Search Results - "Fredriksen, Kari"
Human habituation reduces hyrax flight initiation distance in Serengeti
Published in Ethology (01-03-2020)“…Many animal populations are exposed to disturbance originating from human activities. In response to human disturbance, certain animals display a variety of…”
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Do hyraxes benefit from human presence in Serengeti?
Published in African journal of ecology (01-12-2017)“…Understanding the factors affecting a species’ population size is crucial for conservation initiatives. Hyraxes are small, gregarious animals, predominantly…”
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Utbytte fra deltakelse i lærings- og mestringstilbud for foresatte til barn og unge med langvarige helseutfordringer – en scoping review
Published in Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning (01-11-2024)“…Hensikt: Hensikten med denne systematiske kartleggingsoversikten er å gi en komplett oversikt over artikler som har undersøkt utbyttet av å delta på lærings-…”
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A scoping review of the literature on benefits and challenges of participating in patient education programs aimed at promoting self-management for people living with chronic illness
Published in Patient education and counseling (01-11-2016)“…Highlights • Different beneficial and challenging aspects from participating in patient education programs were identified. • Lay participants and health care…”
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Effects of patient education interventions for parents of children with long-term conditions
Published in Patient education and counseling (01-04-2023)Get full text
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P13 - Effects of patient education interventions for parents of children with long-term conditions: Presenter(s): Una Stenberg, Frambu Resource Centre for Rare Disorders, Norway
Published in Patient education and counseling (01-04-2023)“…This scoping review aims to give a comprehensive and systematic overview of published evaluations and the potential impact of patient education interventions…”
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How can we describe impact of adult patient participation in health-service development? A scoping review
Published in Patient education and counseling (01-08-2020)“…•Patient participation in health-service development is not a common practice.•Impact of patient participation in health-service development is…”
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Health economic evealuations of patient education interventions a scoping review of the literature
Published in Patient education and counseling (01-06-2018)Get full text
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Group-based patient education via videoconference: A scoping review
Published in Patient education and counseling (2023)“…Objectives: To summarize recent evidence on the feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness of videoconference (VC) group-based patient and caregiver…”
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Group-based patient education via videoconference: A scoping review
Published in Patient education and counseling (01-01-2024)“…OBJECTIVESTo summarize recent evidence on the feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness of videoconference (VC) group-based patient and caregiver…”
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Health economic evaluations of patient education interventions a scoping review of the literature
Published in Patient education and counseling (01-06-2018)“…•Patient education programs are an effective tool to reduce costs.•82% of the studies found positive health economic impact.•This review can be used as…”
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