pirreda, G., Plano, R., Poppleton, A., Poropat, P., Raghavan, R., Reucroft, S., Roberts, K., Robertson, W. J., Roth, A., Rohringer, H., Salicio, J. M., Schulte, R., Sellden, B., Sessa, M.

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    Exclusive hadron branching ratios of the D meson by Aguilar-Benitez, M., Allison, W.W.M., Bailly, J.L., Banerjee, S., Bartl, W., Begalli, M., Beilliere, P., Bizzarri, R., Briand, H., Brun, R., Canale, V., Caso, C., Castelli, E., Checchia, P., Chliapnikov, P.V., Colino, N., Colwill, S.J., Contri, R., Crennell, D., Deangelis, A., Debilly, L., Defoix, C., Dimarco, R., Dicapua, E., Diez-Hedo, F., Dolbeau, J., Duboc, J., Dumarchez, J., Eriksson, M., Falciano, S., Fernandez, C., Fisher, C., Fisyak, Yu.V., Fontanelli, F., Fry, J., Ganguli, S.N., Gasparini, U., Gensch, U., Gentile, S., Gibaut, D.B., Goshaw, A.T., Hamatsu, R., Haupt, L., Hellman, S., Henri, V., Hernandez, J.J., Holmgren, S.O., Houlden, M., Hrubec, J., Hughes, P., Huss, D., Iga, Y., Iori, M., Jegham, E., Johansson, K.E., Josa, M.I., Kalelkar, M., Kholodenko, A.G., Kistenev, E.P., Kitamura, S., Knauss, D., Kniazev, V.V., Kowald, W., Kuhn, D., Lsberrigue, J., Laloum, M., Legros, P., Leutz, H., Lyons, L., Macdermott, M., Malhotra, P.K., Mason, P., Mazzucato, M., Michalon-Mentzer, M.E., Michalon, A., Moa, T., Monge, R., Montanet, L., Neuhofer, G., Nguyen, H.K., Nilsson, S., Nowak, H., Oshima, N., Otter, G., Ouared, R., Panella Comellas, J., Patel, G., Patrignani, C., Pernicka, M., Pilette, P., Pinori, C., Piredda, G., Plano, R., Poppleton, A., Poropat, P., Reucroft, S., Roberts, K., Robertson, W.J., Rohringer, H., Salicio, J.M.

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