Search Results - "Frommer, Jörg"
Negative Affect, Type D Personality, Quality of Life, and Dysfunctional Outcomes of Total Knee Arthroplasty
Published in Pain research & management (01-01-2019)“…Background. Type D personality (TDP) is a sign of tapered stress and compromises treatment outcomes including those of hip arthroplasty. The common…”
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Altered brain activity during emotional empathy in somatoform disorder
Published in Human brain mapping (01-11-2012)“…Somatoform disorder patients suffer from impaired emotion recognition and other emotional deficits. Emotional empathy refers to the understanding and sharing…”
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The impact of music-imaginative pain treatment (MIPT) on psychophysical affect regulation – A single case study
Published in Frontiers in pain research (Lausanne, Switzerland) (22-09-2022)“…Music-imaginative Pain Treatment (MIPT) is part of the multi-professional treatment plan for hospitalised patients in departments for psychosomatic medicine…”
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Improvement of pain experience and changes in heart rate variability through music-imaginative pain treatment
Published in Frontiers in pain research (Lausanne, Switzerland) (10-08-2022)“…Music-imaginative Pain Treatment (MIPT) is a form of music therapy addressing pain experience and affective attitudes toward pain. It includes two…”
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Multimodal psychodynamic psychotherapy induces normalization of reward related activity in somatoform disorder
Published in The world journal of biological psychiatry (01-06-2011)“…Abstract Objectives. Somatoform disorder patients demonstrate a disturbance in the balance between internal and external information processing, with a…”
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Motivation for living-donor liver transplantation from the donor's perspective: An in-depth qualitative research study
Published in Transplantation (27-11-2004)“…There has been a lack of systematic in-depth research on the motives of living liver donors before transplantation that could contribute to an advanced…”
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Impaired psychosocial outcome of donors after living donor liver transplantation: a qualitative case study
Published in Clinical transplantation (01-07-2006)“…: Adult‐to‐adult living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) of the right hepatic lobe has been developing into an established therapy for treating pre‐terminal…”
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Trauma und Transformation: Ein Vierteljahrhundert institutionalisierte Psychoanalyse in Magdeburg
Published in Forum der Psychoanalyse (11-04-2024)Get full text
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Alexithymia and outcome in psychotherapy
Published in Psychotherapy and psychosomatics (01-01-2008)“…About 25% of all patients seeking psychotherapeutic treatment are considered to be alexithymic. Alexithymia has been assumed to be negatively associated with…”
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Dissociation and Pain-Catastrophizing: Absorptive Detachment as a Higher-Order Factor in Control of Pain-Related Fearful Anticipations Prior to Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA)
Published in Journal of clinical medicine (16-05-2019)“…Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) is the ultima-ratio therapy for knee-osteoarthritis (OA), which is a paradigmatic condition of chronic pain. A hierarchical…”
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A review on psychosomatic factors affecting the outcome after total knee-arthroplasty (TKA)
Published in Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie (01-12-2017)“…A review on psychosomatic factors affecting the outcome after total knee-arthroplasty (TKA) Objectives: In today's ageing Western societies, arthroplasty is a…”
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The Pain Paradox of Borderline Personality and Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA): Recruiting Borderline Personality Organization to Predict the One-Year Postoperative Outcome
Published in Journal of pain research (01-01-2020)“…TKA is a common treatment for arthropathies of the knee; however, its results are compromised by psychosocial equivalents of pain: prior research suggests…”
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Contemporary perspectives on psychosomatics in Germany: A commentary on Karen Gubb's paper, "Psychosomatics today: a review of contemporary theory and practice"
Published in The Psychoanalytic review (1963) (01-02-2013)“…Karen Gubb's (2013) review focuses on contemporary developments in psychoanalytic theory and practice in relation to psychosomatics, starting with some…”
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Attachment‐specific speech patterns induce dysphoric mood changes in the listener as a function of individual differences in attachment characteristics and psychopathology
Published in Psychology and psychotherapy (01-12-2020)“…Objectives Early childhood experiences influence cognitive‐emotional development, with insecure attachment predisposing to potential psychopathologies. We…”
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Local glutamate in cingulate cortex subregions differentially correlates with affective network activations during face perception
Published in The European journal of neuroscience (01-08-2020)“…The cingulate cortex is involved in emotion recognition/perception and regulation. Rostral and caudal subregions belong to different brain networks with…”
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Using Borderline Personality Organization to Predict Outcome after Total Knee Arthroplasty
Published in Psychotherapy and psychosomatics (01-01-2017)Get more information
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Patient Characteristics in Psychodynamic Psychotherapies
Published in Psychoanalytic psychology (01-01-2019)“…In Germany, the health insurance system covers different forms of psychotherapeutic treatments, including treatments based on psychoanalytic and psychodynamic…”
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The usefulness of the Brief Symptom Inventory 18 (BSI-18) in psychotherapeutic patients
Published in Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, medizinische Psychologie (01-02-2011)“…The BSI-18, an abridged version of the Brief Symptom Inventory of Derogatis, contains the 3 six items scales Somatization, Depression, Anxiety, and the Global…”
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Exposure to attachment narratives dynamically modulates cortical arousal during the resting state in the listener
Published in Brain and behavior (01-07-2018)“…Background Affective stimulation entails changes in brain network patterns at rest, but it is unknown whether exogenous emotional stimulation has a prolonged…”
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Omnipräsenz: Einige Überlegungen zur psychischen Abwehr der Folgen totalitärer Repressionserfahrung
Published in Forum der Psychoanalyse (01-12-2011)“…Zusammenfassung Unter den Langzeitfolgen traumatischer politischer Repressionserfahrung spielt der reaktive maßlose und alle Grenzen überschreitende…”
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