Search Results - "Gómez Cabello, Alba"
Health economic evaluation of exercise interventions in people over 60 years old: A systematic review
Published in Experimental gerontology (01-05-2022)“…This systematic review was conducted to examine the cost-effectiveness of exercise interventions in community-dwelling older adults. A systematic search for…”
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Effects of a multicomponent training followed by a detraining period on metabolic syndrome profile of older adults
Published in Experimental gerontology (01-02-2024)“…The present study sought to analyze the effects of 6-month multicomponent training (MCT) combined with a 4-month detraining on metabolic syndrome (MetS)…”
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Proteomic profiling of human plasma extracellular vesicles identifies PF4 and C1R as novel biomarker in sarcopenia
Published in Journal of cachexia, sarcopenia and muscle (01-10-2024)“…Background Sarcopenia, the gradual and generalized loss of muscle mass and function with ageing, is one of the major health problems in older adults, given its…”
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Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome and Association with Physical Activity and Frailty Status in Spanish Older Adults with Decreased Functional Capacity: A Cross-Sectional Study
Published in Nutrients (30-05-2022)“…Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a cluster of medical conditions associated with several health disorders. MetS and frailty can be related to prolonged physical…”
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Functional Frailty, Dietary Intake, and Risk of Malnutrition. Are Nutrients Involved in Muscle Synthesis the Key for Frailty Prevention?
Published in Nutrients (08-04-2021)“…Frailty is a reversible condition, which is strongly related to physical function and nutritional status. Different scales are used to screened older adults…”
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Effects of multicomponent training and detraining on the fitness of older adults with or at risk of frailty: results of a 10-month quasi-experimental study
Published in European journal of sport science (01-08-2023)“…The aims of this study were (1) to analyse the effects of a 6-month multicomponent training (MCT) on the physical fitness of older adults with or at risk of…”
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Fat–Fit Patterns, Drug Consumption, and Polypharmacy in Older Adults: The EXERNET Multi-Center Study
Published in Nutrients (01-08-2021)“…Background: Physical fitness levels and the amount of accumulated adipose tissue (fatness) relate to current and future individuals’ heath status…”
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Association Between Physical Fitness and Bone Strength and Structure in 3- to 5-Year-Old Children
Published in Sports health (01-09-2020)“…Background: The positive association between physical fitness and bone structure has been widely investigated in children and adolescents, yet no studies have…”
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Multicomponent Training Improves the Quality of Life of Older Adults at Risk of Frailty
Published in Healthcare (Basel) (01-10-2023)“…Achieving a high quality of life in older adults can be difficult if they have limited physical function. The aims of this study were to evaluate the…”
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Role of Dietary Intake and Serum 25(OH)D on the Effects of a Multicomponent Exercise Program on Bone Mass and Structure of Frail and Pre-Frail Older Adults
Published in Nutrients (01-10-2020)“…The multicomponent training (MCT) effect on bone health in frail and pre-frail elders, which is influenced by dietary intake, is still unknown. The objective…”
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Self-Reported Sleeping Time Effects on Physical Performance and Body Composition Among Spanish Older Adults: EXERNET-Elder 3.0 study
Published in Gerontology and geriatric medicine (2022)“…Objective: To determine the link between physical fitness and body composition with nocturnal and nap time in Spanish older adults. Methods: Eight hundred…”
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Associations between obesity, physical fitness, and urinary incontinence in non-institutionalized postmenopausal women: The elderly EXERNET multi-center study
Published in Maturitas (01-10-2015)“…Highlights • Urinary incontinence prevalence was 28.5% in non-institutionalized postmenopausal women older than 65-yrs old. • Body mass index, waist…”
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Sitting time increases the overweight and obesity risk independently of walking time in elderly people from Spain
Published in Maturitas (01-12-2012)“…Abstract Introduction Obesity, defined as an excess of total body fat, is a matter of concern all over the world, and its prevalence is still increasing among…”
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Harmonization process and reliability assessment of anthropometric measurements in the elderly EXERNET multi-centre study
Published in PloS one (31-07-2012)“…The elderly EXERNET multi-centre study aims to collect normative anthropometric data for old functionally independent adults living in Spain. To describe the…”
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Frailty and Physical Fitness in Elderly People: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Published in Sports medicine (Auckland) (01-01-2021)“…Background Frailty is an age-related condition that implies a vulnerability status affecting quality of life and independence of the elderly. Physical fitness…”
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Is bone tissue really affected by swimming? A systematic review
Published in PloS one (07-08-2013)“…Swimming, a sport practiced in hypogravity, has sometimes been associated with decreased bone mass. This systematic review aims to summarize and update present…”
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Effects of Diet-Exercise Interaction on Human Health across a Lifespan
Published in Nutrients (29-05-2023)“…The world is changing even faster than ever and has modified people's lives [...]…”
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Does nutritional status influence the effects of a multicomponent exercise programme on body composition and physical fitness in older adults with limited physical function?
Published in European journal of sport science (01-07-2023)“…Physical exercise effects and ageing on fitness may be influenced by nutritional status. This study investigates the effects of a 6-month multicomponent…”
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Effect of Whole-Body Vibration Therapy on Health-Related Physical Fitness in Children and Adolescents With Disabilities: A Systematic Review
Published in Journal of adolescent health (01-04-2014)“…Abstract Purpose To summarize the current literature regarding the effects of whole-body vibration (WBV) therapy on the health-related physical fitness of…”
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Psychosocial factors related to physical activity in frail and prefrail elderly people
Published in BMC geriatrics (09-05-2022)“…Increased physical activity (PA) is a very important factor in a healthy aging lifestyle. Psychosocial factors have also a main role in the initiation and…”
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