Search Results - "Francisco A. Esteves"
Ecological determinism increases with organism size
Published in Ecology (Durham) (01-07-2012)“…After much debate, there is an emerging consensus that the composition of many ecological communities is determined both by species traits, as proposed by…”
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Correlates of zooplankton beta diversity in tropical lake systems
Published in PloS one (16-10-2014)“…The changes in species composition between habitat patches (beta diversity) are likely related to a number of factors, including environmental heterogeneity,…”
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Disturbances due to increased salinity and the resilience of zooplankton communities: the potential role of the resting egg bank
Published in Hydrobiologia (01-01-2014)“…When faced with disturbances such as increased salinity, aquatic communities inhabiting inland coastal systems change and may or may not be resilient after…”
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Community structure of resting egg banks and concordance patterns between dormant and active zooplankters in tropical lakes
Published in Hydrobiologia (01-10-2015)“…Little effort has been devoted to characterizing the resting egg banks in tropical lakes. In this study, we evaluated the structure of egg banks across 26…”
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Biodiversity effects of ecosystem engineers are stronger on more complex ecosystem processes
Published in Ecology (Durham) (01-09-2013)“…The relative importance of species richness and identity for the diversity-function relationship remains controversial. We mechanistically explored the…”
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Synergy of Fresh and Accumulated Organic Matter to Bacterial Growth
Published in Microbial ecology (01-05-2009)“…The main goal of this research was to evaluate whether the mixture of fresh labile dissolved organic matter (DOM) and accumulated refractory DOM influences…”
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Distinct Reproductive Strategy of Two Endemic Amazonian Quillworts
Published in Diversity (Basel) (01-08-2021)“…We examined the reproductive strategy of two Amazonian quillworts (Isoëtes cangae and Isoëtes serracarajensis), endemic and threatened species of canga…”
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Interactive effects of predation risk and conspecific density on the nutrient stoichiometry of prey
Published in Ecology and evolution (01-11-2015)“…The mere presence of predators (i.e., predation risk) can alter consumer physiology by restricting food intake and inducing stress, which can ultimately affect…”
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Food web architecture and basal resources interact to determine biomass and stoichiometric cascades along a benthic food web
Published in PloS one (18-07-2011)“…Understanding the effects of predators and resources on primary producers has been a major focus of interest in ecology. Within this context, the trophic…”
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Community biomass and bottom up multivariate nutrient complementarity mediate the effects of bioturbator diversity on pelagic production
Published in PloS one (12-09-2012)“…Tests of the biodiversity and ecosystem functioning (BEF) relationship have focused little attention on the importance of interactions between species…”
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Whole Ecosystem Evidence of Eutrophication Enhancement by Wetland Dredging in a Shallow Tropical Lake
Published in Estuaries and coasts (01-07-2009)“…The purpose of this research was to assess the effects of dredging performed in a marginal wetland colonized by aquatic macrophytes on eutrophication of the…”
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Protected areas: A focus on Brazilian freshwater biodiversity
Published in Diversity & distributions (01-03-2019)“…Brazil has a variety of aquatic ecosystems and rich freshwater biodiversity, but these components have been constantly damaged by the expansion of…”
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Predation cues do not affect the induction and termination of diapause in small-bodied cladocerans
Published in Freshwater biology (01-07-2010)“…1. Prey usually benefit from the early recognition of potential predators by changing their behaviour, morphology and life history. Some cladocerans even shift…”
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The Combination of Different Carbon Sources Enhances Bacterial Growth Efficiency in Aquatic Ecosystems
Published in Microbial ecology (01-11-2013)“…The dissolved organic carbon (DOC) pool is composed of several organic carbon compounds from different carbon sources. Each of these sources may support…”
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Influence of Bauxite Tailings on the Growth and Development of Oryza glumaepatula in an Amazonian Lake
Published in Hydrobiologia (01-06-2006)“…The influence of bauxite tailings on the growth and development of Oryza glumaepatula was studied in Lake Batata, a clear water lake of the Amazon. Lake Batata…”
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Amazon aquatic biodiversity imperiled by oil spills
Published in Biodiversity and conservation (01-12-2016)“…Oil exploitation poses a significant threat to freshwater biodiversity, and future plans to develop petroleum leases in the Amazon Basin should be seem with…”
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Zooplankton responses to sandbar opening in a tropical eutrophic coastal lagoon
Published in Estuarine, coastal and shelf science (01-02-2007)“…The effects of a disturbance by sandbar opening on the zooplankton community were evaluated through a long-term study in an eutrophic and oligohaline system,…”
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Complementary pathways of dissolved organic carbon removal pathways in clear-water Amazonian ecosystems: photochemical degradation and bacterial uptake
Published in FEMS microbiology ecology (01-04-2006)“…Abstract Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) photochemical reactions establish important links between DOC and planktonic bacteria. We hypothesize that seasonal…”
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prominence of and biases in biodiversity and ecosystem functioning research
Published in Biodiversity and conservation (01-03-2010)“…The sub-discipline of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning (BEF) has emerged as a central topic in contemporary ecological research. However, to date no…”
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Abundance, composition and spatial variation in the egg bank of a tropical zooplankton community
Published in Studies on neotropical fauna and environment (01-12-2011)“…Resting eggs have important ecological roles in zooplankton communities, but characterizations of egg banks in tropical systems remain scarce. Here, we…”
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