Search Results - "Fundo, Passo"
Quantification of biofilm production on polystyrene by Listeria, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus isolated from a poultry slaughterhouse
Published in Brazilian journal of microbiology (01-10-2010)“…This study assessed biofilm formation on polystyrene by Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes, L. welshimeri and Escherichia coli, isolated from a…”
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Agreement between heart rate at first ventilatory threshold on treadmill and at 6-min walk test in coronary artery disease patients on β-blockers treatment
Published in Journal of exercise rehabilitation (01-10-2021)“…The purpose of this study was to verify the accuracy of the agreement between heart rate at the first ventilatory threshold (HRVT1) and heart rate at the end…”
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Juice Test for Identification of Nonerosive Reflux Disease in Heartburn Patients
Published in Journal of neurogastroenterology and motility (30-04-2018)“…Evaluation of esophageal clearance by orange juice swallowing could be useful to identify different categories of gastroesophageal reflux disease. We…”
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Effect of microalga Spirulina platensis (Arthrospira platensis) on hippocampus lipoperoxidation and lipid profile in rats with induced hypercholesterolemia
Published in Brazilian archives of biology and technology (01-10-2009)“…Studies have been conducted on microalga Spirulina platensis (Arthrospira platensis) due to its therapeutic potential in several areas, including the capacity…”
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Morphological and anatomical aspects of birdsfoot trefoil and big trefoil
Published in Revista brasileira de zootecnia (01-09-2009)“…This study was carried out with the objective of describing the aerial and underground organs of birdsfoot trefoil [Lotus corniculatus (São Gabriel and…”
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Aggregation of subtropical soil under liming: a study using laser diffraction
Published in Revista brasileira de ciência do solo (01-06-2010)“…Laser diffraction (LD) provides detailed analysis of particle size distribution. Its application to testing the stability of soil aggregates can assist studies…”
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Morphological development of Alfagraze cultivar and Crioula alfalfa populations selected at the seedling stage
Published in Revista brasileira de zootecnia (01-04-2009)“…The objective of this study was to compare two populations of Crioula alfalfa cultivars, selected by the length of the seedling second internode (Crioula-LI,…”
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Grazing resistance mechanisms in alfalfas of different aptitude in the juvenile stage
Published in Revista brasileira de zootecnia (01-08-2010)“…This study aimed at verifying whether juvenile plants of alfalfa cultivars with different aptitude (grazingtype: Alfagraze and ABT 805; hay-type: Crioula) show…”
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53831 Skin rejuvenation with the use of ortho-silicic acid stabilized by hydrolyzed marine collagen
Published in Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (01-09-2024)Get full text
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Agroforestry system effects on soil characteristics of the Sarapiquı́ region of Costa Rica
Published in Agriculture, ecosystems & environment (22-03-1999)“…Agroforestry systems have been considered sustainable land-use alternatives for the humid tropics because they may imitate characteristics of natural…”
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Community participation in the identification of neighbourhood sustainability indicators in Brazil
Published in Habitat international (01-07-2021)“…The challenges inherent to urbanisation, such as the densification of peripheral locations, promote precarious urban scenarios with several deficiencies in…”
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Effect of extrusion process variables on physical and chemical properties of extruded oat products
Published in Plant foods for human nutrition (Dordrecht) (1999)“…The purpose of this research was to study the effects of initial moisture levels and extrusion temperatures on bulk density, water absorption and water…”
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Resistência parcial à brusone de genótipos de trigo comum e sintético nos estádios de planta jovem e de planta adulta
Published in Transformação (01-02-2010)Get full text
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Videolaparoscopia no diagnóstico e tratamento da síndrome do ovário remanescente em uma gata
Published in Ciência rural (2009)“…A síndrome do ovário remanescente é definida como a persistência da atividade ovariana em fêmeas castradas. É decorrente da presença de tecido ovariano…”
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Seleção de populações de Bromus auleticus, uma gramínea perene de inverno
Published in Revista brasileira de zootecnia (01-02-2009)“…Neste trabalho objetivou-se selecionar as melhores populações de cevadilha vacariana (Bromus auleticus) mediante avaliação do seu desempenho agronômico e de…”
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Isolamento e seleção de fungos para biorremediação a partir de solo contaminado com herbicidas triazínicos
Published in Ciência e agrotecnologia (2008)“…A biorremediação é uma tecnologia que utiliza o metabolismo de microrganismos para eliminação ou redução, a níveis aceitáveis, de poluentes presentes no…”
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Indicadores da qualidade física de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico típico sob plantio direto escarificado
Published in Ciência rural (2009)“…A avaliação da qualidade física dos solos agrícolas tem assumido importância cada vez maior, principalmente em áreas sob sistema plantio direto, uma vez que…”
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Resposta de cultivares de trigo à infestação do pulgão Rhopalosiphum padi
Published in Pesquisa agropecuaria brasileira (01-12-2007)“…O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a resposta de oito cultivares comerciais de trigo (BRS 194, BRS 208, BRS Camboatá, BRS Guabiju, BRS Guamirim, BRS Louro,…”
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Comportamento de leguminosas (Adesmia, Lotus, Trifolium) em mistura com festuca
Published in Revista brasileira de zootecnia (2002)“…A introdução de leguminosas hibernais é uma das práticas mais importantes para incrementar a quantidade, a qualidade e a sustentabilidade de pastagens perenes…”
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Flocculation of fine fluorite particles with Corynebacterium xerosis and commercial long chain polymers
Published in Brazilian journal of microbiology (01-12-2002)“…This work aimed to study, comparatively, the flocculation of fluorite particles with Corynebacterium xerosis cells and three commercial long chain polymers…”
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