Search Results - "Folgado, António"
Potential of olive oil tourism in promoting local quality food products: A case study of the region of Extremadura, Spain
Published in Heliyon (01-10-2019)“…This work aims to highlight tourism based on gastronomy, heritage and olive oil-related activities. These activities enhance the knowledge about the product…”
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Olive oil tourism: state of the art
Published in Tourism and hospitality management (01-05-2019)“…Purpose - Oleotourism has recently caught the attention of researchers in the field of tourism marketing and management. Contributions on this subject begin to…”
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Water Tourism: A New Strategy for the Sustainable Management of Water-Based Ecosystems and Landscapes in Extremadura (Spain)
Published in Land (Basel) (01-01-2019)“…Water is an important element for the conservation of ecosystems and for human wellbeing. Recently, there has been a loss of awareness about the value of this…”
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Social Responsibility Attitudes and Behaviors’ Influence on University Students’ Satisfaction
Published in Social sciences (Basel) (01-02-2020)“…This study focused on university social responsibility (USR). Corporate social responsibility is currently an extremely common strategy implemented by…”
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Recurrent midgut volvulus in an adult patient — The case for pexy? A case report and review of the literature
Published in International journal of surgery case reports (01-01-2020)“…•Intestinal malrotation and midgut volvulus in adulthood are rare events.•Reports of recurrence among adults are very scarce. The rate of recurrence and…”
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Porcelain gallbladder
Published in Revista española de enfermedades digestivas (01-11-2016)“…A 62-year-old female was referenced to our outpatient clinic for a single episode of right upper quadrant pain and weight loss of 3 kg in the last 6 months. No…”
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The contribution of cultural events to the formation of the cognitive and affective images of a tourist destination
Published in Journal of destination marketing & management (01-06-2018)“…This study aims to assess the influence of cultural events, structural elements and place brand on destinations’ overall image, based on an evaluation of…”
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Healthy Water-Based Tourism Experiences: Their Contribution to Quality of Life, Satisfaction and Loyalty
Published in International journal of environmental research and public health (17-03-2020)“…The scientific literature on tourism identifies two driving trends: the quest for experientiality and the growing connection between holidays and quality of…”
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Olive oil tourism experiences: Effects on quality of life and behavioural intentions
Published in Journal of vacation marketing (01-07-2023)“…Gastronomic tourism experiences are revealed as a response to a rural environment that needs to bet on economic diversification and to meet an evolving tourist…”
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Influencia de internet versus medios tradicionales sobre la imagen de marca ciudad
Published in Revista de ciencias sociales (Maracaibo, Venezuela) (01-04-2019)“…La relevancia de las fuentes de información de internet en el proceso de formación de la imagen es cada vez más reconocida en la literatura. El propósito de…”
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Porcelain gallbladder
Published in Revista española de enfermedades digestivas (01-11-2016)Get full text
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Assessing the differentiated contribution of city resources to city brand image
Published in Tourism & management studies (2015)“…Intense competition among tourism destinations has forcedtourism managers to use all their available resources incomprehensive strategies to improve their…”
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Residents' attitude and emotional response to Oleotourism: a case study of Extremadura (Spain)
Published in Tourism recreation research (03-09-2023)“…Oleotourism is practiced and offered in areas with a strong tradition of olive oil production having ancient olive groves. While locals of olive growing areas…”
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Carcinossarcoma da vesícula biliar: revisão da literatura a propósito de um caso clínico
Published in Revista Portuguesa de Cirurgia (01-06-2014)“…O carcinossarcoma da vesicula biliar é uma doença rara que se carateriza por apresentar um componente epitelial e mesenquimatoso em simultâneo no mesmo tumor…”
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Traumatismo penetrante dos vasos subclávios: revisão da literatura a propósito de um caso clínico
Published in Revista Portuguesa de Cirurgia (01-03-2015)“…O traumatismo penetrante dos vasos subclávios é pouco frequente, mas está associado a uma elevada taxa de morbi/mortalidade. O seu diagnóstico e abordagem…”
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Porcelain gallbladder
Published in Revista española de enfermedades digestivasGet full text
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Recurrent midgut volvulus in an adult patient - The case for pexy? A case report and review of the literature
Published in International journal of surgery case reports (01-01-2020)“…INTRODUCTIONIntestinal malrotation is a rare condition, with an incidence estimated between 0,2 to 1%. Most cases are diagnosed and treated during childhood…”
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Pancreatic squamous carcinoma mimicking a bleeding duodenal ulcer
Published in Gastrointestinal endoscopy (01-03-2000)Get full text
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Published in International journal of Euro-Mediterranean studies (01-01-2021)“…This paper explores Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) as a common example of Euro-Mediterranean heritage and its potential in promoting innovative tourism…”
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Tourist events with territorial identity and tourism development: a comparative analysis between the regions of Setúbal (Portugal) and Extremadura (Spain)
Published in Journal of tourism and heritage research (2019)“…The objective of this work is to carry out a comparative analysis including a selection of events with territorial identity in order to check their impact on…”
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