Search Results - "Gómez, Diana Carolina"
“The suffering we collectively inhabit”: Relational understandings of citizenship by the Colombian post-accord generation
Published in Childhood (Copenhagen, Denmark) (01-02-2024)“…This paper explores children’s and youth’s understandings of Colombian citizenship. Drawing from ethnographic work in the Museo Casa de la Memoria in Medellín,…”
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Villous atrophy, an endoscopic and diagnostic challenge
Published in Revista española de enfermedades digestivas (01-03-2022)“…A 57-year-old female presented with a five-year history of non-bloody diarrhea, reaching 10 to 20 daily depositions without abdominal cramping and a weight…”
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Lo incierto de los programas de beneficios por colaboración
Published in Díkaion (27-09-2021)“…Este trabajo desarrolla de manera reflexiva la rivalidad entre la política criminal y los programas de clemencia en el derecho de la competencia. Con la…”
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Thyrotoxic Cardiomyopathy: State of the Art
Published in TouchREVIEWS in endocrinology (01-05-2023)“…Thyroid hormones, mainly triiodothyronine, have genomic and non-genomic effects on cardiomyocytes related to the contractile function of the heart…”
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Proboscis Lateralis With Choanal Atresia
Published in The Journal of craniofacial surgery (01-01-2024)“…The case of a female patient who was born with proboscis lateralis, choanal atresia, and telecanthus is submitted. A report is made on the initial management…”
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Characterization of evisceration and enucleation following ocular trauma in Medellín, Colombia
Published in The Pan-American journal of ophthalmology (01-12-2023)“…Introduction: Ocular trauma is a significant cause of visual loss with long-term sequelae, including reduced quality of life and loss of productivity for young…”
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Impacto de la vacunación contra hepatitis B en la prevalencia de infección por virus B y Delta en la cuenca amazónica colombiana
Published in Salud pública de México (09-11-2021)“…No disponible…”
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Choroidal metastasis secondary to renal tumor
Published in The Pan-American journal of ophthalmology (01-08-2023)“…Renal tumors correspond to a small part of the total number of neoplasms. However, they can cause metastasis, mainly in the lungs, bones, and liver. In the…”
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Lefort I Osteotomy With and Without Osteogenic Distraction in Cleft Lip and Palate Patients: Experience at Hospital Universitario Infantil De San José
Published in The Journal of craniofacial surgery (01-05-2024)“…INTRODUCTIONCleft lip and cleft palate (CLP) are congenital diseases that lead to several secondary craniofacial anomalies, such as hypoplasia of the middle…”
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Published in Redes de Ingenierâia (28-05-2014)“…El presente artículo presenta los criterios de diseño para la construcción de un robot omnidireccional, a partir del planteamiento de modelos matemáticos, como…”
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Competencia mediática para identificar noticias falsas. Estudio de caso con estudiantes de cuarto de secundaria de un colegio en Lima
Published in Correspondencias & análisis (01-01-2023)“…En un contexto donde los medios digitales son una pieza importante en la proliferación de la información, la presente investigación aborda la competencia…”
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Panhypopituitarism in a Patient with Burkitt Lymphoma: A Diagnostic and Therapeutic Challenge
Published in TouchREVIEWS in endocrinology (15-12-2023)“…Pituitary infiltration by systemic lymphoma is an exceedingly rare occurrence. Given its high mortality rate, it is crucial to recognize its clinical,…”
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Evaluación formativa de dos intervenciones inspiradas en principios restaurativos en centros de reclusión
Published in Revista criminalidad (01-08-2018)“…Los principios en los que se basa la justicia restaurativa representan una alternativa con gran potencial transformador para víctimas y victimarios, aunque…”
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(Dis) Connecting with the Ummah in e-Spaces: How Latino Muslims Shape Their Identity Through the Internet?
Published in Journal of Muslim minority affairs (02-04-2020)“…This article aims to give a better understanding of the role and dynamics of communities in Latino Muslims' online lives. Latinos extensively use online spaces…”
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Alteridade e ato responsável em Bakhtin e Lévinas: contribuições à educação ambiental inspirada pelo infinito ético
Published in Desenvolvimento e meio ambiente (30-04-2017)“…A crise ambiental exige uma reflexão crítica sobre as suposições que orientam a sociedade ocidental moderna. Ao abandonarem a concepção da Natureza enquanto…”
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Tetanos: desde la prevencion primaria hasta el diagnostico temprano y tratamiento oportuno ante desastres
Published in Revista CES salud publica (01-07-2012)“…El tétanos más que una enfermedad infecciosa, es una intoxicación debida a la toxina del Clostridium tetani. Es una enfermedad no contagiosa, prevenible que se…”
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Published in Revista de investigaciones Universidad del Quindio (En línea) (31-12-2015)“…Una de las causas de muerte más comunes entre la población femenina a nivel mundial es el cáncer de seno, además de ser una de las formas de cáncer más…”
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Territórios ameaçados no contexto de expansão da urbanização neoliberal – o caso do Coque – Recife-PE
Published in Revista Movimentos Sociais e Dinâmicas Espaciais (31-07-2018)“…Em Recife, historicamente, os territórios vividos resistem contra a especulação imobiliária cujos interesses fizeram parte preponderante, desde muito cedo, da…”
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Complication After Mandibular Reconstruction With Fibula Free Flap in a Patient With Hemifacial Microsomia
Published in The Journal of craniofacial surgery (01-05-2021)“…Hemifacial microsomia is the second most frequent pathology in craniofacial malformations. Clinical findings are broad, mainly affecting the mandible. Several…”
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