Search Results - "Fragkou, Maria Christina"
Trust matters: Why augmenting water supplies via desalination may not overcome perceptual water scarcity
Published in Desalination (01-11-2016)“…Historically, water scarcity has been understood to result from unfavorable climatological and hydrological factors. From this perspective, infrastructural…”
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Desalination and the disarticulation of water resources: Stabilising the neoliberal model in Chile
Published in Transactions - Institute of British Geographers (1965) (01-06-2020)“…In recent years, seawater desalination has become a more viable and common solution to water scarcity around the world. Desalination is a supply‐led solution…”
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A general methodology for calculating the MSW management self-sufficiency indicator: Application to the wider Barcelona area
Published in Resources, conservation and recycling (01-04-2010)“…In this paper, a new methodology adequate for the separate accounting and analysis of municipal solid waste (MSW) flows of a system is developed, employing the…”
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Data on accumulative allocation of water rights in the Atacama Desert (Antofagasta Region, northern Chile), 1905–2018
Published in Data in brief (01-06-2022)“…This article presents a dataset on the accumulated water flow (L/s) granted in the Antofagasta Region for each year between 1905 and 2018. We produced the…”
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Metabolisms of injustice: municipal solid-waste management and environmental equity in Barcelona's Metropolitan Region
Published in Local environment (09-08-2014)“…Environmental justice studies that focus on the management of municipal solid waste (MSW) typically examine the unequal distribution of associated health and…”
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Desafios de governança da água: conceito de territórios hidrossociais e arranjos institucionais
Published in Estudos Avançados (01-08-2021)“…RESUMO Entende-se como governança da água um conjunto de processos e estratégias político, organizacionais e administrativos, dentro de estruturas previamente…”
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The (not-so-free) Chilean water model. The case of the Antofagasta Region, Atacama Desert, Chile
Published in The extractive industries and society (01-09-2022)Get full text
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Understanding everyday water experiences through flows: A feminist political ecology take on household metabolism
Published in Environment and planning. E, Nature and space (Print) (30-04-2024)“…At a time of growing threats to global freshwater availability, urban water supply is becoming increasingly challenging, affecting water security for urban…”
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An ecosystemic approach for assessing the urban water self-sufficiency potential: lessons from the Mediterranean
Published in Urban water journal (02-10-2016)“…Frequent water stress episodes affecting urban hubs have caused a shift in urban water management towards integrated approaches and motivated a search for…”
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Abastecimiento de agua potable por camiones aljibe durante la megasequía. Un análisis hidrosocial de la provincia de Petorca, Chile
Published in EURE (01-09-2022)“…A pesar de su amplia extensión espacial y temporal, la distribución de agua mediante camiones aljibe (cisterna) no ha sido estudiada desde la Geografía. En…”
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Editorial: voces contemporáneas de la Geografía Feminista desde el Sur
Published in Investigaciones geográficas (Santiago. Chile) (31-07-2023)Get full text
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Conflictividad en construcción: desarrollo urbano especulativo y gestión del agua en Santiago de Chile
Published in Ecología política : cuadernos de debate internacional (01-07-2014)Get full text
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Published in Investigaciones geográficas (Santiago. Chile) (31-12-2018)Get full text
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Conocimiento técnico-científico en el conflicto hídrico en Chile: Un análisis de la Judicialización de conflictos en las regiones Antofagasta y Valparaíso /Technical-Scientific Knowledge in the water conflict in Chile: An analysis of conflict judicialization in Antofagasta and Valparaíso regions
Published in Revista mad (01-09-2021)“…El presente artículo propone un análisis del uso del conocimiento científico en la jurisprudencia nacional respecto del conflicto hídrico en las regiones de…”
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El análisis de flujos energéticos como herramienta de análisis territorial; el caso de la Región Metropolitana de Barcelona
Published in Revista de urbanismo (29-12-2015)“…La diversificación de las fuentes energéticas usadas a lo largo de la historia, resultado del creciente consumo de los sistemas socio económicos, ha sido un…”
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El análisis de flujos energéticos como herramienta de análisis territorial; el caso de la Región Metropolitana de Barcelona
Published in Revista de urbanismo (01-12-2015)“…La diversificación de las fuentes energéticas usadas a lo largo de la historia, resultado del creciente consumo de los sistemas socioeconómicos, ha sido un…”
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