Search Results - "Ferruz Agudo, Luis"
Stochastic frontiers of efficiency for Brazilian investment funds: a panel data analysis
Published in Investment management & financial innovations (2019)“…Foundations, methodological and empirical possibilities of measurement and analysis in the performance of financial investments within investment funds have…”
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Analysis of the impact of financial crises on Ouro Scheffer’s jewelry sales
Published in Contabilidad y negocios (01-01-2018)“…This article studies financial crises and their impact on the main types of financial investment. Specifically, the objective of this study is to analyze the…”
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An analysis of Spanish investment fund performance: some considerations concerning Sharpe's ratio
Published in Omega (Oxford) (01-08-2004)“…This paper concentrates on the financial analysis of investment performance taking Sharpe's ratio as a basic point of reference, as well as giving further…”
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Relación flujos-desempeño en fondos de pensiones y fondos de inversión de España
Published in Innovar : revista de ciencias administrativas y sociales (01-07-2015)“…The objective of this study is to analyze if investors of pension funds and investment funds consider the performance achieved by the fund in the same way as…”
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Evaluation of performance and conditional information: the case of Spanish mutual funds
Published in Applied financial economics (01-07-2006)“…The performance of Spanish domestic equities improves considerably when diverse public information variables are taken into consideration. We have taken up to…”
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Effects of multicollinearity on the definition of mutual funds' strategic style: the Spanish case
Published in Applied economics letters (15-07-2005)“…This study is an approach to the strategic styles followed by Spanish mutual funds investing in domestic equities. The methodology applied is based on Sharpe's…”
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Published in Trimestre económico (01-09-2007)“…Este trabajo realiza una evaluación del desempeño de un amplio grupo de fondos de inversión españoles, tanto en términos globales como mediante una…”
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Herding behaviour in Spanish equity funds
Published in Applied economics letters (01-06-2008)“…We analyse the herding phenomenon in the management style of Spanish equity funds. Using the methodology of Lakonishok et al. (1992) and Sharpe's style…”
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Habilidades de sincronización respecto a diferentes estilos de inversión: evidencia para gestores de fondos de pensiones en España y Reino Unido / Style timing abilities: Evidence for pension fund managers from Spain and United Kingdom
Published in Revista española de financiación y contabilidad (01-07-2011)“…El objetivo fundamental de este trabajo es analizar si los gestores de fondos de pensiones son capaces de implementar estrategias de sincronización respecto a…”
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Análisis de los fondos de inversión y de pensiones en España: evolución y eficiencia en la gestión
Published in Contabilidad y negocios (21-09-2012)“…Los fondos de inversión y los fondos de pensiones son los productos de inversión colectiva más importantes en España. Sin embargo, no deben confundirse entre…”
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Análisis de intervención de las series temporales patrimonio y flujo neto de dinero de los Fondos de Inversión Socialmente Responsables (FISR) de Brasil
Published in Contabilidad y negocios (30-03-2011)“…El objetivo de este estudio es analizar si la creación de una categoría propia para los Fondos de Inversión Socialmente Responsables (FISR) de Brasil generó…”
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Analysis of the impact of excess mortgages on housing prices using the cointegration test
Published in Applied economics letters (01-11-2016)“…This article attempts to explain and predict housing prices by constructing a model based on the variables that most influence demand: the theoretical purchase…”
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Managerial Abilities: Evidence from Religious Mutual Fund Managers
Published in Journal of business ethics (01-02-2012)“…In this study, we analyze the financial performance and the managerial abilities of religious mutual fund managers, implementing a comparative analysis with…”
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Fondos de inversión éticos, ecológicos y socialmente responsables en Europa (1999-2007)
Published in Aposta (01-04-2009)“…El principal objetivo de este trabajo es reflexionar sobre la evolución que ha experimentado en los últimos años la industria de los fondos de inversión…”
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A sector strategy from the Fama and French model
Published in Applied economics letters (12-12-2015)“…In this article, we test the degree of possible interest there may be in developing an investment strategy based on the three-factor Fama and French model…”
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Eficiencia en la Gestión: ¿Pueden nuestros fondos de inversión en renta variable batir al Ibex-35?
Published in Revista española de financiación y contabilidad (01-01-2006)“…El objetivo del presente trabajo es la evaluación de los resultados de los Fondos de Inversión españoles invertidos en Renta Variable Nacional frente a su…”
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Linear and nonlinear financial time series: evidence in a sample of pension funds in Spain and the United Kingdom
Published in Applied economics letters (01-12-2012)“…In this article, we examine whether traditional linear models are suitable to assess financial samples, because financial data usually present nonnormality or…”
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Análisis de las capacidades de sincronización con el mercado y selección de valores de los gestores de fondos de inversión españoles en condiciones económicas variables
Published in Trimestre económico (22-06-2017)“…Este trabajo realiza una evaluación del desempeño de un amplio grupo de fondos de inversión españoles, tanto en términos globales como mediante una…”
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Performance of Spanish pension funds: robust evidence from alternative models
Published in Applied financial economics (01-02-2013)“…This article investigates the performance of Spanish pension funds using a range of linear and nonlinear performance models. As the sample presents…”
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Are traditional timing models well specified?
Published in Applied economics (01-09-2011)“…Traditional timing models are affected by several biases, which generate spurious timing and stock-picking coefficients. Academics have appointed different…”
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