Search Results - "Ferreira, Paula dos Santos"
Integrating high resolution drone imagery and forest inventory to distinguish canopy and understory trees and quantify their contributions to forest structure and dynamics
Published in PloS one (10-12-2020)“…Tree growth and survival differ strongly between canopy trees (those directly exposed to overhead light), and understory trees. However, the structural…”
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Volumetric yield coefficient: the key to regulating virtual credits for Amazon wood
Published in Acta amazonica (01-03-2023)“…ABSTRACT In Brazil, all transport and storage of native forest products and by-products must be registered within the DOF (Document of Forestry Origin) system…”
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Overview of the use of clean cookstoves in the Brazilian semiarid region
Published in Sustentabilidade em Debate (31-08-2019)“…Wood cookstoves are common in the Brazilian semiarid region. Most families use traditional versions,which have a series of social, environmental and…”
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O fornecimento de medicamentos sem registro na Anvisa pelo poder público por força de decisão judicial após o julgamento do Tema 500 pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal
Published in Cadernos ibero-americanos de direito sanitário = Cuadernos iberoamericanos de derecho sanitario (30-11-2019)“…Objective: to analyze the new permissive hypotheses for the dispensation of drugs without registration with the National Health Surveillance Agency by the…”
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Enquadramento como “Pessoa Física” traz vantagens tributárias aos pequenos agricultores
Published in PUBVET (31-10-2019)“…Agribusiness accounts for almost 25% of Brazil's GDP. However, rural producers, especially small ones, find it difficult to maintain a profitable activity. One…”
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Helminth fauna and histopathology associated with parasitic infections in Phrynops geoffroanus (Schweigger, 1812) (Testudines, Chelidae) in a Brazilian river subjected to anthropogenic activities
Published in Veterinary parasitology (Amsterdam) (01-12-2021)“…The objective of this study was to determine the structure of the helminth fauna and identify the macroscopic and histopathological alterations associated with…”
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Functionality, psychosocial factors and quality of life in women with predominance of central sensitization
Published in Revista dor (01-04-2017)“…ABSTRACT BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Chronic pain is a major reason for visits to healthcare professionals and has been seen as a public health problem. Many…”
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Trial Protocol: Cognitive functional therapy compared with combined manual therapy and motor control exercise for people with non-specific chronic low back pain: protocol for a randomised, controlled trial
Published in Journal of physiotherapy (01-07-2018)“…Abstract Introduction Chronic low back pain is a public health problem, and there is strong evidence that it is associated with a complex interaction of…”
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Group pain neuroscience education combined with supervised exercises reduces pain and improves function of Brazilian women with central sensitisation and a low level of education: a single-subject study
Published in European journal of physiotherapy (02-10-2019)“…Purpose: The purpose of this single-subject experimental study was to describe the patient's outcome following pain neuroscience education in combination with…”
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Consulta de enfermagem à saúde da pessoa idosa: um relato de experiência
Published in Bionorte (01-11-2022)“…Objetivo: apresentar a experiência ao avaliar os riscos e achados em idosos durante a consulta de enfermagem, definindo diagnósticos persistentes, intervenções…”
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Structural elucidation and NMR assignments of a new pyrrolizidine alkaloid from Crotalaria vitellina Ker Gawl
Published in Magnetic resonance in chemistry (01-08-2013)“…A new pyrrolizidine alkaloid, named crotavitelin, was isolated from fruits of Crotalaria vitellina, Fabaceae (Papilionoideae). The structure was established by…”
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Benefícios assistenciais e o critério de renda
Published in Revista da Defensoria Pública do Distrito Federal (Online) (01-11-2023)“…O elevado contingente populacional, que não garante ou tem garantida sua própria subsistência, seria um dos fatores para o surgimento das políticas e…”
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Immunophenotypic Analysis of T Lymphocytes and Cytokine Production in Elderly Practicing Physical Activities and Its Relationship with Quality of Life and Depression
Published in Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity (22-09-2022)“…Aging is a complex process often associated with a chronic inflammatory profile that alters several biological functions, including the immune system and…”
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A professora que ensinava Matemática (1860-1934): as Escolas Normais e as composições curriculares masculinas e femininas
Published in Revista de Ensino de Ciências e Matemática (01-04-2024)“…O presente artigo se estabelece a partir do cenário educacional do oitocentos no qual se promulga a primeira Lei Educacional do Brasil, cujo intuito era…”
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Associação de eventos estressores ao surgimento ou agravamento de vitiligo e psoríase
Published in Psico : revista semestral do Instituto de Psicologia da PUC Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil (2005)“…O presente artigo busca identificar os motivos relacionados à presença de vitiligo e psoríase, através da análise qualitativa de 103 fichas de triagem do…”
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Segurança e efetividade da fisioterapia respiratória em abscesso pulmonar: estudo de casos
Published in Fisioterapia e pesquisa (01-12-2010)“…O abscesso pulmonar é uma lesão necrótica geralmente devida a germes piogênicos. A fisioterapia respiratória (FR) é indicada, porém há poucos relatos na…”
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Repercussão cardiovascular, com e sem álcool, do carbonato de lodenafila, um novo inibidor da PDE5 Repercusión cardiovascular, con y sin alcohol, del carbonato de lodenafila, un nuevo inhibidor de la PDE5 Cardiovascular repercussion of lodenafil carbonate, a new PDE5 inhibitor, with and without alcohol consumption
Published in Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia (01-02-2010)“…FUNDAMENTO: A disfunção erétil afeta um grande número de homens no mundo e os inibidores de PDE 5 (iPDE5) estão entre os principais métodos de tratamento…”
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Repercussão cardiovascular, com e sem álcool, do carbonato de lodenafila, um novo inibidor da PDE5
Published in Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia (01-02-2010)Get full text
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Cardiovascular repercussion of lodenafil carbonate, a new PDE5 inhibitor, with and without alcohol consumption
Published in Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia (01-02-2010)“…Millions of men around the world suffer from erectile dysfunction, for which phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors (PDE-5 inhibitors) are currently the first…”
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