Search Results - "Flavia, Martinelli"
Rethinking spatial policy in an era of multiple crises
Published in Cambridge journal of regions, economy and society (11-02-2022)“…After more than thirty years of post-war relative regional convergence, since the 1980s geographical inequalities in economic prosperity and social conditions…”
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Influence of drying temperature on coconut-fibers
Published in Scientific reports (18-03-2024)“…The use of natural fibers in cementitious composites has been gaining prominence in engineering. The natural lignocellulosic fibers (NLFs) used in these…”
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Experimental Findings and Validation on Torsional Behaviour of Fibre-Reinforced Concrete Beams: A Review
Published in Polymers (15-03-2022)“…Fibres have long been utilized in the construction sector to improve the mechanical qualities of structural elements such as beams, columns, and slabs. This…”
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A Review of the Use of Coconut Fiber in Cement Composites
Published in Polymers (06-03-2023)“…The use of plant fibers in cementitious composites has been gaining prominence with the need for more sustainable construction materials. It occurs due to the…”
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Towards Alternative Model(s) of Local Innovation
Published in Urban studies (Edinburgh, Scotland) (01-10-2005)“…This paper introduces a Special Topic on social innovation in the governance of urban communities. It also seeks to widen the debate on the meaning of social…”
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Acculturation stress and mental health outcomes in a sample of migrant inpatients: Findings from a naturalistic study
Published in International journal of social psychiatry (23-10-2024)“…Migrants face numerous risk factors for mental disorders, including stressors and traumatic events during the pre-, peri-, and post-migratory phases…”
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Biological correlates of treatment resistant depression: a review of peripheral biomarkers
Published in Frontiers in psychiatry (24-10-2023)“…IntroductionMany patients fail to respond to multiple antidepressant interventions, being defined as "treatment-resistant depression" (TRD) patients. TRD is…”
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El marco curricular nacional uruguayo: enseñanza por competencias y educación física
Published in Pro-posições (2024)“…Resumen El año 2023 marca la implementación del Marco Curricular Nacional (MCN) uruguayo. En este artículo sistematizamos las discusiones teóricas sobre el…”
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Childhood studies and leisure studies: a call for active participation and research with children
Published in Zero-a-seis (08-08-2024)“…The reviewed book offers an innovative study of British Indian middle-class families, drawing upon the voices of children and parents, and establishing an…”
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Itinerários e desafios acerca da participação das crianças na formação continuada de professores de Educação Física
Published in Zero-a-seis (27-10-2022)“…Nas últimas décadas, a formação continuada de professores tem sido objeto de discussão e análise. Somadas à estas questões, consolidam-se cada vez mais estudos…”
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Introduction: Social Innovation and Governance in European Cities: Urban Development Between Path Dependency and Radical Innovation
Published in European urban and regional studies (01-07-2007)“…This introductory article does three things. First, it compares neo-liberal and social innovation discourses about urban socio-economic change, including…”
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“Es que conozco uno diferente, que vuela más”: la construcción de juguetes como técnica de investigación con niños
Published in Revista Brasileira de Estudos Pedagógicos (01-01-2024)“…El texto se refiere al artículo de una tesis de doctorado defendida en el Programa de Posgrado en Educación de la Universidad de Brasilia. El trabajo articula…”
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Explaining the enduring deficit of public ECEC services in the south of Italy
Published in International journal of sociology and social policy (24-06-2020)“…PurposeThis article seeks to explain why the public provision of early childhood education and care (ECEC) services in Reggio di Calabria – the largest city of…”
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Explaining the enduring deficit of public ECEC services in the south of Italy: The case of Reggio di Calabria
Published in International journal of sociology and social policy (24-06-2020)“…PurposeThis article seeks to explain why the public provision of early childhood education and care (ECEC) services in Reggio di Calabria – the largest city of…”
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Apropriação de saberes nas aulas de educação física: “eu sou gordinho e consegui, ué” (Knowledge acquisition during physical education classes: “i am fat and i succeeded, ok!”) (Apropiación de saberes en las clases de educación física: “yo soy gordito y lo hice, che!”)
Published in Retos (Madrid) (2022)“…O presente estudo tem como objetivo compreender como as crianças se apropriam de saberes nas aulas de Educação Física, evidenciando maneiras particulares de…”
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Culturas infantis nas fotografias do parque Violeta Dória Lins (décadas de 1940 a 1960)
Published in Movimento (Porto Alegre, Brazil) (2023)“…O Parque Infantil Violeta Dória Lins foi inaugurado em 1940, em Campinas, como parte de um projeto mais amplo que tinha como finalidade educar e cuidar de…”
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Infância e urbanidade nos parques infantis de São Paulo
Published in Educação e Pesquisa (2019)“…Resumo Os parques infantis foram instituições implantadas na década de 1930, na cidade de São Paulo, que pretendiam promover a socialização de crianças em seu…”
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Health related quality of life of patients undergoing oral anticoagulation therapy
Published in Revista latino-americana de enfermagem (01-07-2011)“…This is a descriptive cross-sectional study, which aimed to analyze the health related quality of life (HRQoL) and its relationship with gender, age, duration…”
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Adaptation and validation of an oral anticoagulation measurement of treatment adherence instrument
Published in Revista latino-americana de enfermagem (01-05-2010)“…This methodological study adapted and analyzed the psychometric properties of the Measurement of Treatment Adherence (MTA) instrument for Brazilian users of…”
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Published in Movimento (Porto Alegre, Brazil) (01-01-2018)“…O estudo analisou as concepções de Educação Física de mestrandos e doutorandos de um programa de pós-graduação. A pesquisa de cunho qualitativo e quantitativo…”
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