Search Results - "Gama Boaventura, João Maurício"
Managing for stakeholders towards corporate environmental sustainability
Published in Corporate social-responsibility and environmental management (01-07-2023)“…The purpose of this paper is to clarify the relationship between the managing for stakeholders approach and corporate environmental sustainability. Focused on…”
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Network management and value creation in strategic networks: evidence from Brazil
Published in Measuring business excellence (09-08-2023)“…Purpose Few studies have analysed how to actively manage strategic networks (SNs) to achieve individual and collective goals and create value. This paper aims…”
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Governance in business clusters: proposal for an application of an analytical model
Published in Entrepreneurship and regional development (20-10-2019)“…A wide body of literature on business cluster governance has been accumulated, presenting several models of this phenomenon. Yet each of these models focuses…”
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Salience of multiple actors involved in formal and informal governance systems encouraging corporate social responsibility in an emerging market
Published in Competition & change (01-10-2022)“…This paper evaluates the influence of multiple actors in both formal and informal governance systems on corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices…”
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Triple Helix influence on competitiveness factors: Comparison between wine clusters in Brazil and Chile
Published in Internext (01-09-2017)“…Clusters have been studied linking their performance to the historical and geographical context, as well as to the drivers that shape the competitive strength…”
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Scenarios for the Brazilian road freight transport industry
Published in Foresight (Cambridge) (01-01-2012)“…Purpose - This article aims to describe a qualitative, exploratory study with the objective of developing scenarios for the road freight transport industry in…”
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Corporate Social Performance and Financial Performance in Brazilian Companies: Analysis of the Influence of Disclosure
Published in BBR Brazilian business review (Portuguese ed.) (01-09-2020)“…The relationship between Corporate Social Performance (CSP) and Corporate Financial Performance (CFP) has been widely tested in the international context;…”
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Stakeholder Prioritization in Brazilian Companies Disclosing GRI Reports
Published in BBR Brazilian business review (Portuguese ed.) (01-01-2018)“…This study aimed to describe the stakeholder prioritization in Brazilian companies and their relationship with the industry. In this research, prioritization…”
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The influence of social disclosure on the relationship between Corporate Financial Performance and Corporate Social Performance
Published in Revista Contabilidade & Finanças (01-05-2018)“…ABSTRACT This study’s general objective is to investigate the moderating effect of Corporate Social Performance Disclosure (D-CSP) on the relationship between…”
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The influence of corporate social responsibility on employee satisfaction
Published in Management decision (01-01-2016)“…Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the association between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and employee satisfaction. The study proposes and…”
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Open innovation and collaboration: A systematic literature review
Published in Journal of engineering and technology management (01-07-2022)“…The concept of open innovation was developed from a fragmented body of knowledge, with multiple levels of analysis, and little depth and theoretical…”
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Competitiveness of clusters
Published in International journal of emerging markets (18-04-2016)“…Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to deepen the discussion regarding the competitiveness of clusters based on a theoretical and empirical study that…”
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Value distribution to stakeholders: The influence of stakeholder power and strategic importance in public firms
Published in Long range planning (01-04-2020)“…Stakeholder strategy research seeks to explain how various stakeholder contexts affect the ways firms treat their stakeholders and the effects of these choices…”
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A stakeholder theory approach to creating value in higher education institutions
Published in The Bottom line (New York, N.Y.) (14-11-2020)“…Purpose This paper aims to empirically verify whether the development of improved relationships between higher education institutions (HEIs) and their…”
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Desempenho Social Corporativo em Instituições de Ensino Superior: a Visão dos Gestores Sobre os Stakeholders
Published in Administração (São Paulo) (01-05-2020)“…O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a importância relativa dos stakeholders das Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) para o Desempenho Social Corporativo,…”
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The game to play: expanding the co-opetition proposal through the strategic games matrix
Published in The International journal of conflict management (24-04-2009)“…Purpose - Using Brandenburger and Nalebuff's 1995 co-opetition model as a reference, the purpose of this paper is to seek to develop a tool that, based on the…”
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Mensagem editorial
Published in Revista brasileira de gestão de negócios (01-04-2012)Get full text
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Legitimidade: uma análise da evolução do conceito na teoria dos stakeholders
Published in Revista de Ciencias da Administracao (01-04-2016)“…O presente estudo buscou analisar como o conceito de “legitimidade” tem evoluído na Teoria dos Stakeholders. Para isso, foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória…”
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Análise de stakeholders aplicada em órgãos públicos: o caso da Secretaria de Estado do Turismo do Paraná
Published in Revista de Ciencias da Administracao (14-12-2011)“…O presente artigo tem por objetivo analisar a atuação dos stakeholders no desenvolvimento de atividades estratégicas da Secretaria de Estado do Turismo do…”
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A Mensuração do Processo de Cocriação de Valor em Empresas do Setor Bancário Brasileiro
Published in Revista de Administração, Sociedade e Inovação (01-09-2020)“…A realidade emergente pautada no maior acesso a informações, na convergência tecnológica, e na rápida evolução da internet como meio para comunicação e,…”
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