Search Results - "Fischer, Melanie K."
Honeydew production and honeydew sugar composition of polyphagous black bean aphid, Aphis fabae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on various host plants and implications for ant-attendance
Published in European journal of entomology (03-05-2005)“…The black bean aphid, Aphis fabae, is polyphagous and its life cycle involves seasonal migration between summer and winter host plants. The aphids are…”
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Competition for mutualists in an ant-homopteran interaction mediated by hierarchies of ant attendance
Published in Oikos (01-03-2001)“…Workers of the ant species Lasius niger showed marked preferences when collecting honeydew from three aphid species living on tansy, Tanacetum vulgare…”
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Age-specific patterns in honeydew production and honeydew composition in the aphid Metopeurum fuscoviride: implications for ant-attendance
Published in Journal of insect physiology (01-03-2002)“…The intensity of the mutualistic relationship between aphids and ants depends mainly on the composition and amount of honeydew. We used the model system…”
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Interactions between extrafloral nectaries, aphids and ants: are there competition effects between plant and homopteran sugar sources?
Published in Oecologia (01-12-2001)“…Broad bean (Vicia faba), an annual plant bearing extrafloral nectaries (EFN) at the base of the upper leaves, is regularly infested by two aphid species, Aphis…”
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