Search Results - "Görgünoğlu, Salih"
A fast fingerprint image enhancement algorithm using a parabolic mask
Published in Computers & electrical engineering (01-05-2008)“…The quality of fingerprint images (FIs) varies depending on the image taking method. The performance of automatic fingerprint recognition systems highly…”
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Düşük Maliyetli 8-bitlik Bir Mikrodenetleyici Kullanarak 3-Fazlı İndüksiyon Motor Hız Denetleyicisinin Tasarımı ve Gerçekleştirilmesi
Published in Politeknik Dergisi (01-03-2009)“…AA indüksiyon motorları endüstriyel uygulamalarda yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bu motorlar genellikle değişkenhızlarda çalıştırılmaktadırlar. AA motorların…”
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A Robust Correlation Based Fingerprint Matching Algorithm for Verification
Published in Journal of applied sciences (Asian Network for Scientific Information) (01-11-2007)Get full text
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Examination of Speed Contribution of Parallelization for Several Fingerprint Pre-Processing Algorithms
Published in Advances in electrical and computer engineering (01-01-2014)“…In analysis of minutiae based fingerprint systems, fingerprints needs to be pre-processed. The pre-processing is carried out to enhance the quality of the…”
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8051 Ailesi Mikrodenetleyici Eğitim Setinin Tasarımı Ve Gerçekleştirilmesi
Published in Politeknik Dergisi (01-03-2002)“…Günümüzde mikrodenetleyici adı verilen işlemciler yaygın olarak bir çok alanda kullanılmaktadır. Çok sayıda analog ve sayısal tümleşik elemanlar kullanılarak…”
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Cropped Quad-Tree Based Solid Object Colouring with Cuda
Published in Mathematical and computational applications (01-12-2013)Get full text
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Design of a real-time USB interfaced multi-channel power system harmonics detection system
Published in 2015 9th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ELECO) (01-11-2015)“…In recent years, the increase of non-linear loads caused more harmonics on power systems. With the advent of the loads that are sensitive to power quality,…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Technical Communication: A fast fingerprint image enhancement algorithm using a parabolic mask
Published in Computers & electrical engineering (01-05-2008)“…The quality of fingerprint images (FIs) varies depending on the image taking method. The performance of automatic fingerprint recognition systems highly…”
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A comparison of minutia triplet based features for fingerprint indexing
Published in 2016 24th Signal Processing and Communication Application Conference (SIU) (01-05-2016)“…The sensitivities of features extracted from minutia triplets, in fingerprint indexing studies, against distortions on impression images have been compared. It…”
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Conference Proceeding