Search Results - "Galantini, Juan"
Analysis of organic fractions as indicators of soil quality under natural and cultivated systems
Published in Soil & tillage research (01-07-2013)“…•The levels of SOC in 0–20cm of agricultural soils were 16–44% lower than natural.•Both methods of calculating carbon Stock showed similar results.•CHt and…”
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Bacterial indicator of agricultural management for soil under no-till crop production
Published in PloS one (30-11-2012)“…The rise in the world demand for food poses a challenge to our ability to sustain soil fertility and sustainability. The increasing use of no-till agriculture,…”
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Assessing soil quality indices based on soil organic carbon fractions in different long‐term wheat systems under semiarid conditions
Published in Soil use and management (01-01-2020)“…The literature shows a great number of soil quality indices (SQI) based on organic matter and its fractions. Our objectives were to determine the changes in…”
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Soil Humic and Fulvic Acids from Different Land-Use Systems Evaluated By E4/E6 Ratios
Published in Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis (05-08-2016)“…Changes in land-use systems such as the introduction of trees on agricultural land can give rise to changes in the physicochemical properties of the soils,…”
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Spectrometric evaluation of biotransformed agro-industrial residues and their humic substances by UV–visible and infrared spectroscopy and their effect on winter wheat productivity
Published in International journal of recycling of organic waste in agriculture (01-07-2023)“…Purpose Agro-industrial residues could be bio transformed to improve crop production and reduce environmental risk. Application of humic substances (HS)…”
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Cover crops in the Southeastern region of Buenos Aires, Argentina: effects on organic matter physical fractions and nutrient availability
Published in Environmental earth sciences (01-06-2018)“…In the Southeastern region of Buenos Aires province, soybean monoculture has led to a decline in soil organic matter (SOM) levels in soil, mostly the labile…”
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Soil quality assessment based on soil organic matter pools under long‐term tillage systems and following tillage conversion in a semi‐humid region
Published in Soil use and management (01-07-2020)“…A field study was conducted to assess the long‐term effects of no‐tillage (NT) and conventional tillage (CT), and the short‐term effects following tillage…”
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Changes in soil pH and phosphorus availability during decomposition of cover crop residues
Published in Archiv für Acker- und Pflanzenbau und Bodenkunde (10-11-2017)“…The aim of this study was to determine the effect of winter cover crop (CC) residues on soil pH and phosphorus (P) availability. Three incubation assays were…”
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A Rapid Chemical Method for Estimating Potentially Mineralizable and Particulate Organic Nitrogen in Mollisols
Published in Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis (02-01-2017)“…The objective of this study was to obtain an indicator of labile nitrogen (N) through a cost- and time-saving procedure by evaluating the relationships among…”
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Continuous Wheat in Semiarid Regions: Long-term Effects on Stock and Quality of Soil Organic Carbon
Published in Soil science (01-06-2014)“…ABSTRACTContinuous wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cropping in semiarid regions results in variable dry matter production. As a consequence, the balance of soil…”
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Use of a three-compartment model to evaluate the dynamics of cover crop residues
Published in Archiv für Acker- und Pflanzenbau und Bodenkunde (19-09-2017)“…Cover crop (CC) residues protect the soil from erosion and their permanence on the surface is largely influenced by their biochemical constituents. In this…”
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Nitrogen mineralization indicators under semi-arid and semi-humid conditions: influence on wheat yield and nitrogen uptake
Published in Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis (22-08-2018)“…The objectives were i) to assess indicators for potential nitrogen (N) mineralization and ii) to analyze their relationships for predicting winter wheat…”
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A rapid method for estimating labile carbon and nitrogen pools in Mollisols under no-tillage
Published in Archiv für Acker- und Pflanzenbau und Bodenkunde (29-07-2018)“…The objective of this study was to adapt the partial chemical digestion method for estimation of labile soil organic matter pools by evaluating the effect of…”
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Rapid characterisation of agro-industrial effluents for environmental fate by UV-visible and infrared spectroscopy from fractions obtained by centrifugation
Published in International journal of environmental analytical chemistry (21-06-2017)“…Agro-industrial systems (e.g. dairy farms, feed lot, pig breeding and food processing plants) provide large quantity of organic wastes that could be recycled…”
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Adsorption of metsulfuron-methyl on soils under no-till system in semiarid Pampean Region, Argentina
Published in Geoderma (15-02-2009)“…Adsorption isotherms of metsulfuron-methyl (MM) on thirty soils from the semiarid Pampean Region of Argentina were determined. The effect of total organic…”
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Published in Ciencia del suelo (01-11-2023)“…Resumen Los procesos importantes relacionados con la dinámica del agua ocurren principalmente en la interfase suelo-atmósfera. La estructura de la cobertura de…”
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Decomposition from legume and non-legume crop residues: Effects on soil organic carbon fractions under controlled conditions
Published in Spanish journal of soil science (01-01-2017)“…Cover crop (CC) residues protect the soil from erosion and their permanence on the surface is largely influenced by their biochemical constituents. We…”
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Soil Phosphorus Dynamics of Wheat-Based Cropping Systems in the Semiarid Region of Argentina
Published in Applied and Environmental Soil Science (2014)“…The dynamics of soil P forms and particle size fractions was studied under three wheat-based cropping sequences in production systems of Argentina. The whole…”
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Calidad de cultivos de cobertura en sistemas de siembra directa del sudoeste bonaerense
Published in Ciencia del suelo (01-12-2017)“…El sistema de siembra directa con cultivos de cobertura (CC) de otoño/invierno asegura proveer elevadas cantidades de diferentes tipos de residuos orgánicos al…”
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Modified Soil-Test Methods for Extractable Phosphorus in Acidic, Neutral, and Alkaline Soils
Published in Communications in soil science and plant analysis (01-06-2007)“…Although numerous soil-test methods for estimating extractable phosphorus (P) have been developed around the world, their results are difficult to compare…”
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