Search Results - "Gómez, M.A. Martínez"
Implementation of fuzzy control in a domestic refrigerator considering the influence of the thermal load
Published in International journal of refrigeration (01-05-2023)“…This paper presents the development of a fuzzy control implemented in a domestic refrigerator in which the thermal load (food) is included as an input variable…”
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Development and application to clinical practice of a validated HPLC method for the analysis of β-glucocerebrosidase in Gaucher disease
Published in Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis (25-03-2014)“…•Development and validation of a simple, fast and reliable method for estimation of glucocerebrosidase activity based on high-performance liquid…”
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Characterization of antihistamine–human serum protein interactions by capillary electrophoresis
Published in Journal of Chromatography A (20-04-2007)“…An important topic in the drug discovery and development process is the role of drug binding to plasma proteins. In this paper the characterization of the…”
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Enantiomeric quality control of antihistamines in pharmaceuticals by affinity electrokinetic chromatography with human serum albumin as chiral selector
Published in Analytica chimica acta (05-06-2007)“…The present paper deals with the enantiomeric separation of six antihistaminic enantiomers by affinity electrokinetic chromatography (AEKC)-partial filling…”
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Chiral separation of oxprenolol by affinity electrokinetic chromatography-partial filling technique using human serum albumin as chiral selector
Published in Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis (01-09-2005)“…The intrinsic characteristics of capillary electrophoresis have made this technique a powerful tool in the chiral separation field. The present paper deals…”
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Problemas nutricionales percibidos por los pediatras en niños españoles menores de 3 años
Published in Nutrición hospitalaria : organo oficial de la Sociedad Española de Nutrición Parenteral y Enteral (01-12-2012)“…Introducción: Los padres son los principales responsables de la educación nutricional de sus hijos y es labor del pediatra orientar y resolver problemas al…”
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Nanopartículas para el control del biodeterioro en monumentos históricos
Published in Mundo nano (en línea) (09-04-2015)“…Resumen: La exposición directa de construcciones e inmuebles históricos al ambiente tiene efectos negativos en las propiedades de los materiales; debido al…”
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Journal Article -
Problemas nutricionales percibidos por los pediatras en niños españoles menores de 3 años Nutritional problems perceived by pediatricians in Spanish children younger than 3 years
Published in Nutrición hospitalaria : organo oficial de la Sociedad Española de Nutrición Parenteral y Enteral (01-12-2012)“…Introducción: Los padres son los principales responsables de la educación nutricional de sus hijos y es labor del pediatra orientar y resolver problemas al…”
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Exposición a fármacos citotóxicos en el personal sanitario
Published in Farmacia hospitalaria (01-09-2012)“…Cuantificar los niveles de exposición del personal sanitario a fármacos citotóxicos con el fin de establecer el nivel umbral de exposición e implantar medidas…”
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Application of bifurcations theory to assess nonlinear oscillations produced by AC electric arc furnaces
Published in IEEE transactions on power delivery (01-04-2005)“…This contribution deals with the stability analysis of the alternating current arc furnace dynamic operation connected to a supply system using bifurcations…”
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Auditoría de comunicación interna de un hospital
Published in Gaceta sanitaria (1998)“…Conocer el estado actual de la comunicación interna percibida por los profesionales (médicos, enfermeras), por los cargos intermedios y por el equipo…”
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A line cell tracking system
Published in 2008 Digest of the IEEE/LEOS Summer Topical Meetings (01-07-2008)“…The detection of borders of an image constitutes a process of digitalization of the image. Once digitized the image the next step is the processing of the…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Determination of the production profile of incinerable waste for the city of Bucaramanga and its energy capacity
Published in 2018 XXXI INTERNATIONAL SUMMER MEETING ON POWER AND INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS (RVP-AI) (01-07-2018)“…This paper shows the results of the mathematical model that describes the behavior of the amount of incinerable solid waste that has occurred in the city of…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Application of bifurcations theory to assess nonlinear oscillations produced by ac electric arc furnaces
Published in IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 2005 (2005)“…Summary form only given. This contribution deals with the stability analysis of the alternating current arc furnace dynamic operation connected to a supply…”
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Conference Proceeding