Search Results - "Galindo, Marco"
Evaluation of an intervention on activity planning in CS1
Published in IEEE-RITA (01-08-2023)“…A key factor in online learning is an instructional design that ensures that students maintain an adequate and constant learning pace throughout the course…”
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Journal Article -
Artificial neural network modeling for predicting the carbon black content derived from unserviceable tires for elastomeric composite production
Published in Journal of applied polymer science (05-10-2024)“…Given the increasing need for sustainable solutions and the large amount of improperly discarded end‐of‐life tires, recovered carbon black (rCB) from tire…”
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Journal Article -
Alignment of the Institutional Strategy With the Teaching Action in the Implementation of the Gender Perspective. Design and Implementation in the Case of the UOC
Published in IEEE-RITA (01-11-2023)“…Both the Equality Unit of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) and the Equity Commission of its Faculty of Computer Science (Estudis d'Informàtica,…”
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Journal Article -
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is a Useful and Low-Cost Tool for Molecular Sexing Psittaciformes under Human Care: An Example of a Collaborative Approach in Mexico
Published in Journal of applied animal welfare science (02-07-2024)“…Sex determination in monomorphic birds is a precondition for captive breeding programs and management and conservation strategies for threatened species. Most…”
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Journal Article -
Energy optimization associated with thermal comfort and indoor air control via a deep reinforcement learning algorithm
Published in Building and environment (15-05-2019)“…The aim of this work is to propose an artificial intelligence algorithm that maintains thermal comfort and air quality within optimal levels while consuming…”
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Journal Article -
Why Do CS1 Students Become Repeaters?
Published in IEEE-RITA (01-08-2022)“…Learning to program is hard for many students. As a result, CS1 courses have a significant percentage of repeaters. For this reason, the goal of this article…”
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Journal Article -
El dativo latino: Interpretaciones y bibliografía en los dos últimos siglos
Published in Emerita (30-12-2004)“…El presente artículo persigue dos objetivos fundamentales: de un lado, ofrecemos una visión crítica de los logros y deficiencias que podemos encontrar en los…”
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Journal Article -
Learning Written Communicative Skills in UOC Engineering Curricula: A Virtual University Initiative and Its Future Development
Published in 2010 IEEE Transforming Engineering Education: Creating Interdisciplinary Skills for Complex Global Environments (01-04-2010)“…Essays, reports and projects are often difficult to read and understand, usually not because their content is complex but because they are badly written and…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Best practices implementation in Bachelors’ Final Projects
Published in Red U (01-11-2013)“…Completing a Bachelor’s Final Project (BFP) is mandatory in all the new Spanish University Degrees (independent of the university and discipline to form). The…”
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Journal Article -
Lightweight Deep Learning for Resource-Constrained Environments: A Survey
Published 08-04-2024“…Over the past decade, the dominance of deep learning has prevailed across various domains of artificial intelligence, including natural language processing,…”
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Journal Article -
The Latin Dative: Interpretations and Bibliography over the Past Two Centuries
Published in Emerita (01-01-2004)“…An exhaustive bibliography of 19th- & 20th-century studies of the syntax of the Latin dative case is accompanied by a critical analysis of principal…”
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Journal Article -
Microstructural sensitive model for plastic deformation of Ti-6Al-4V
Published 01-01-2019“…The aim of this study is to present a new physically based model capable of describing the deformation response of additively manufactured Ti-64 and contribute…”
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Dissertation -
Denique, demum, tandem y postremo: estudio funcioestructural (con especial referencia a la obra lucreciana)
Published in Emerita (30-12-1989)“…No disponible…”
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Journal Article -
Análisis funcional de los usos de quippe en la obra de Lucrecio
Published in Emerita (30-06-1988)“…No disponible…”
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Journal Article -
A transversal model for learning and teaching writing skills in ICT engineering degrees
Published in Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) (01-04-2012)“…This paper presents a description of a rightly justified model for the teaching and learning of communicative writing skills as being implemented in the…”
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Conference Proceeding