Search Results - "Follingstad, D R"

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    Predictors of attrition in a treatment program for battering men by DEHART, D. D, KENNERLY, R. J, BURKE, L. K, FOLLINGSTAD, D. R

    Published in Journal of family violence (01-03-1999)
    “…This study examines factors associated with the high attrition rate in treatment programs for men who batter. In accord with past research, we expected…”
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    Journal Article
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    Violence in lesbian and gay relationships: Theory, prevalence, and correlational factors by Burke, Leslie K., Follingstad, Diane R.

    Published in Clinical psychology review (01-08-1999)
    “…This article reviews and critiques the existing empirical literature examining interpersonal violence in lesbian and gay relationships. Studies assessing…”
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    Journal Article
  3. 3

    Defining Psychological Abuse of Husbands Toward Wives: Contexts, Behaviors, and Typologies by FOLLINGSTAD, DIANE R., DeHART, DANA D.

    Published in Journal of interpersonal violence (01-09-2000)
    “…Little consensus exists regarding which particular behaviors constitute psychological abuse. In this study, a national sample of psychologists rated behaviors…”
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  4. 4

    Effects of battered women's early responses on later abuse patterns by Follingstad, D R, Hause, E S, Rutledge, L L, Polek, D S

    Published in Violence and victims (01-01-1992)
    “…Abused women (N = 234) were interviewed using a structured questionnaire to determine whether violence increases during the course of an abusive relationship…”
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    Journal Article
  5. 5

    Reputation and behaviour of battered women who kill their partners : Do these variables negate self-defense ? by FOLLINGSTAD, D. R, BRONDINO, M. J, KLEINFELTER, K. J

    Published in Journal of family violence (01-09-1996)
    “…Vignettes describing a case in which a battered woman killed her husband were presented to college students. The presence of verbal aggression increased the…”
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    Professionals' adherence to mandatory child abuse reporting laws: effects of responsibility attribution, confidence ratings, and situational factors by Kalichman, S C, Craig, M E, Follingstad, D R

    Published in Child abuse & neglect (1990)
    “…This study investigated the relationship between responsibility attribution and tendency to report child sexual abuse among practicing psychologists. Two…”
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    Utilizing disclosure in the treatment of the sequelae of childhood sexual abuse: A theoretical and empirical review by Bradley, Rebekah G, Follingstad, Diane R

    Published in Clinical Psychology Review (01-02-2001)
    “…Although disclosure is a component of many therapeutic approaches to treating the long-term symptoms associated with child sexual abuse (CSA), the ameliorative…”
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    Book Review Journal Article
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    Sex fantasies revisited: an expansion and further clarification of variables affecting sex fantasy production by FOLLINGSTAD, D. R, KIMBRELL, C. D

    Published in Archives of sexual behavior (01-12-1986)
    “…Findings of prior research which indicated both external factors (experimental response cues) and internal factors (sex guilt) influencing subjects' writing of…”
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    Psychological factors that predict reaction to abortion by Moseley, D T, Follingstad, D R, Harley, H, Heckel, R V

    Published in Journal of clinical psychology (01-04-1981)
    “…Investigated demographic and psychological factors related to positive or negative reactions to legal abortions performed during the first trimester of…”
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    The relationship between communication and marital satisfaction: a review by Boland, J P, Follingstad, D R

    Published in Journal of sex & marital therapy (1987)
    “…This paper provides a comprehensive methodological review of the literature assessing the relationship between marital satisfaction and communication. The…”
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  14. 14

    Verbal coercive sexual behavior among college students by Craig, M E, Kalichman, S C, Follingstad, D R

    Published in Archives of sexual behavior (01-10-1989)
    “…Coercive sexual behavior exists at alarming rates on college campuses. Researchers attempting to identify factors related to sexual coercion have primarily…”
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  15. 15

    Factors Influencing the Reporting of Father-Child Sexual Abuse: Study of Licensed Practicing Psychologists by Kalichman, Seth C, Craig, Mary E, Follingstad, Diane R

    “…Several studies have indicated that high proportions of practicing psychologists fail to report case's of suspected child sexual abuse despite their knowledge…”
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    Risk factors and correlates of dating violence: the relevance of examining frequency and severity levels in a college sample by Follingstad, D R, Bradley, R G, Laughlin, J E, Burke, L

    Published in Violence and victims (01-01-1999)
    “…To determine whether categorizing levels of violence along dimensions of frequency and severity would result in informative distinctions among individuals…”
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  17. 17

    Mental health professionals and suspected cases of child abuse: an investigation of factors influencing reporting by KALICHMAN, S.C, CRAIG, M.E, FOLLING STAD, D.R

    Published in Community mental health journal (01-04-1988)
    “…The prevalence and effects of child abuse have been reported in numerous studies. Although mandatory reporting laws require professionals to report suspected…”
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    Sexual fantasies of females as a function of sex guilt and experimental response cues by Moreault, Denise, Follingstad, Diane R

    “…Investigated the effects of response cues (erotic, romantic, or neutral) and level of sex guilt on the self-reported sexual fantasies of 90 undergraduate…”
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    Group therapy for incarcerated women who experienced interpersonal violence: A pilot study by Bradley, Rebekah G., Follingstad, Diane R.

    Published in Journal of traumatic stress (01-08-2003)
    “…This study evaluated effectiveness of group therapy for incarcerated women with histories of childhood sexual and/or physical abuse. The intervention was based…”
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