Search Results - "Fusté, Adela"
The validation of the Barcelona Orthorexia Scale—Spanish version: evidence from the general population
Published in Eating and weight disorders (27-10-2023)“…Purpose To validate the Spanish version of Barcelona Orthorexia Scale (BOS) in general population, analyzing its items and both its internal structure and…”
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The Barcelona Orthorexia Scale (BOS): development process using the Delphi method
Published in Eating and weight disorders (01-04-2019)“…Purpose Orthorexia nervosa is a currently investigated eating disorder proposed by US physician Steve Bratman, defined as pathological fixation on eating…”
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The hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis and personality in a sample of healthy subjects
Published in Psychoneuroendocrinology (01-01-2018)“…•Serum levels of thyroid hormones are related to personality in healthy subjects.•Subjects with high serum TSH exhibit more adaptive personality profile.•TSH…”
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Peer counselling versus role-playing: Two training methods of therapeutic skills in clinical psychology
Published in Psicothema (01-02-2018)“…Training programmes for clinical psychologists should include evidence-based teaching methods that enable trainees to learn therapeutic skills. Here we…”
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Coping styles and vulnerability to eating disorders in adolescent girls, by age
Published in Terapia psicológica (01-12-2015)“…The main goal of the study is to explore the relationship between coping styles and vulnerability to eating disorders in a sample of adolescent girls,…”
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Dimensionality of three versions of the eating disorder inventory in adolescent girls
Published in European eating disorders review (01-07-2010)“…Objectives To analyze the dimensionality of three versions of the Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI) in adolescent girls. Method The sample comprised 738…”
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Differential effects of two virtual reality interventions: distraction versus pain control
Published in Cyberpsychology, behavior and social networking (01-06-2014)“…There is evidence that virtual reality (VR) pain distraction is effective at improving pain-related outcomes. However, more research is needed to investigate…”
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Predictors of tonic immobility during traumatic events
Published in Anales de psicología (Murcia, Spain) (01-10-2015)“…Tonic immobility (TI) is a possible reaction to danger that is facilitated by intense fear, physical restraint and perceived inability to escape. Other…”
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External Eating as a Predictor of Cue-reactivity to Food-related Virtual Environments
Published in Studies in health technology and informatics (2015)“…The objective of this study was to assess the association between external eating style and food craving experienced during exposure to food cues in virtual…”
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Trait and State Craving as Indicators of Validity of VR-based Software for Binge Eating Treatment
Published in Studies in health technology and informatics (2015)“…The aim of this study was to establish whether virtual reality (VR) exposure to food cues is able to produce craving levels consistent with state-craving and…”
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Predictores de la inmovilidad tónica ante eventos traumáticos
Published in Anales de psicología (Murcia, Spain) (16-09-2015)“…Tonic immobility (TI) is a possible reaction to danger that is facilitated by intense fear, physical restraint and perceived inability to escape. Other…”
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Psychometric Analysis of the Barber Suggestibility Scale in a Clinical Population
Published in The American journal of clinical hypnosis (25-04-2018)“…The aim of the study was to administer the Barber suggestibility scale to a clinical population in Spain and to examine its psychometric properties therein…”
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Predictores de la inmovilidad tónica ante eventos traumáticos
Published in Anales de psicología (Murcia, Spain) (01-10-2015)“…La inmovilidad tónica (IT) es una posible reacción ante el peligro que es facilitada por el miedo intenso, la restricción física y la incapacidad percibida de…”
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Coping style and disturbed eating attitudes in adolescent girls
Published in The International journal of eating disorders (01-07-2002)“…Objective The main goal of this work was to explore the relationship between coping styles and predisposition to eating disorders in a sample of adolescent…”
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Antibody Response to Rat Erythrocytes and Some Behaviors in Two Strains of Mice after Social Isolation
Published in The Journal of general psychology (01-04-1993)“…The purpose of this research was twofold: (a) To find out if the antibody response and some behaviors are differential traits for mice (murine strains C57BL/6…”
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Antibody response and some behaviors as differential traits between two inbred strains of mice (C57BL/6 and BALB/c)
Published in Psychological reports (01-02-1993)“…The goals of this research were to find out if the antibody response and some behaviors are differential traits for murine strains C57BL/6 and BALB/c and to…”
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Coping style and vulnerability to eating disorders in adolescent boys
Published in European eating disorders review (01-01-2004)“…The main goal of this study was to analyse the relationship between coping styles and the predisposition to eating disorders in a sample of adolescent boys…”
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Published in Psicothema (01-01-2000)“…El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la estructura factorial de la versión reducida del Eysenck Personality Profiler (EPP-SF), un cuestionario recientemente…”
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Peer counselling versus role-playing: Two training methods of therapeutic skills in clinical psychology
Published in Psicothema (01-01-2018)“…Background: Training programmes for clinical psychologists should include evidence-based teaching methods that enable trainees to learn therapeutic skills…”
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Eficacia y utilidad clínica de la terapiapsicológica
Published in International journal of clinical and health psychology (2002)“…La eficacia y efectividad de la terapia psicológica es un tema que está generando actualmente un importante debate y que es clave tanto desde un punto de vista…”
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