Search Results - "Frankel, M. R."

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    Stroke etiology and collaterals: atheroembolic strokes have greater collateral recruitment than cardioembolic strokes by Rebello, L. C., Bouslama, M., Haussen, D. C., Grossberg, J. A., Dehkharghani, S., Anderson, A., Belagaje, S. R., Bianchi, N. A., Grigoryan, M., Frankel, M. R., Nogueira, R. G.

    Published in European journal of neurology (01-06-2017)
    “…Background and purpose Chronic hypoperfusion from athero‐stenotic lesions is thought to lead to better collateral recruitment compared to cardioembolic…”
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    Admission glucose level and clinical outcomes in the NINDS rt-PA Stroke Trial by BRUNO, A, LEVINE, S. R, FRANKEL, M. R, BROTT, T. G, LIN, Y, TILLEY, B. C, LYDEN, P. D, BRODERICK, J. P, KWIATKOWSKI, T. G, FINEBERG, S. E

    Published in Neurology (10-09-2002)
    “…Hyperglycemia during acute ischemic stroke may augment brain injury, predispose to intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), or both. To analyze the relationship between…”
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    Warfarin vs aspirin for symptomatic intracranial stenosis : Subgroup analyses from WASID by KASNER, S. E, LYNN, M. J, JOVIN, T. G, SILA, C. A, ROMANO, J. G, CHIMOWITZ, M. I, FRANKEL, M. R, HOWLETT-SMITH, H, HERTZBERG, V. S, CHATURVEDI, S, LEVINE, S. R, STERN, B. J, BENESCH, C. G

    Published in Neurology (10-10-2006)
    “…The WASID trial showed no advantage of warfarin over aspirin for preventing the primary endpoint of ischemic stroke, brain hemorrhage, or vascular death. In…”
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    The secret of the care of the patient is in knowing and applying the evidence about effective clinical communication by Frankel, RM, Sherman, HB

    Published in Oral diseases (01-11-2015)
    “…American physicians and dentists conduct approximately 140 000–160 000 patient interviews in a practice lifetime, making the interview the most frequently…”
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    Racial and geographic differences in fish consumption: The REGARDS Study by NAHAB, F, LE, A, JUDD, S, FRANKEL, M. R, ARD, J, NEWBY, P. K, HOWARD, V. J

    Published in Neurology (11-01-2011)
    “…Omega-3 fatty acids from fish have been shown to have favorable effects on platelet aggregation, blood pressure, lipid profile, endothelial function, and…”
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    Even Small Decreases in Blood Pressure during Conscious Sedation Affect Clinical Outcome after Stroke Thrombectomy: An Analysis of Hemodynamic Thresholds by Whalin, M K, Halenda, K M, Haussen, D C, Rebello, L C, Frankel, M R, Gershon, R Y, Nogueira, R G

    Published in American journal of neuroradiology : AJNR (01-02-2017)
    “…The adverse effects of general anesthesia in stroke thrombectomy have been attributed to intraprocedural hypotension, yet optimal hemodynamic targets remain…”
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    Predicting prognosis after stroke : A placebo group analysis from the national institute of neurological disorders and stroke rt-PA stroke trial by FRANKEL, M. R, MORGENSTERN, L. B, KWIATKOWSKI, T, LU, M, TILLEY, B. C, BRODERICK, J. P, LIBMAN, R, LEVINE, S. R, BROTT, T

    Published in Neurology (10-10-2000)
    “…Physicians are often asked to predict outcome after acute stroke. Very little information is available that can reliably predict the likelihood of severe…”
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    Clinical deterioration following improvement in the NINDS rt-PA Stroke Trial by GROTTA, James C, WELCH, K. M. A, FAGAN, Susan C, MEI LU, FRANKEL, Michael R, BROTT, Thomas, LEVINE, Steven R, LYDEN, Patrick D

    Published in Stroke (1970) (01-03-2001)
    “…Little is known in regard to cerebral arterial reocclusion after successful thrombolysis. In the absence of arteriographic information, the National Institute…”
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    Awkward moments in patient-physician communication about HIV risk by EPSTEIN, R. M, MORSE, D. S, FRANKEL, R. M, FRAREY, L, ANDERSON, K, BECKMAN, H. B

    Published in Annals of internal medicine (15-03-1998)
    “…Physicians frequently encounter patients who are at risk for HIV infection, but they often evaluate risk behaviors ineffectively. To describe the barriers to…”
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    Comparing obstetricians’ and neonatologists’ approaches to periviable counseling by Tucker Edmonds, B, McKenzie, F, Panoch, J E, Barnato, A E, Frankel, R M

    Published in Journal of perinatology (01-05-2015)
    “…Objective: To compare the management options, risks and thematic content that obstetricians and neonatologists discuss in periviable counseling. Study Design:…”
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    Rate of 24-hour blood pressure decline and mortality after spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage: A retrospective analysis with a random effects regression model by Qureshi, Adnan I, Bliwise, Donald L, Bliwise, Nancy G, Akbar, M. Sohail, Uzen, Guven, Frankel, Michael R

    Published in Critical care medicine (01-03-1999)
    “…OBJECTIVETo study the effect of decline in blood pressure on mortality in patients with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). DESIGNRetrospective chart…”
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    Improving adherence to dementia guidelines through education and opinion leaders : A Randomized, controlled trial by GIFFORD, D. R, HOLLOWAY, R. G, FRANKEL, M. R, ALBRIGHT, C. L, MEYERSON, R, GRIGGS, R. C, VICKREY, B. G

    Published in Annals of internal medicine (17-08-1999)
    “…Educational methods that encourage physicians to adopt practice guidelines are needed. To evaluate an educational strategy to increase neurologists' adherence…”
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    A Comparison of Address-Based Sampling (ABS) Versus Random-Digit Dialing (RDD) for General Population Surveys by Link, Michael W., Battaglia, Michael P., Frankel, Martin R., Osborn, Larry, Mokdad, Ali H.

    Published in Public opinion quarterly (01-04-2008)
    “…Valid and reliable public health data are becoming more difficult to obtain through random-digit dial (RDD) telephone surveys. As a result, researchers are…”
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    The effect of physician behavior on the collection of data by Beckman, H B, Frankel, R M

    Published in Annals of internal medicine (01-11-1984)
    “…Determining the patient's major reasons for seeking care is of critical importance in a successful medical encounter. To study the physician's role in…”
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    Stroke in young black patients : risk factors, subtypes, and prognosis by QURESHI, A. I, KAMRAN SAFDAR, MANESH PATEL, JANSSEN, R. S, FRANKEL, M. R

    Published in Stroke (1970) (01-11-1995)
    “…Stroke subtypes and prognosis differ among older black patients compared with whites; however, few data are available regarding stroke among young black…”
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    Crack cocaine use and stroke in young patients by QURESHI, A. I, AKBAR, M. S, CZANDER, E, SAFDAR, K, JANSSEN, R. S, FRANKEL, M. R

    Published in Neurology (01-02-1997)
    “…Numerous case series have proposed a relationship between "crack" cocaine use and stroke. We performed a retrospective case control study at a large inner-city…”
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    Predictors of early deterioration and mortality in black Americans with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage by QURESHI, A. I, KAMRAN SAFDAR, WEIL, E. J, BARCH, C, BLIWISE, D. L, COLOHAN, A. R, MACKAY, B, FRANKEL, M. R

    Published in Stroke (1970) (01-10-1995)
    “…Black Americans with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (SICH) may have unique clinical characteristics that affect outcome. The aim of this study was to…”
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    An Evaluation of Respondent Selection Methods for Household Mail Surveys by Battaglia, Michael P., Link, Michael W., Frankel, Martin R., Osborn, Larry, Mokdad, Ali H.

    Published in Public opinion quarterly (01-10-2008)
    “…Mail surveys are a staple of the survey industry; however, they are rarely used in surveys of the general population. The problem is twofold: (1) lack of a…”
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    Biopsy-proven cerebral vasculitis associated with cocaine abuse by KRENDEL, D. A, DITTER, S. M, FRANKEL, M. R, ROSS, W. K

    Published in Neurology (01-07-1990)
    “…We report cerebral vasculitis in 2 cocaine users who developed symptoms (transient blindness and persistent headache) while smoking "crack," followed by…”
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