Search Results - "G. P. Mateus"

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    Innovative Crop–Forage Intercrop System: Early Cycle Soybean Cultivars and Palisadegrass by Crusciol, C.A.C, Mateus, G.P, Nascente, A.S, Martins, P.O, Borghi, E, Pariz, C.M

    Published in Agronomy journal (01-07-2012)
    “…Agriculture and livestock integration is a sustainable practice that improves both crop yield and pasture recuperation/formation. However, to achieve success…”
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    Intercropping soybean and palisade grass for enhanced land use efficiency and revenue in a no till system by Crusciol, C.A.C., Nascente, A.S., Mateus, G.P., Pariz, C.M., Martins, P.O., Borghi, E.

    Published in European journal of agronomy (01-08-2014)
    “…•The effect of sowing palisade grass into soybean crops at different stages was evaluated.•We evaluated the overall revenue of the crop–livestock integration…”
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    Sorghum grain yield, forage biomass production and revenue as affected by intercropping time by Borghi, E., Crusciol, C.A.C., Nascente, A.S., Sousa, V.V., Martins, P.O., Mateus, G.P., Costa, C.

    Published in European journal of agronomy (01-11-2013)
    “…•We studied intercropping time of sorghum with guineagrass or palisadegrass.•Intercropping done at topdressing sorghum fertilization produced the highest grain…”
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    Coagulation/Flocculation with Moringa oleifera and Membrane Filtration for Dairy Wastewater Treatment by Mateus, G. A. P., Formentini-Schmitt, D. M., Nishi, L., Fagundes-Klen, M. R., Gomes, R. G., Bergamasco, R.

    Published in Water, air, and soil pollution (01-09-2017)
    “…The main objective of the present paper is to evaluate the use of Moringa oleifera (MO) as a natural coagulant in coagulation/flocculation/sedimentation (CFS)…”
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    Corn intercropped with tropical perennial grasses as affected by sidedress nitrogen application rates by Mateus, G. P., Crusciol, C. A. C., Pariz, C. M., Costa, N. R., Borghi, E., Costa, C., Martello, J. M., Castilhos, A. M., Franzluebbers, A. J., Cantarella, H.

    Published in Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems (01-03-2020)
    “…In tropical regions, one of the primary difficulties in the sustainability of no-till systems is the maintenance of soil cover throughout the year…”
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    Intercropping Time of Corn and Palisadegrass or Guineagrass Affecting Grain Yield and Forage Production by Borghi, E., Crusciol, C. A. C., Mateus, G. P., Nascente, A. S., Martins, P. O.

    Published in Crop science (01-03-2013)
    “…ABSTRACT Intercropping corn (Zea mays L.) with forages, such as palisadegrass {Urochloa brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) R. D. Webster [syn. Brachiaria…”
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    Effect of Intercropping on Yields of Corn with Different Relative Maturities and Palisadegrass by Crusciol, C. A. C., Nascente, A. S., Mateus, G. P., Borghi, E., Leles, E. P., Santos, N. C. B.

    Published in Agronomy journal (01-05-2013)
    “…Intercropping corn (Zea mays L.) with palisadegrass [Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich) Stapf] can result in high amounts of residue and improve…”
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    Desenvolvimento e caracterização de salgadinho produzido a partir de gritz de milho nixtamalizado by Pinto, L. A. M., Tavares, F. O., Pinto, M. M., Hirata, A. K., Mateus, G. A. P.

    “…Neste trabalho, buscou-se o enriquecimento nutricional de salgadinhos produzidos a partir da extrusão do gritz de milho, para tanto, duas diferentes…”
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    Sidedress Nitrogen Application Rates to Sorghum Intercropped with Tropical Perennial Grasses by Mateus, G. P., Crusciol, C. A. C., Pariz, C. M., Borghi, E., Costa, C., Martello, J. M., Franzluebbers, A. J., Castilhos, A. M

    Published in Agronomy journal (01-01-2016)
    “…Intercropping sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] with tropical perennial grasses and using the appropriate rate of sidedress N application can maximize…”
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    Seasonal performance and behaviour of Nellore cattle in integrated crop-livestock systems by Aranha, A. S., Andrighetto, C., Mateus, G.P., Santana, E.A.R., Lupatini, G.C., Aranha, A.R., Fonseca, R., Sekiya, B.M.S., Bueno, L.G.F., Meirelles, P.R.L., Maestá, S.A., da Luz, P.A., Trivelin, G.A., Carriel, A.C.C., Santos, J.M.F.

    “…The first objective of this study was to assess Marandu palisade grass in an integrated crop-livestock system (ICL), and two integrated crop-livestock-forest…”
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    Morfologia radicular e suprimento de potássio às raízes de milheto de acordo com a disponibilidade de água e potássio by C. A. Rosolem, G. P. Mateus, L. J. G. Godoy, J. C. Feltran, S. R. Brancalião

    Published in Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo (01-10-2003)
    “…O milheto (Pennisetum glaucum) é cultivado em épocas com deficiência hídrica, o que pode afetar a absorção de K. Este trabalho visou quantificar a importância…”
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    Produção e conforto térmico de bovinos da raça Nelore terminados em sistemas integrados de produção agropecuária by Aranha, H.S., Andrighetto, C., Lupatini, G.C., Bueno, L.G.F., Trivelin, G.A., Mateus, G.P., Luz, P.A.C., Santos, J.M.F., Sekiya, B.M.S., Vaz, R.F.

    “…RESUMO O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a pastagem, o desempenho, o conforto térmico e os parâmetros hematológicos de bovinos Nelore na fase de terminação…”
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    Integration of BDI agent with Fuzzy Logic in a Virtual Learning Environment by Wilges, B., Mateus, G. P., Nassar, S. M., Bastos, R. C.

    Published in Revista IEEE América Latina (01-01-2012)
    “…This research proposes and develops a framework that integrates the Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) agent architecture to Fuzzy Logic (LF). The result of this…”
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    Fuzzy Modeling Built Through a Data Mining Process by Wilges, B., Mateus, G. P., Nassar, S. M., Bastos, R. C.

    Published in Revista IEEE América Latina (01-03-2012)
    “…This work uses fuzzy logic to identify the learning profile of students in a teaching and learning environment. The purpose of this identification is to lead…”
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    Supressão de plantas daninhas utilizando plantas de cobertura do solo by Borges, W.L.B., Freitas, R.S., Mateus, G.P., Sá, M.E., Alves, M.C.

    Published in Planta daninha (01-12-2014)
    “…Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a cobertura do solo e o efeito supressivo sobre plantas daninhas utilizando plantas de cobertura, em…”
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    Influência da distribuição espacial do milho e da Brachiaria brizantha consorciados sobre a população de plantas daninhas em sistema plantio direto na palha by Borghi, E., Costa, N.V., Crusciol, C.A.C., Mateus, G.P.

    Published in Planta daninha (2008)
    “…O cultivo consorciado de milho com forrageiras tropicais no sistema plantio direto na palha pode diminuir a incidência de plantas daninhas em decorrência da…”
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    Morfologia radicular e suprimento de potássio às raízes de milheto de acordo com a disponibilidade de água e potássio by Rosolem, C. A., Mateus, G. P., Godoy, L. J. G., Feltran, J. C., Brancalião, S. R.

    Published in Revista brasileira de ciência do solo (01-10-2003)
    “…O milheto (Pennisetum glaucum) é cultivado em épocas com deficiência hídrica, o que pode afetar a absorção de K. Este trabalho visou quantificar a importância…”
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