Search Results - "Frazão, Iracema"
Stress of nursing professionals working in pre-hospital care
Published in Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (01-01-2020)“…ABSTRACT Objectives: To analyze the factors related to the occupational stress of a Mobile Emergency Care Service (Samu) nursing team. Methods: This is a…”
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Nursing Diagnoses of the Homeless Population in Light of Self-care Theory
Published in Archives of psychiatric nursing (01-06-2018)“…A growing number of people find themselves in conditions of extreme poverty, which often makes living on the streets the only option. Living conditions in this…”
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Pessoas em situação de rua frente à COVID-19: Reflexões à luz de teorias de enfermagem
Published in Referência (Coimbra) (27-10-2022)“…Enquadramento: COVID-19 é uma doença respiratória aguda causada por um novo coronavírus humano. Devido à disseminação acelerada do vírus, as autoridades…”
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Stress and stressors in bus drivers
Published in Referência (Coimbra) (29-09-2017)Get full text
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"Ineffective role performance" nursing diagnosis in postpartum women: a descriptive study
Published in Online Brazilian journal of nursing (01-05-2014)“…Aim: To investigate the "ineffective role performance" nursing diagnosis in postpartum women at family health centers. Method: A descriptive study was carried…”
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Therapeutic itinerary of transsexual people in light of human rights
Published in Nursing ethics (01-08-2021)“…Background: The therapeutic itinerary is not limited to the identification and availability of health services offered, but relates to the different individual…”
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Validity and reliability of Kessler Psychological Distress Scale for Brazilian elderly: a cross-sectional study
Published in Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (2021)“…ABSTRACT Objective: to verify the validity and reliability of the Psychological Distress Scale for screening mental distress. Methods: a cross-sectional study…”
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Prevalence of suicidal behavior in young university students: A systematic review with meta-analysis
Published in Revista latino-americana de enfermagem (01-01-2021)“…Objective: to identify the prevalence of suicidal behavior in young university students. Method: a systematic review with meta-analysis of cross-sectional…”
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Stresse e stressores em motoristas de autocarros
Published in Referência (Coimbra) (01-09-2017)“…Enquadramento: O stresse ocupacional é uma das principais desordens patológicas desencadeadas por processos inadequados no trabalho. Objetivos: Investigar o…”
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Patient safety: within the reach of the homeless?
Published in Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (2020)“…to reflect on aspects related to homeless patients' safety. this is a reflective theoretical essay based on patient safety theories. the patient safety culture…”
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Bioethical analysis to the therapeutic use of Cannabis: Integrative review
Published in Nursing ethics (01-02-2019)“…Introduction: Despite being considered as a contravention under some countries’ legislation, the therapeutic use of Cannabis sativa has been growing in Brazil,…”
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Cross-cultural adaptation of the drug-taking confidence questionnaire drug version for use in Brazil
Published in BMC medical research methodology (18-05-2016)“…The Drug-Taking Confidence Questionnaire evaluates a drug user's confidence in his or her ability to resist the urge to consume psychoactive substances in…”
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Prevalencia de conductas suicidas en jóvenes universitarios: revisión sistemática con metaanálisis
Published in Revista latino-americana de enfermagem (01-01-2021)“…Objetivo: identificar la prevalencia de conductas suicidas en jóvenes universitarios. Método: revisión sistemática con metaanálisis de estudios transversales…”
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Family functionality and burden of family caregivers of users with mental disorders
Published in Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (01-01-2021)“…ABSTRACT Objective: to verify the difference of mean or median in the scores of family functionality and burden of family caregivers of people with mental…”
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Health practices by teams from Street Outreach Offices
Published in Cadernos de saúde pública (01-04-2014)“…Two distinctly serious public health problems interconnect in the universe of this study: living on the streets and drug use. To deal with this problem, Street…”
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Reiki as nursing care to people in mental suffering: an integrative review
Published in Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (01-01-2021)“…ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the scientific evidences of the use of Reiki as a care strategy to people in mental suffering. Methods: Integrative review in…”
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Perception of adolescents on healthy eating
Published in Ciência & saude coletiva (01-11-2015)“…The objective in this article is to analyze how adolescents at a school in the interior of the State of Pernambuco, Brazil, perceive healthy eating. A…”
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Práticas de saúde das equipes dos Consultórios de Rua
Published in Cadernos de saúde pública (01-04-2014)“…Existem dois fenômenos distintos que se interligam, considerados graves problemas de saúde pública: o viver nas ruas e o uso de drogas. Diante dessa…”
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Assessment tools for the measurement of the self-efficacy of drug users: protocol for a systematic review
Published in BMJ open (01-03-2018)“…IntroductionThe abuse of alcohol and other drugs is a worldwide problem, the treatment of which poses a challenge to healthcare workers.ObjectiveThis study…”
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Conhecimento de adolescentes sobre álcool e outras drogas e sua opinião acerca das tecnologias educacionais
Published in Revista de Enfermagem da UFSM (18-03-2022)“…Objetivo: investigar o conhecimento de adolescentes escolares sobre álcool e outras drogas e sua opinião acerca de tecnologias educacionais para prevenção do…”
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