Search Results - "Gálvez Cárdenas, Kenny Mauricio"
Enfermedad linfoproliferativa postrasplante de organo solido
Published in Iatreia (Medellín, Colombia) (01-07-2016)“…Con la denominación enfermedad linfoproliferativa postrasplante (ELPT) se conoce un grupo de trastornos que se pueden presentar con posterioridad al trasplante…”
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SARS-CoV-2 desde una perspectiva hematológica
Published in Medicina y Laboratorio (01-07-2022)“…La infección viral respiratoria causada por el SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2) produce la enfermedad por coronavirus 2019 o…”
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Mast cell activation syndrome. About a clinical case
Published in Revista alergia Mexico (Tecamachalco, Pueblo, Mexico : 1993) (01-10-2019)“…Monoclonal mast cell activation syndrome is included in mast cell activation disorders in which, after a diagnostic process, it is not possible to meet the…”
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Patients Age 40 Years and Younger With Multiple Myeloma Have the Same Prognosis as Older Patients: An Analysis of Real-World Patients' Evidence From Latin America
Published in JCO global oncology (01-09-2023)“…Multiple myeloma (MM) is a highly heterogeneous, incurable disease most frequently diagnosed in the elderly. Therefore, data on clinical characteristics and…”
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Treatment of post-transplantation lymphoproliferative disorders after kidney transplant with rituximab and conversion to m-TOR inhibitor
Published in Colombia medica (Cali, Colombia) (30-12-2016)“…Post-transplantation lymphoproliferative disorders are serious complications of organ transplantation which treatment is not yet standardized. To describe the…”
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Enfermedad por aglutininas frías: proceso diagnóstico, tratamiento y seguimiento de un paciente
Published in Medicina y Laboratorio (01-10-2021)“…La enfermedad por crioaglutininas es una anemia hemolítica autoinmune que se caracteriza, en la gran mayoría de los casos, por la hemólisis mediada por…”
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Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease
Published in Iatreia (Medellín, Colombia) (01-07-2016)“…Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease (PTLD) is a group of disorders that may occur after transplantation. Its incidence is variable according to the…”
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Factores pronósticos que afectan la supervivencia en el paciente con mieloma múltiple
Published in C.E.S. medicina (01-09-2021)“…El mieloma múltiple es la segunda neoplasia hematológica más frecuente y se caracteriza por la expansión aberrante de las células plasmáticas monoclonales, en…”
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Amiloidosis sistémica con énfasis en amiloidosis de cadenas livianas de inmunoglobulinas
Published in Medicina y Laboratorio (01-10-2023)“…La amiloidosis sistémica es una enfermedad poco común en la cual una proteína mal plegada se vuelve resistente a los procesos catabólicos del organismo,…”
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Chronic lymphocytic Leukemia and deletionof the TP53 gene: Case report and literature review
Published in Iatreia (Medellín, Colombia) (01-10-2021)“…Genetic alterations in the TP53 gene are present in 5 to 8% of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) cases at the time of diagnosis. These cases are typically…”
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Treatment patterns and clinical outcomes in acute myeloid leukemia patients who are not eligible for intensive induction chemotherapy: A real-world study from Latin-America
Published in Medicina y Laboratorio (01-10-2023)“…Introduction. There is a knowledge gap concerning patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) who are not eligible for intensive induction chemotherapy; this,…”
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Diagnóstico de amiloidosis renal AA mediante espectrometría de masas en un paciente con proceso inflamatorio crónico grave abdominal
Published in Revista colombiana de nefrología (En línea) (01-10-2022)“…IntroducciónLa amiloidosis es una enfermedad rara, producto del plegamiento y depósito normal de proteínas en tejidos y órganos. Esta enfermedad puede tener un…”
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Treatment of post-transplantation lymphoproliferative disorders after kidney transplant with rituximab and conversion to m-TOR inhibitor
Published in Colombia médica (Cali, Colombia) (01-03-2018)“…Background: Post-transplantation lymphoproliferative disorders are serious complications of organ transplantation which treatment is not yet standardized…”
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Leucemia linfocítica crónica y deleción del gen TP53: reporte de un caso y revisión de la literatura
Published in Iatreia (Medellín, Colombia) (01-01-2021)“…Las alteraciones genéticas en el gen TP53 están presentes entre el 5 al 8 % de los pacientes de leucemia linfocítica crónica (LLC) en el momento del…”
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Síndrome hemolítico-urêmica causada por gencitabina em uma paciente jovem com colangiocarcinoma
Published in Brazilian Journal of Nephrology (01-06-2016)“…Resumo A gencitabina é um fármaco utilizado no tratamento de vários tipos de neoplasias malignas. Há poucas descrições de associação entre a droga e a síndrome…”
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Síndrome de activación mastocitaria. A propósito de un caso clínico
Published in Revista alergia Mexico (Tecamachalco, Pueblo, Mexico : 1993) (01-12-2019)“…Antecedentes: Entre los desórdenes de activación mastocitaria se incluye el síndrome de activación monoclonal de mastocitos, que no cumple con los criterios…”
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Chylothorax as an Initial Manifestation of Waldenström macroglobulinemia
Published in Curēus (Palo Alto, CA) (06-04-2020)“…Waldenström macroglobulinemia (WM) is an uncommon disease whose most common presenting features are anemia, hyperviscosity-related symptoms, B symptoms,…”
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Coagulation and massive bleeding: new concepts
Published in Medicina U.P.B (01-07-2011)“…It is now accepted categorically that the main initiating event of blood coagulation is exposure of tissue factor (TF), which leads to the formation of the…”
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Treatment of post-transplantation lymphoproliferative disorders after kidney transplant with rituximab and conversion to m-TOR inhibitor
Published in Colombia médica (Cali, Colombia) (01-03-2018)“…Background: Post-transplantation lymphoproliferative disorders are serious complications of organ transplantation which treatment is not yet standardized…”
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Low-molecular-weight heparin induced thrombocytopenia
Published in Medicina U.P.B (01-07-2011)“…We present two cases of lowmolecularweight heparin induced thrombocytopenia, confirmed both clinically and serologically, managed with Fondaparinux…”
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