Search Results - "Gabriele, Alison"
Examining how topicality impacts pronoun resolution in second language processing
Published in Frontiers in human neuroscience (13-11-2024)“…In research on second language (L2) processing, the processing of reference has been highlighted as a domain of particular difficulty, but the source of the…”
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Using event-related potentials to track morphosyntactic development in second language learners: The processing of number and gender agreement in Spanish
Published in PloS one (2018)“…We used event-related potentials to investigate morphosyntactic development in 78 adult English-speaking learners of Spanish as a second language (L2) across…”
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Investigating the relationship between individual differences and island sensitivity
Published in Glossa (London) (17-09-2020)“…It is well-attested that native speakers tend to give low acceptability ratings to sentences that involve movement from within islands, yet the source of…”
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Published in Studies in second language acquisition (01-09-2009)“…Previous studies have shown that it is particularly difficult for second language (L2) learners to overcome the effects of transfer when they need to unlearn…”
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Microvariation and transfer in L2 and L3 acquisition
Published in Second language research (01-07-2021)“…This commentary discusses Westergaard’s (2021) keynote article, which presents a comprehensive model of first language (L1), second language (L2), and third…”
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Island sensitivity in L2 learners: Evidence from acceptability judgments and event-related potentials
Published in Second language research (01-01-2024)“…This study investigates the processing of wh-dependencies in English by native speakers and advanced Mandarin Chinese-speaking learners. We examined processing…”
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TRANSFER AND TRANSITION IN THE SLA OF ASPECT: A Bidirectional Study of Learners of English and Japanese
Published in Studies in second language acquisition (01-09-2009)“…Previous studies have shown that it is particularly difficult for second language (L2) learners to overcome the effects of transfer when they need to unlearn…”
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Examining transfer in the acquisition of the count/mass distinction in L2 English
Published in Second language research (01-01-2023)“…We investigate whether second language (L2) learners of English rely on first language (L1) transfer and atomicity in the acquisition of the count/mass…”
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Individual differences in the processing of referential dependencies: Evidence from event-related potentials
Published in Neuroscience letters (23-04-2018)“…•Examined referential ambiguity and referential failure using ERP.•Two different responder types emerged in the processing of referential ambiguity.•P600…”
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Examining the source of island effects in native speakers and second language learners of English
Published in Second language research (01-01-2024)“…We investigate sensitivity to island constraints in English native speakers and Najdi Arabic learners of English, examining (1) whether second language (L2)…”
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Examining Variability in the Processing of Agreement in Novice Learners: Evidence From Event-Related Potentials
Published in Journal of experimental psychology. Learning, memory, and cognition (01-07-2021)“…The present study examines both properties of the language and properties of the learner to better understand variability at the earliest stages of second…”
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Deriving meaning through context: Interpreting bare nominals in second language Japanese
Published in Second language research (01-07-2010)“…Previous studies on the second language acquisition of telicity have suggested that learners can use morphosyntactic cues to interpret sentences as telic or…”
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The processing of number and gender agreement in Spanish: An event-related potential investigation of the effects of structural distance
Published in Brain research (25-05-2012)“…Abstract Previous research suggests that the processing of agreement is affected by the distance between the agreeing elements. However, the unique…”
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Can learners use morphosyntactic cues to facilitate processing? Evidence from a study of gender agreement in Hindi
Published in Language acquisition (03-07-2018)“…This study investigates L2 learners' ability to use morphosyntactic gender as a predictive cue during the processing of Hindi agreement dependencies. Nine L2…”
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Morphosyntactic processing in advanced second language (L2) learners: An event-related potential investigation of the effects of L1-L2 similarity and structural distance
Published in Second language research (01-07-2014)“…Different theoretical accounts of second language (L2) acquisition differ with respect to whether or not advanced learners are predicted to show native-like…”
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Syntactic Constraints and Individual Differences in Native and Non-Native Processing of Wh-Movement
Published in Frontiers in psychology (22-04-2016)“…There is a debate as to whether second language (L2) learners show qualitatively similar processing profiles as native speakers or whether L2 learners are…”
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No time like the present: Examining transfer at the interfaces in second language acquisition
Published in Lingua (01-03-2011)“…We examine whether or not L1 Spanish and L1 Japanese learners can acquire the extended range of meanings associated with the simple present and present…”
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Why Some Imperfectives Are Interpreted Imperfectly: A Study of Chinese Learners of Japanese
Published in Language acquisition (01-01-2011)“…The study investigates whether advanced second language (L2) learners can extend beyond the grammatical properties of the first language (L1) to successfully…”
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Comprehension of mimetics by adult native speakers of Japanese
Published in Kansas working papers in linguistics (2016)“…Linguistics traditionally regards the relationship between a word's sound and its meaning as arbitrary; words which systematically relate sound and meaning -…”
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