Search Results - "Frank de Araújo, Elias"
Nutrient-use efficiency of Eucalyptus genotypes grown in Luvisol
Published in Revista ambiente & água (2021)“…Superior productivity of genotypes in forest plantations depends on the supply, capture and use-efficiency of resources. In this context, knowledge regarding…”
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Initial Growth and Nutrition of Eucalyptus Under Different Management of Harvest Residues
Published in Floresta e ambiente (01-01-2020)“…Abstract The management of eucalyptus harvest residues can affect the initial growth and nutrient content of new eucalyptus plantations. We investigated the…”
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Fauna Associated with Brushwood Transposition in a Mining Area in the South of Brazil
Published in Floresta e ambiente (2020)“…Abstract This study evaluates the potential of fauna attractiveness according to brushwood transposition in an abandoned mining area under restoration in Rio…”
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A Proximal Sensor-Based Approach for Clean, Fast, and Accurate Assessment of the Eucalyptus spp. Nutritional Status and Differentiation of Clones
Published in Plants (Basel) (26-01-2023)“…Several materials have been characterized using proximal sensors, but still incipient efforts have been driven to plant tissues. spp. cultivation in Brazil…”
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Nutrient Diagnosis of Eucalyptus at the Factor-Specific Level Using Machine Learning and Compositional Methods
Published in Plants (Basel) (18-08-2020)“…Brazil is home to 30% of the world’s Eucalyptus trees. The seedlings are fertilized at plantation to support biomass production until canopy closure…”
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Consistência hidrológica de modelos digitais de elevação (MDE) para definição da rede de drenagem na sub-bacia do horto florestal Terra Dura, Eldorado do Sul, RS
Published in Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo (01-08-2012)“…O desenvolvimento da erosão hídrica ocorre em resposta ao modo como a água se move através e sobre uma determinada paisagem. O modelo digital de elevação (MDE)…”
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Composition and functional soil properties of arenosols and acrisols: Effects on eucalyptus growth and productivity
Published in Soil & tillage research (01-02-2020)“…•We studied eucalyptus growth and biomass production as affected by soil properties.•In highly drainable soils, forest productivity is related to composition…”
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Subsoiling and mechanical hole-drilling tillage effects on soil physical properties and initial growth of eucalyptus after eucalyptus on steeplands
Published in Soil & tillage research (01-03-2021)“…•Tillage impacts initial growth of eucalyptus after eucalyptus in poor-soil steeplands.•Conventional downslope was compared to cross-slope tillage of varying…”
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Soil morphological, physical and chemical properties affecting Eucalyptus spp. productivity on Entisols and Ultisols
Published in Soil & tillage research (01-02-2023)“…Soil fertility in forestry systems has usually been constrained to soil nutrients, with little attention to soil morphological attributes and physical…”
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Produção e decomposição de serapilheira em um povoamento de Eucalyptus urophylla x Eucalyptus globulus maidenii
Published in CERNE (01-09-2013)“…A produção continuada de madeira em plantios comerciais exige conhecimento do processo de ciclagem de nutrientes, que envolve, entre outros aspectos, a…”
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Best tillage practices for early-growth of clonal eucalyptus in soils with distinct granulometry, drainage and profile depth
Published in Soil & tillage research (01-08-2021)“…•Tillage practices were evaluated for early-growth of clonal Eucalyptus saligna.•Seedling survival was not affected by tillage in any of the studied…”
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Soil-landscape-vegetation relationships in grassland-forest boundaries, and possible applications in ecological restoration
Published in Journal of South American earth sciences (01-12-2023)Get full text
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Tillage recommendation for commercial forest production: Should tillage be based on soil penetrability, bulk density or more complex, integrative properties?
Published in Geoderma Regional (01-06-2021)“…Efficient soil tillage methods to create a favorable environment for commercial forest require proper evaluation of soil compaction with depth, by using…”
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Frações de carbono em topossequências de solos sob eucalipto com diferentes históricos de uso
Published in Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo (01-08-2012)“…No Brasil, boa parte dos plantios florestais tem sido realizada em solos que apresentam algum grau de degradação física, química ou biológica. A proteção ao…”
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Levantamento detalhado de solos da microbacia hidrográfica do horto florestal Terra Dura (RS) e considerações sobre escalas de mapeamento
Published in Ciência e agrotecnologia (01-10-2009)“…A utilização adequada de informações contidas em levantamentos de solos fornece subsídios para o planejamento de diversas áreas de atividade, sejam agrícolas…”
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A Proximal Sensor-Based Approach for Clean, Fast, and Accurate Assessment of the IEucalyptus/I spp. Nutritional Status and Differentiation of Clones
Published in Plants (Basel) (01-01-2023)“…Several materials have been characterized using proximal sensors, but still incipient efforts have been driven to plant tissues. Eucalyptus spp. cultivation in…”
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Pedotransfer functions for water retention in different soil classes from the center-southern Rio Grande do Sul State
Published in Ciência e agrotecnologia (01-02-2013)“…Water retention in soil is used in many agronomic and environmental applications, but its direct measurement is time-consuming and expensive. Therefore,…”
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Fertilização em Eucalyptus dunnii Maiden no bioma Pampa - Brasil
Published in Ecologia e Nutrição Florestal (17-02-2021)“…Na silvicultura a fertilização mineral é necessária para suprir a demanda nutricional, no entanto, a recomendação das quantidades a serem aplicadas devem…”
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Produção de serapilheira e devolução de macronutrientes em um povoamento de Eucalyptus saligna (F. Muell)
Published in Ecologia e Nutrição Florestal (02-03-2015)Get full text
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Nutrientes na serapilheira acumulada em um povoamento de Eucalyptus saligna Smith em São Grabriel, RS
Published in Ecologia e Nutrição Florestal (25-09-2014)Get full text
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