Search Results - "Fotsing, Salomon"
Impact of SARS, H1N1, and COVID-19 on Medical Trainees’ Academic and Personal Experience: A Systematic Search and Narrative Review
Published in Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development (01-01-2023)“…OBJECTIVES The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is a destabilizing experience for medical students and resident doctors and troubles their training in the hospital setting…”
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Book Review Journal Article -
Preclerkship Point-of-Care Ultrasound: Image Acquisition and Clinical Transferability
Published in Journal of medical education and curricular development (01-01-2020)“…Introduction: The integration of point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) in preclerkship medical education is currently popular and based on the notion that POCUS may…”
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Journal Article -
Medical Students' Perception of Telesimulation Training: A Qualitative Analysis
Published in Journal of medical education and curricular development (01-01-2024)“…Over the past 2 decades, simulation-based learning has become an essential part of medical training. Simulated clinics have proven to be effective for training…”
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A Call for More Humanity
Published in University of Ottawa journal of medicine (20-03-2022)Get full text
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Mentoring for Admission and Retention of Black Socio-Ethnic Minorities in Medicine: A Scoping Review
Published in Journal of medical education and curricular development (01-01-2024)“…Despite numerous mentoring strategies to promote academic success and eligibility in medicine, Black students remain disproportionately underrepresented in…”
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Nomenclature des patients dans la formation des professionnels de la santé en fonction du rôle et de l'implication : une revue de littérature narrative
Published in Canadian medical education journal (13-08-2022)“…Problème de recherche : Les patients vivant avec une maladie et qui sont impliqués dans l'éducation des professionnels de la santé sont désignés par des termes…”
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Journal Article -
Évaluation d’un outil pour améliorer la qualité de la rétroaction écrite des précepteurs pour les résidents en médecine familiale : formations et utilisation d’un guide critérié basé sur les compétences CanMEDS-MF
Published in Canadian medical education journal (28-02-2023)“…Contexte : La rétroaction écrite est primordiale dans l’enseignement aux résidents, mais les précepteurs ne sont pas toujours bien outillés pour offrir une…”
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Prévalence de la dépression majeure chez les arthritiques des populations canadiennes: étude comparative entre anglophones majoritaires et francophones en situation linguistique minoritaire
Published in Canadian journal of public health (01-11-2013)“…OBJECTIF :La santé mentale et l'arthrite sont deux maladies reconnues comme étant des enjeux majeurs en santé publique. La situation minoritaire des…”
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Nomenclature of real patients in health professional education by role and engagement: A narrative literature review
Published in Canadian medical education journal (01-09-2022)“…Research problem: Real patients living with a disease and engaged in the education of healthcare professionals are referred to by different terms. To address…”
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The quest for greater equity: a national cross-sectional study of the experiences of Black Canadian medical students
Published in CMAJ open (01-10-2022)“…Black medical students have been consistently underrepresented in Canadian medical schools, and data on the impact of discrimination on their medical education…”
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Evaluation of a tool to improve the quality of preceptor written feedback for family medicine residents: training and use of a CanMEDS-MF competency-based criterion guide
Published in Canadian medical education journal (01-03-2023)“…Written feedback is essential in resident teaching, but preceptors are not always well equipped to provide relevant feedback. The purpose of this study was to…”
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Portrait of French-speaking minorities with respect to vaccination against COVID-19
Published in Canada communicable disease report (01-08-2023)“…The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination campaign highlighted the requirement to better understand the needs of different populations…”
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Communicating effectively with patients about vaccination: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials
Published in Canada communicable disease report (01-08-2023)“…Good communication between healthcare professionals and their patients is essential to enlighten the benefits and risks of vaccination. Despite the…”
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Portrait des francophones en situation minoritaire en matière de vaccination contre la COVID-19
Published in Canada communicable disease report (01-07-2023)“…Contexte : La campagne vaccinale contre la maladie à coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) a révélé la nécessité de mieux comprendre les besoins de différentes…”
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Communiquer efficacement avec le patient sur la vaccination : une revue systématique d’essais contrôlés randomisés
Published in Canada communicable disease report (01-07-2023)“…Contexte :La bonne communication entre le professionnel de la santé et son patient est essentielle pour éclairer les bénéfices et risques de la vaccination…”
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Améliorer la qualité de la rétroaction écrite des précepteurs pour les résidents en médecine familiale : évaluation de formations et utilisation d’un guide critérié basé sur les compétences CanMEDS-Médecine Familiale
Published in Canadian medical education journal (2023)“…Contexte : La rétroaction écrite est primordiale dans l’enseignement aux résidents, mais les précepteurs ne sont pas toujours bien outillés pour offrir une…”
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Prevalence of major depression in the arthritic conditions of Canadian populations: a comparative study between English-speaking majority and francophones in minority communities
Published in Canadian journal of public health (05-04-2013)“…Mental health and arthritis have been recognized as major public health issues. Francophone minority status has now been acknowledged as a health determinant…”
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