Search Results - "Francis, Ellie L."
In Vivo Human Choroidal Thickness Measurements: Evidence for Diurnal Fluctuations
Published in Investigative ophthalmology & visual science (01-01-2009)“…The authors applied partial coherence interferometry (PCI) to estimate the thickness of the human choroid in vivo and to learn whether it fluctuates during the…”
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Diurnal axial length fluctuations in human eyes
Published in Investigative ophthalmology & visual science (2004)“…This study sought diurnal variations of eye length in human subjects, analogous to those reported in laboratory animals. Seventeen subjects, ages 7 to 53…”
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The Relation of Axial Length and Intraocular Pressure Fluctuations in Human Eyes
Published in Investigative ophthalmology & visual science (01-05-2006)“…To determine in human eyes whether diurnal fluctuations in axial length are related to fluctuations in intraocular pressure (IOP) by studying these…”
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Perception response time and its misapplication: an historical and forensic perspective
Published in Theoretical issues in ergonomics science (03-05-2020)“…Perception response time (PRT), the time required for drivers to respond to roadway events, is a concept that is derived from scientific psychology. The…”
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Neural Correlate of Vernier Acuity Tasks Assessed by Functional MRI (fMRI)
Published in Current eye research (01-01-2007)“…Vernier acuity refers to the ability to discern a small offset within a line. However, while Vernier acuity has been extensively studied psychophysically, its…”
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Accommodation and vergence require effort-to-see
Published in Optometry and vision science (01-06-2003)“…Accommodation and vergence both appear to be influenced by multiple nonsensory factors. "Effort-to-see" is one of these factors. This study was designed to…”
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Highly precise eye length measurements in children aged 3 through 12 years
Published in Archives of ophthalmology (1960) (01-07-2003)“…To determine the feasibility, reliability, and validity of using partial coherence interferometry, a noncontact method that detects interference patterns from…”
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47.4: Empirical Evaluation of User Responses to Reading Text Rendered Using ClearType™ Technologies
Published in SID International Symposium Digest of technical papers (01-06-2001)“…Subjective and objective measures were recorded from 18 users who spent 60 minutes reading fiction from each of three different displays. When reading from an…”
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Selectivity in interocular interactions
Published 01-01-1988“…Within the realm of visual science, many seemingly well-investigated questions remain unresolved. One of these is the question of the mechanism or mechanisms…”
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The accuracy of binocular vergence for peripheral stimuli
Published in Vision research (Oxford) (1983)“…Two experiments were conducted to investigate the roles of dark vergence and retinal eccentricity as factors influencing binocular vergence responses. A nonius…”
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A behavioral link between the oculomotor and cardiovascular systems
Published in Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science (01-01-1995)“…Although the eyes and the heart serve very different purposes, each receives autonomic innervation. Capitalizing on recent theoretical and technological…”
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