Search Results - "Francisco Javier Rodríguez-Díaz"
Emotional Regulation as a Transdiagnostic Process of Emotional Disorders in Therapy: A Systematic Review and Meta‐Analysis
Published in Clinical psychology and psychotherapy (01-05-2024)“…ABSTRACT Context Several studies have shown that emotional regulation (ER) is a transdiagnostic construct of emotional disorders. Therefore, if therapy…”
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Adolescent Conflict and Young Adult Couple Relationships: Directionality of Violence
Published in International journal of psychological research (01-01-2020)“…The objective of this research was to study victimization and aggression in adolescent and young couple relationships, as well as to identify the…”
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Psychometric properties of the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT) in adolescents and young adults from Southern Mexico
Published in Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.) (01-12-2019)“…AbstractIntroductionAlcohol abuse is a worldwide health problem because of its association with high rates of morbidity, mortality, and interpersonal…”
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Are Generalist Batterers Different from Generally Extra-Family Violent Men? A Study among Imprisoned Male Violent Offenders
Published in The European journal of psychology applied to legal context (01-01-2018)“…Research on male batterers has found that in some cases of severe intimate partner violence (IPV) against women, male aggressors were also generally violent…”
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Burnout or the emotional impact of working with special populations
Published in Revista Española de Sanidad Penitenciaria (01-05-2018)Get full text
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Tolerance of abuse within Mexican adolescent relationships
Published in Psicologia, reflexão e crítica (2016)“…Violence in interpersonal relationships in young people has been the subject of several studies in recent years. Studies of dating violence show that one of…”
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Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad (TDAH): Prevalencia y Características Sociodemográficas en Población Reclusa
Published in Psicologia, reflexão e crítica (01-12-2015)“…Diversos estudios coinciden en señalar que la prevalencia de enfermedades mentales en internos penitenciarios es significativamente mayor que en la población…”
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Attitudinal changes and reduction of alcohol use in adolescents following a psychosocial intervention program
Published in Adicciones (Palma de Mallorca) (01-01-2009)“…Experimentation with alcohol constitutes a problem on the increase among young people in recent years, and mean age at first consumption has fallen. The goal…”
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Violencia en el noviazgo en estudiantes universitarios: validación de la escala DVQ-VP en Bolivia
Published in International journal of psychological research (08-05-2024)“…Antecedentes: La violencia en el noviazgo es un tema cada vez más estudiado ya que se relaciona con las etapas iniciales de lo que más tarde podría convertirse…”
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Percepción diferencial de la intervención para la convivencia entre escolares de Santo Domingo, República Dominicana
Published in Papeles de población (30-06-2021)“…La convivencia escolar refiere una de las dificultades a resolver en el ámbito académico. El es-tudio plantea analizar las propiedades psicométricas de la…”
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Análisis diferencial del desgaste laboral emocional en profesionales de atención socio-sanitaria geriátrica
Published in Actualidades en psicología (01-06-2020)“…El síndrome de Burnout tiene un largo recorrido histórico en el ámbito público de los profesionales dedicados al cuidado de ancianos. Objetivo. En este estudio…”
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Relación de maltrato en el noviazgo de jóvenes mexicanos: Análisis diferencial por sexo y nivel de estudios
Published in Terapia psicológica (09-07-2015)“…El objetivo de este estudio es examinar la prevalencia de conductas de violencia o maltrato de pareja (dating violence), y las diferencias por sexo y nivel de…”
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A GA-based multiple simulated annealing
Published in IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (01-07-2010)“…The design of hybrid metaheuristics with ideas from the simulated annealing and evolutionary algorithms fields is a fruitful research line. In this paper, we…”
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Tolerancia ante la violencia en el noviazgo adolescente en España
Published in Psicothema (01-04-2012)“…El análisis de la violencia entre parejas adolescentes y jóvenes en España no ha sido estudiado, a pesar de que este tipo de abusos han sido bien documentados…”
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Emergencia sociosanitaria en consumo de riesgo de alcohol y síntomas de dependencia en jóvenes
Published in Salud y drogas (23-07-2017)“…Introducción. El exceso consumo de alcohol en la población adolescente y joven constituye un problema de gran magnitud y una atención sociosanitaria Objetivo…”
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Adaptación del Inventario de Estrategias de Afrontamiento (CSI) a la población penitenciaria de Mexico
Published in Psicologia, reflexão e crítica (2014)“…El objetivo del estudio es adaptar el CSI - Inventario de Estrategias de Afrontamiento - al contexto penitenciario. La muestra - 261 penados, 97% varones…”
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Editorial: Child-to-Parent Violence: Challenges and Perspectives in Current Society
Published in Frontiers in psychology (23-06-2021)Get full text
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Implicaciones parentales en las conductas delictivas de adolescentes: tendencias y narrativas
Published in Papeles de población (01-04-2015)“…La conducta delictiva es un tema que preocupa a diferentes actores sociales. La necesidad de dar una respuesta adecuada para su atención ha llevado al…”
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Design and study of psychometric properties of the Community Attitude to Abortion Scale (CAAS) with the Chilean population: Autonomy and Stigma
Published in Frontiers in psychology (23-12-2022)“…Attitudes toward abortion are related to structural, cultural, and direct gender-based violence. This violence can affect women's mental, physical and…”
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Coping-strategies as a mediator between emotional disorders and problematic alcohol use
Published in Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.) (27-07-2024)“…Epidemiological studies reveal a high prevalence of alcohol use and comorbidity rates with emotional disorders. This study aims to explore the possible…”
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