Search Results - "Figueroa, Pascual"
Analysis of the distances covered by first division brazilian soccer players obtained with an automatic tracking method
Published in Journal of sports science & medicine (01-06-2007)“…Methods based on visual estimation still is the most widely used analysis of the distances that is covered by soccer players during matches, and most…”
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Tracking soccer players aiming their kinematical motion analysis
Published in Computer vision and image understanding (01-02-2006)“…In this work, we consider the problem of tracking players, during a soccer game, through the use of multiple cameras. The main goal here consists in finding…”
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A flexible software for tracking of markers used in human motion analysis
Published in Computer methods and programs in biomedicine (01-10-2003)“…In this work, we present a software for the tracking of markers used in human motion analysis. This software is based mainly on image sequences captured by…”
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Background recovering in outdoor image sequences: An example of soccer players segmentation
Published in Image and vision computing (01-04-2006)“…In this work, we consider the problem of background pixels information recovering which can be used, for example, in applications concerning segmentation and…”
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Measuring handball players trajectories using an automatically trained boosting algorithm
Published in Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering (01-01-2011)“…The aim of the present paper is to propose and evaluate an automatically trained cascaded boosting detector algorithm based on morphological segmentation for…”
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Improving Local Latent Fingerprint Representations Under Data Constraints
Published in 2024 37th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI) (30-09-2024)“…Latent fingerprint identification is one of the most challenging tasks in fingerprint recognition due to poor image quality, small fingerprint areas, and…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Parámetros del crecimiento físico de niños que viven a moderada altitud
Published in Revista médica herediana (01-04-2012)“…El desarrollo del crecimiento físico depende del bagaje genético, nutricional, nivel socio-económico, enfermedades, influencias ambientales, tendencia secular,…”
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A method to synchronise video cameras using the audio band
Published in Journal of biomechanics (01-01-2006)“…This paper proposes and evaluates a novel method for synchronisation of video cameras using the audio band. The method consists in generating and transmitting…”
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Tracking soccer players using the graph representation
Published in Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2004. ICPR 2004 (2004)“…In this work, we consider the problem of tracking soccer players during a game by using multiple cameras. The main goal consists in finding the position of the…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Tracking markers for human motion analysis
Published in 9th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 1998) (01-09-1998)“…In this work, we consider the problem of tracking markers in sequences of images for the human movement analysis. The images are captured from a common CCD…”
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Conference Proceeding