Search Results - "Ferreras, Verònica Martínez"
From Hispania Tarraconensis (NE Spain) to Gallia Narbonensis (S France). New data on Pascual 1 amphora trade in the Augustan period
Published in Applied clay science (01-09-2013)“…The importance of wine trade between Roman provinces in the North-Western Mediterranean during the Augustan period is evidenced by several shipwrecks found…”
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Assessing Hellenistic to nomadic cultural patterns through pottery in ancient Termez, Uzbekistan
Published in Geoarchaeology (01-09-2019)“…We present the archaeological contextualization and the archaeometric characterization of slipped and nonslipped tableware and common wares from Termez in…”
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Presenting multivariate statistical protocols in R using Roman wine amphorae productions in Catalonia, Spain
Published in Journal of archaeological science (01-05-2018)“…Several analytic techniques can provide data for characterizing archaeological ceramics. These data sources are not alternative but rather complementary to…”
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Islamic glazed wares from ancient Termez (southern Uzbekistan). Raw materials and techniques
Published in Journal of archaeological science, reports (01-02-2020)“…•The chemical, mineralogical and petrographic composition of glazed wares from Termez is examined.•The local–regional vessels from the 9th-11th c. contain lead…”
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Adaptive Dynamics of Settlement Models in the Urban Landscape of Termez (Uzbekistan) from c. 300 BCE to c. 1400 CE
Published in Land (Basel) (01-08-2023)“…The archaeological site of Ancient Termez is located in southern Uzbekistan. Despite the arid environment, the city benefited from its strategic position near…”
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Pottery of the steppe piedmonts of the Bactro-Sogdian Borderlands: The case of Iskandar Tepa (mid-2nd–1st c. BC)
Published in Archaeological research in Asia (01-09-2022)“…Iskandar Tepa is a recently excavated rural settlement site in the steppe piedmonts of the Kugitang, the westernmost foothills of the Pamir-Alay Mountain range…”
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Firewood exploitation in the Amu Darya valley of Uzbekistan from ca. 300 BCE to ca. 1400 CE
Published in Journal of archaeological science, reports (01-12-2024)“…•Analysis of charcoal from Termez and other sites in the Amu Darya basin (300 BCE-1400 CE) reveals the use of firewood from riparian forests.•Shifts in the…”
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Zooarchaeology of ancient Termez (Uzbekistan): From the Greco-Bactrian period to Islamic times
Published in Archaeological research in Asia (01-09-2022)“…We present the results of the zooarchaeological analysis carried out on the fauna recovered in five different areas of ancient Termez (Uzbekistan). The…”
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Figlinae y producción anfórica en el territorium de Saguntum
Published in Lucentum (22-07-2021)“…Se presenta un estudio de los alfares del ager Saguntinus en época romana a partir de los resultados de una campaña de prospecciones superficiales realizadas…”
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The Nice Musical Chairs Model: Exploring the Role of Competition and Cooperation Between Farming and Herding in the Formation of Land Use Patterns in Arid Afro-Eurasia
Published in Journal of archaeological method and theory (01-12-2017)“…Following a strictly theory-building approach, we developed an agent-based simulation model, the Nice Musical Chairs model, to represent the competition…”
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Archaeometric investigations of the Molali pottery complex (Bronze Age, Uzbekistan): New data on technology and exchanges at the end of the Oxus Civilization
Published in Archaeological research in Asia (01-09-2022)“…The recent excavations at the site of Molali, located in southern Uzbekistan and dated to the mid-second millennium BCE, offer new insights into the definition…”
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The first combined archaeological and archaeometric analyses on Bronze Age pottery from Kyrgyzstan (Uch Kurbu site)
Published in Journal of archaeological science, reports (01-06-2020)“…•Bronze Age pottery from Uch Kurbu ascribed to the Andronovo Culture is analysed.•It is the first archaeological and archaeometric research on pottery from…”
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Early Medieval coarse wares from northern Bactria-Tokharistan. Archaeological and archaeometric characterization
Published in Archaeological research in Asia (01-09-2022)“…The paper focuses on the archaeological contextualization and archaeometric characterization of Early Medieval coarse wares from the town of Khosijat Tepe and…”
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The Buddhist occupation of Tchingiz Tepe (Termez, Uzbekistan) in the Kushan period through the ceramic contexts
Published in Archaeological research in Asia (01-07-2015)Get full text
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Published in International archives of the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences. (01-01-2019)“…This paper presents the preliminary results obtained during the 3D recording campaign carried out in 2018 by the Spanish-Uzbek IPAEB mission in the…”
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Journal Article Conference Proceeding -
Rapid Intensity Decrease During the Second Half of the First Millennium BCE in Central Asia and Global Implications
Published in Journal of geophysical research. Solid earth (01-10-2021)“…Recent paleomagnetic studies have shown that important short‐lived intensity fluctuations occurred during the first millennium BCE. However, the knowledge of…”
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