Search Results - "GODINHO, Fernando"
C-reactive protein/albumin ratio predicts 90-day mortality of septic patients
Published in PloS one (12-03-2013)“…Residual inflammation at ICU discharge may have impact upon long-term mortality. However, the significance of ongoing inflammation on mortality after ICU…”
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The critical care management of spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage: a contemporary review
Published in Critical care (London, England) (18-09-2016)“…Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), defined as nontraumatic bleeding into the brain parenchyma, is the second most common subtype of stroke, with 5.3…”
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Biological control of Pratylenchus brachyurus in soya bean crops
Published in Journal of phytopathology (01-10-2018)“…The aim of the current study was to assess the activity of Purpureocillium lilacinum and Trichoderma harzianum fungi, either alone or in combination, and the…”
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Development of a Risk Score for AKI onset in COVID-19 Patients: COV-AKI Score
Published in BMC nephrology (02-03-2023)“…Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) in COVID-19 patients is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. In the present study, we aimed to develop a prognostic…”
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Acibenzolar-s-Methyl and Neem Oil in the Management of Nematodes in Sugarcane
Published in Sugar tech : an international journal of sugar crops & related industries (12-11-2024)Get full text
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Impact of C-reactive protein and albumin levels on short, medium, and long term mortality in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Published in Annals of medicine (Helsinki) (31-12-2022)“…Objectives and study design: In this population-based study of 602 patients, we amended C-reactive protein (CRP) and plasma albumin (PA) levels around the…”
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Published in Caatinga (01-07-2021)“…ABSTRACT Alternative management measures have been used to reduce nematode population levels in affected areas. In this perspective, the objective was to…”
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Vermicomposting of different types of tanning sludge (liming and primary) mixed with cattle dung
Published in Ecological engineering (01-12-2015)“…The complexity of the generation of solid residues is a present issue, because of the polluting potential of many materials produced. Therefore, the objective…”
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Elderly patients with cancer admitted to intensive care unit: A multicenter study in a middle-income country
Published in PloS one (21-08-2020)“…Background Very elderly critically ill patients (ie, those older than 75 or 80 years) are an increasing population in intensive care units. However, patients…”
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Bathroom Behaviors Regarding Oral Hygiene Items During COVID-19 Home Isolation: A Cross-Sectional Study in Southern Brazil
Published in Pesquisa brasileira em odontopediatria e clínica integrada (01-01-2023)“…ABSTRACT Objective: To describe behaviors with oral hygiene items in single-bathroom households during the domiciliary isolation of individuals with positive…”
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Machine learning to predict 30-day quality-adjusted survival in critically ill patients with cancer
Published in Journal of critical care (01-02-2020)“…To develop and compare the predictive performance of machine-learning algorithms to estimate the risk of quality-adjusted life year (QALY) lower than or equal…”
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Sepsis-associated encephalopathy: not just delirium
Published in Clinics (São Paulo, Brazil) (01-01-2011)“…Sepsis is a major cause of mortality and morbidity in intensive care units. Organ dysfunction is triggered by inflammatory insults and tissue hypoperfusion…”
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Prevalence and risk factors of Burnout syndrome among intensive care unit members during the second wave of COVID-19: a single-center study
Published in Einstein (São Paulo, Brazil) (01-01-2024)“…To evaluate the prevalence of burnout among the intensive care unit team of a university hospital after the second wave of COVID-19 and identify the key…”
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Sepsis-3 definitions predict ICU mortality in a low–middle-income country
Published in Annals of intensive care (02-11-2016)“…Background Sepsis-3 definitions were published recently and validated only in high-income countries. The aim of this study was to assess the new criteria’s…”
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Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for severe respiratory failure in adult patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis of current evidence
Published in Journal of critical care (01-12-2013)“…Abstract Background Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) for acute respiratory failure is still a matter of debate. Methods We performed a structured…”
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Overwhelming post-splenectomy infection: narrative review of the literature
Published in Surgical infections (01-12-2014)“…Almost 100 years have passed since the first evidence appeared of the immunologic function of the spleen against infections. The spleen now is recognized as…”
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Corn production in soil containing in natura tannery sludge and irrigated with domestic wastewater
Published in Agricultural water management (01-01-2016)“…•Tannery sludge, helped increase pH and P, K, Mg and Ca concentrations in soil.•The irrigation with wastewater is an alternative for the disposal of these…”
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Modified Frailty Index is associated with outcomes in critical care patients
Published in Journal of critical care (01-12-2017)“…The independent association between frailty and hospital mortality was assessed through mixed model logistic regression, controlling for relevant confounders…”
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Admission factors associated with prolonged (> 14 days) intensive care unit stay
Published in Journal of critical care (01-02-2014)“…Abstract Purpose To describe the admission factors associated with prolonged (> 14 days) intensive care unit (ICU) stay (PIS). Materials and Methods…”
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The effects of discharge to an intermediate care unit after a critical illness: A 5-year cohort study
Published in Journal of critical care (01-04-2014)“…Abstract Purpose The impact of the intermediate care unit (IMCU) on post–intensive care unit (ICU) outcomes is controversial. Materials and Methods We analyzed…”
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