Search Results - "Filho, Fernando Claudino dos Santos"
Proximal Femur Fracture and Vascular Injury in Adults-Case Report
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-05-2019)“…Vascular complications in the surgical treatment of hip fractures are rare. Depending on the arterial injury, severe intraoperative bleeding or a subacute…”
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Are diaphyseal clavicular fractures still treated traditionally in a non-surgical way?
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-06-2017)“…To evaluate the decision of orthopedics surgeons regarding which cases they would indicate surgery or non-surgical treatment. 20 images of radiographs with…”
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Posterior dislocation of the sternoclavicular joint: report of two cases
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-09-2016)“…The authors report the cases of two young patients who had suffered a sporting accident with posterior traumatic dislocation of sternoclavicular joint. In one…”
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Objective assessment of plaster cast quality in pediatric distal forearm fractures: Is there an optimal index?
Published in Injury (01-02-2017)“…Abstract Background Several so-called casting indices are available for objective evaluation of plaster cast quality. The present study sought to investigate…”
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Where is the true location of the femoral piriform fossa?
Published in Injury (01-12-2016)“…Abstract Objective To analyze knowledge of the anatomic location of the piriform fossa using a questionnaire with anatomic figures. Materials and methods…”
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Fratura proximal do fêmur e lesão vascular em adultos – Relato de caso
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-05-2019)“…Resumo Complicações vasculares no tratamento cirúrgico da fratura do quadril são raras. A depender da lesão arterial, pode ocorrer um grave sangramento…”
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Fraturas da diáfise da clavícula ainda são tratadas tradicionalmente, de forma não cirúrgica?
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-07-2017)“…Avaliar a decisão de cirurgiões ortopédicos sobre em que casos indicariam a cirurgia ou tratariam não cirurgicamente. Foram analisadas 20 imagens de…”
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Luxação posterior da articulação esternoclavicular: relato de dois casos
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-09-2016)“…Relato de caso de dois jovens que se acidentaram no esporte e apresentaram luxação traumática posterior da articulação esternoclavicular. Em um paciente foi…”
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Posterior dislocation of the sternoclavicular joint: report of two cases
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-09-2016)Get full text