Search Results - "Güzel, Alper"

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    KOSGEB’in Toplam Faktör Verimliliğinin Analizi by Hüseyin Alper Güzel, Cem Kalaycı

    Published in Verimlilik Dergisi (31-07-2023)
    “…Amaç: KOSGEB (Küçük ve Orta Ölçekli İşletmeleri Geliştirme ve Destekleme İdaresi Başkanlığı) müdürlüklerinin yapısal analizini yapan ve ekonomik yapılarını…”
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    Informal Payments in Health Systems: Purpose and Occurrences in Turkey by Tengilimoğlu, Dilaver, Güzel, Alper, Toygar, Anıl, Akinci, Fevzi, Dziegielewski, Sophia F.

    Published in Journal of social service research (20-10-2015)
    “…Informal payments constitute a significant portion of out-of-pocket payments in health systems, especially in developing countries. This study examined the…”
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    Evaluating the Functional Utility Characteristics of Office Buildings: A Case Study of the Office Market in Ankara, Turkey by Ustaoglu, Eda, Türel, Ali, Güzel, Alper

    Published in Journal of real estate literature (01-01-2013)
    “…We apply the hedonic approach to the office property in Ankara and examine office rent determinants and their effects on rental variations. A hedonic…”
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    Social Media and Hospital Brands: A field Study in Turkey by Alper Güzel, Aykut Ekiyor, Dilaver Tengilimoğlu

    Published in Journal of Economics and Management (01-10-2015)
    “…The objective of this study is to evaluate the respondents' use of social media and explore whether there are any differences, according to their demographics…”
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    Published in Journal of real estate literature (01-01-2013)
    “…We apply the hedonic approach to the office property in Ankara and examine office rent determinants and their effects on rental variations. A hedonic…”
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    Küçük ve orta büyüklükteki işletmelerin karşılaştığı sorunlar ve devir planlaması: Avrupa Birliği projesi kapsamında bir alan araştırması by Fırat,Seyhan, Güzel,Alper, Elbasan,Bülent

    Published in İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi (01-04-2018)
    “…Küçük ve Orta Büyüklükteki İşletmeler ekonomik büyüme ve sürdürülebilir kalkınma açısından oldukça önemli bir yere sahiptir. Ayrıca KOBİ'ler ülke…”
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    Organic agriculture: the case of Turkey by Demiryurek, K, Stopes, C, Guzel, A

    Published in Outlook on agriculture (01-12-2008)
    “…Organic agriculture has grown rapidly throughout the world in recent years as a result of increasing consumer interest in healthy food and environmental…”
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    Landscape Clubs: Co-existence of Genetically Modified and Organic Crops by Furtan, W.H, Güzel, A, Weseen, A.S

    Published in Canadian journal of agricultural economics (01-06-2007)
    “…The possibility of increased production of genetically modified (GM) crops in agriculture accentuates the need to examine the feasibility of GM and non-GM…”
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    Dahilde işleme rejimi kapsamında Türkiye’nin un ihracatı by Oral Dırık,Ebru Nihal, Güzel,Alper

    Published in Ekonomik yaklaşım (01-03-2019)
    “…Türkiye buğday üretiminde herhangi bir sıçrama yapmamasına rağmen son yıllarda un ihracatında dünyanın lider ülkesi haline gelmiştir. Bu ihracat Dahilde İşleme…”
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    Effects of real exchange rate changes on Canadian agriculture: A general equilibrium evaluation by Alper Güzel, H., Kulshreshtha, Surendra N.

    Published in Journal of policy modeling (01-12-1995)
    “…In this paper a computable general equilibrium model of the Canadian economy with a disaggregated agricultural sector was constructed and calibrated for 1984…”
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    Sosyal Pazarlama Kapsamında Dumansız Hava Sahası: Örnek Bir Uygulama by Tengilimoğlu,Dilaver, Güzel,Alper, Günaydın,Emel

    “…Sigara, dünya genelinde en önemli toplum sağlığı tehditlerinden birisi ve milyonlarca kişinin hayatını kaybetmesine sebep olan önlenebilir bir ölüm nedenidir…”
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