Search Results - "Freitas, Jôsie Cloviane de Oliveira"
Confirmation and characterization of interspecific hybrids of Passiflora L. (Passifloraceae) for ornamental use
Published in Euphytica (01-04-2012)“…Three new varieties of Passiflora hybrids were developed from crosses between P. sublanceolata J. M. MacDougal (ex P. palmeri var. sublanceolata Killip) versus…”
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Prediction of genetic gains by selection indexes and REML/BLUP methodology in a population of sour passion fruit under recurrent selection
Published in Acta scientiarum. Agronomy (01-04-2017)“…Breeding programmes must be improved to accelerate the development of new cultivars due to the commercial importance of passion fruit. This study compared four…”
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Sour passion fruit breeding: Strategy applied to individual selection in segregating population of Passiflora resistant to Cowpea aphid-born mosaic virus (CABMV)
Published in Scientia horticulturae (01-11-2016)“…•The highest predicted gains in segregating population with resistance to CABMV were estimated to yield and number of fruits.•The resistant genotypes and…”
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Morphological and cytogenetic characterization of new ornamental Passiflora hybrids (P. ‘Vivis’ and P. ‘Jhovi’)
Published in Crop breeding and applied biotechnology (2020)“…The present study was performed for the morphological and cytogenetic description of F1 hybrids obtained from a cross between Passiflora coccinea Aubl. and…”
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Measurement of genetic diversity in progenies of sour passion fruit by ward-mlm methodology: a strategy for heterotic group formation
Published in Ciência e agrotecnologia (01-06-2014)“…Passion fruit belongs to the family Passifloraceae, and the genus Passiflora is regarded the most economically important. The present study aimed to quantify…”
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Development and bloom in hybrids of wild passion fruit cultivated in different types of pots and shading levels
Published in Scientia agricola (01-04-2012)“…Ornamental hybrids of passion flowers are thoroughly diffused in many countries and used in the decoration of houses and gardens. However, the cultivation of…”
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First report of a genetic map and evidence of QTL for resistance to CABMV in a segregating population of Passiflora
Published in European journal of plant pathology (01-11-2019)“…The fruit woodiness disease induced by the cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus (CABMV) is considered to be of the greatest economic importance in the Passiflora…”
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Resistance to Fusarium solani and characterization of hybrids from the cross between P. mucronata and P. edulis
Published in Euphytica (01-04-2016)“…The development of resistant cultivars is an alternative to control phytosanitary problems affecting passion fruit crops. This study was conducted to obtain…”
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Meiosis and male fertility in F.sub.1 interspecific hybrids
Published in Euphytica (01-01-2023)“…Interspecific hybrids can be studied using methodologies in which the male gamete with high reproduction potential, viability, and fertility is prioritized…”
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Meiosis and male fertility in F1 interspecific hybrids (Passiflora vitifolia vs. Passiflora hatschbachii)
Published in Euphytica (2023)“…Interspecific hybrids can be studied using methodologies in which the male gamete with high reproduction potential, viability, and fertility is prioritized …”
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Photosynthetic responses of ornamental passion flower hybrids to varying light intensities
Published in Acta physiologiae plantarum (01-08-2014)“…Wild species and hybrids of passion flower are cultivated in many countries for their ornamental value, and used for landscaping as indoor and garden plants…”
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Primeiro relato de Meloidogyne mayaguensis em passiflora silvestre
Published in Ornamental Horticulture (Campinas) (2018)“…Os nematóides de galhas, do gênero Meloidogyne, estão entre as pragas que mais afetam as culturas de interesse agronômico no Brasil. Espécies de nematóide das…”
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Genotype selection by REML/BLUP methodology in a segregating population from an interspecific Passiflora spp. crossing
Published in Euphytica (01-07-2015)“…The restricted maximum likelihood/best linear unbiased prediction (REML/BLUP) method involves, simultaneously, the estimation of variance components and the…”
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Características morfofisiológicas de plantas clonais de Passiflora alata crescidas em diferentes doses de nitrogênio e níveis de sombreamento
Published in Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura (01-09-2012)“…Plantas clonais de Passiflora alata foram submetidas a quatro níveis de sombreamento (0; 25; 50 e 75%) aos 75 dias após o estaqueamento (DAE). Dez dias após,…”
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Resistance to Cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus in species and hybrids of Passiflora: advances for the control of the passion fruit woodiness disease in Brazil
Published in European journal of plant pathology (01-09-2015)“…The potyvirus-induced passion fruit woodiness disease (PWD) is considered the most important limiting factor for passion fruit production in several countries…”
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Primeiro relato de Meloidogyne mayaguensis em passiflora silvestre
Published in Ornamental Horticulture (Campinas) (01-06-2007)“…Este é o primeiro relato de M. mayaguensis em Passiflora misera. Além deste fitonematóide, foram detectados Helicotylenchus sp. e Rotylenchulus sp. nesta…”
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Prediction of genetic gains by selection indexes and REML/BLUP methodology in a population of sour passion fruit under recurrent selection/Predicao de ganhos geneticos por indices de selecao e metodologia REML/BLUP em uma populacao de maracuja-azedo sob selecao recorrente
Published in Acta scientiarum. Agronomy (01-04-2017)“…Breeding programmes must be improved to accelerate the development of new cultivars due to the commercial importance of passion fruit. This study compared four…”
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Características morfofisiológicas de plantas clonais de Passiflora alata crescidas em diferentes doses de nitrogênio e níveis de sombreamento
Published in Revista Brasileira de fruticultura (01-09-2012)“…Plantas clonais de Passiflora alata foram submetidas a quatro níveis de sombreamento (0; 25; 50 e 75%) aos 75 dias após o estaqueamento (DAE). Dez dias após,…”
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Diversidade genética com base em características morfológicas e de marcadores moleculares (RAPD) em passifloras silvestres ornamentais
Published in Ornamental Horticulture (Campinas) (01-06-2007)“…Objetivando conhecer a diversidade genética para auxiliar na seleção de genitores para obtenção de híbridos ornamentais interespecíficos, procedeu-se à…”
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Híbridos de passifloras UESC-HD13 confirmados pela análise de RAPD, morfologia e citogenética
Published in Ornamental Horticulture (Campinas) (01-06-2007)“…Esse trabalho teve como objetivos descrever híbridos UESC-HD13 e confirmar sua natureza híbrida utilizando marcador molecular RAPD, análise da segregação…”
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