Search Results - "Fyodorov, Yan V."
Counting equilibria of large complex systems by instability index
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (24-08-2021)“…We consider a nonlinear autonomous system of N ≫ 1 degrees of freedom randomly coupled by both relaxational (“gradient”) and nonrelaxational (“solenoidal”)…”
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Critical behavior of the number of minima of a random landscape at the glass transition point and the Tracy-Widom distribution
Published in Physical review letters (16-10-2012)“…We exploit a relation between the mean number N(m) of minima of random Gaussian surfaces and extreme eigenvalues of random matrices to understand the critical…”
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Statistics of resonance width shifts as a signature of eigenfunction nonorthogonality
Published in Physical review letters (03-05-2012)“…We consider an open (scattering) quantum system under the action of a perturbation of its closed counterpart. It is demonstrated that the resulting shift of…”
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Exponential number of equilibria and depinning threshold for a directed polymer in a random potential
Published in Annals of physics (01-10-2018)“…By extending the Kac–Rice approach to manifolds of finite internal dimension, we show that the mean numberNtot of all possible equilibria (i.e. force-free…”
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Extreme Eigenvalues and the Emerging Outlier in Rank-One Non-Hermitian Deformations of the Gaussian Unitary Ensemble
Published in Entropy (Basel, Switzerland) (30-12-2022)“…Complex eigenvalues of random matrices J=GUE+iγdiag(1,0,…,0) provide the simplest model for studying resonances in wave scattering from a quantum chaotic…”
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Resonance width distribution in RMT: Weak-coupling regime beyond Porter-Thomas
Published in Europhysics letters (01-05-2015)“…We employ the random matrix theory (RMT) framework to revisit the distribution of resonance widths in quantum chaotic systems weakly coupled to the continuum…”
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Complexity of random energy landscapes, glass transition, and absolute value of the spectral determinant of random matrices
Published in Physical review letters (18-06-2004)“…Finding the mean of the total number N(tot) of stationary points for N-dimensional random energy landscapes is reduced to averaging the absolute value of the…”
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On Statistics of Bi-Orthogonal Eigenvectors in Real and Complex Ginibre Ensembles: Combining Partial Schur Decomposition with Supersymmetry
Published in Communications in mathematical physics (01-10-2018)“…We suggest a method of studying the joint probability density (JPD) of an eigenvalue and the associated ‘non-orthogonality overlap factor’ (also known as the…”
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A Spin Glass Model for Reconstructing Nonlinearly Encrypted Signals Corrupted by Noise
Published in Journal of statistical physics (01-06-2019)“…We define a (symmetric key) encryption of a signal s ∈ R N as a random mapping s ↦ y = ( y 1 , … , y M ) T ∈ R M known both to the sender and a recipient. In…”
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Freezing transitions and extreme values: random matrix theory, ζ (½ + it) and disordered landscapes
Published in Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences (28-01-2014)“…We argue that the freezing transition scenario, previously conjectured to occur in the statistical mechanics of 1/f-noise random energy models, governs, after…”
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Nonlinear analogue of the May–Wigner instability transition
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (21-06-2016)“…We study a system of N≫1 degrees of freedom coupled via a smooth homogeneous Gaussian vector field with both gradient and divergence-free components. In the…”
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Statistics of Complex Wigner Time Delays as a Counter of S -Matrix Poles: Theory and Experiment
Published in Physical review letters (12-11-2021)“…We study the statistical properties of the complex generalization of Wigner time delay τW for subunitary wave-chaotic scattering systems. We first demonstrate…”
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On absolute moments of characteristic polynomials of a certain class of complex random matrices
Published in Communications in mathematical physics (01-08-2007)“…The integer moments of the spectral determinant | det (zI − W) |2 of complex random matrices W are obtained in terms of the characteristic polynomial of the…”
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Condition Numbers for Real Eigenvalues in the Real Elliptic Gaussian Ensemble
Published in Annales Henri Poincaré (2021)“…We study the distribution of the eigenvalue condition numbers κ i = ( l i ∗ l i ) ( r i ∗ r i ) associated with real eigenvalues λ i of partially asymmetric N…”
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Universal results for correlations of characteristic polynomials: Riemann-Hilbert approach
Published in Communications in mathematical physics (01-10-2003)Get full text
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Optimal wave fields for micromanipulation in complex scattering environments
Published in Nature photonics (01-03-2020)“…The manipulation of small objects with light has become an indispensable tool in many areas of research, ranging from physics to biology and medicine 1 – 7 …”
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Freezing transition, characteristic polynomials of random matrices, and the Riemann zeta function
Published in Physical review letters (27-04-2012)“…We argue that the freezing transition scenario, previously explored in the statistical mechanics of 1/f-noise random energy models, also determines the value…”
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Statistics of Extremes in Eigenvalue-Counting Staircases
Published in Physical review letters (29-05-2020)“…We consider the number NθA ( θ ) of eigenvalues eiθj of a random unitary matrix, drawn from CUEβ ( N ) , in the interval θj ∈ [ θA , θ ] . The deviations from…”
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Moments of the Position of the Maximum for GUE Characteristic Polynomials and for Log-Correlated Gaussian Processes
Published in Journal of statistical physics (01-07-2016)“…We study three instances of log-correlated processes on the interval: the logarithm of the Gaussian unitary ensemble (GUE) characteristic polynomial, the…”
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The band structure of a model of spatial random permutation
Published in Probability theory and related fields (01-04-2021)“…We study a random permutation of a lattice box in which each permutation is given a Boltzmann weight with energy equal to the total Euclidean displacement. Our…”
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