Search Results - "Fuller, Edgar"
The effects of different versions of a gateway STEM course on student attitudes and beliefs
Published in International journal of STEM education (25-10-2018)“…Background Substantial research has been conducted focusing on student outcomes in mathematics courses in order to better understand the ways in which these…”
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Mediating Role of Personality in the Relation of Gender to Self-Efficacy in Physics and Mathematics
Published in Physical Review Physics Education Research (01-06-2022)“…Self-efficacy has emerged as one of the most important noncognitive variables explaining academic behavior. It has been shown to influence students' academic…”
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Supporting Student Success and Persistence in STEM With Active Learning Approaches in Emerging Scholars Classrooms
Published in Frontiers in education (Lausanne) (09-08-2021)“…Over the last several decades, Emerging Scholars Programs (ESPs) have incorporated active learning strategies and challenging problems into collegiate…”
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Numerical Characterization of DNA Sequence Based on Dinucleotides
Published in TheScientificWorld (01-01-2012)“…Sequence comparison is a primary technique for the analysis of DNA sequences. In order to make quantitative comparisons, one devises mathematical descriptors…”
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Establishing a new standard of care for calculus using trials with randomized student allocation
Published in Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science) (01-09-2023)“…Calculus, the study of change in processes and systems, serves as the foundation for many STEM disciplines. Traditional, lecture-based calculus instruction may…”
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Using the Social Cognitive Theory Framework to Chart Gender Differences in the Developmental Trajectory of STEM Self-Efficacy in Science and Engineering Students
Published in Journal of science education and technology (01-12-2020)“…According to Bandura’s social cognitive theory, a student’s self-efficacy influences his or her academic and career decisions, and his or her performance…”
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Automatic Quasi-Clique Merger Algorithm — A hierarchical clustering based on subgraph-density
Published in Physica A (01-01-2022)“…The Automatic Quasi-Clique Merger algorithm is a new algorithm adapted from early work published under the name QCM (introduced by Ou and Zhang (2007)). The…”
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Predicting STEM persistence from mathematics affect, pedagogical perceptions and Calculus I setting
Published in International journal of mathematical education in science and technology (09-08-2023)“…A significant portion of mathematics education research has focused on factors that impact student pursuit of science, technology, engineering and mathematics…”
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Affective States of University Developmental Mathematics Students and Their Impact on Self-Efficacy, Belonging, Career Identity, Success and Persistence
Published in International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (01-10-2019)“…The identification of factors that impact student success in mathematics courses has been a focus of a great deal of research since the early 2000s. The role…”
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Eb&D: A new clustering approach for signed social networks based on both edge-betweenness centrality and density of subgraphs
Published in Physica A (15-09-2017)“…Clustering algorithms for unsigned social networks which have only positive edges have been studied intensively. However, when a network has like/dislike,…”
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A novel centrality method for weighted networks based on the Kirchhoff polynomial
Published in Pattern recognition letters (01-06-2015)“…•A new centrality measurement is introduced for weighted networks.•It evaluates the importance of a vertex from very different structural aspects with other…”
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Student attitudes in an innovative active learning approach in calculus
Published in International journal of mathematical education in science and technology (15-03-2024)“…A study conducted by the Mathematical Association of America showed that calculus not only has significant effects on students' decision to pursue STEM fields,…”
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The Effects of Migration to a Blended Self-Paced Format for a Remedial Pre-College Algebra Mathematics Course
Published in The journal of computers in mathematics and science teaching (01-04-2016)“…Approximately 30% of students entering West Virginia University (WVU) are not ready for college mathematics. The WVU Department of Mathematics has been tasked…”
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Student attitudes and achievement in active learning calculus
Published in International journal of mathematical education in science and technology (15-03-2024)“…The present paper explores the relationship between attitudes towards mathematics (ATM) and achievement in college calculus in active learning (AL) and…”
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Are University Budget Cuts Becoming A Threat to Mathematics? with Additional Discussion
Published 14-04-2024“…Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 71 (2024 May), no. 5, 656-663 Mathematics as an area of study occupies an important place in higher education…”
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Using Genetic Algorithms for Tasking Teams of Raven UAVs
Published in Journal of intelligent & robotic systems (01-04-2013)“…Control of multiple unmanned aerial vehicles is of importance given that so many have been deployed in the field. This work discusses how genetic algorithms…”
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“Follow the Leader”: A Centrality Guided Clustering and Its Application to Social Network Analysis
Published in TheScientificWorld (01-01-2013)“…Within graph theory and network analysis, centrality of a vertex measures the relative importance of avertex within a graph. The centrality plays key role in…”
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Tracking the Success of Pre-College Algebra Workshop Students in Subsequent College Mathematics Classes
Published in PRIMUS : problems, resources, and issues in mathematics undergraduate studies (2014)“…In 2007 the Department of Mathematics at our institution began developing a placement process designed to identify at-risk students entering mathematics…”
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A Comparative Study of Partial Credit Assessment and Computer-Based Testing for Mathematics
Published in The journal of computers in mathematics and science teaching (01-10-2010)“…This paper discusses a possible solution to a problem frequently encountered by educators seeking to use computer-based or multiple choice-based exams for…”
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